NYT columnist admits ‘something has gone badly wrong’ in west coast states because of Democratic leadership

You said it.

Why do Trump supporters bring this up time after time.

It's like it's their job or something.

So OR, WA and CA don't have blue cities?

Is that your plan?

How does that work?

LA, San Diego, San Fran, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, all blue cities, and all have areas you would want to avoid.
Blue states don't have blue cities?

That's your arguement?

That said, basically all your saying is densely populated areas have more crime like they have since people started forming towns and cities thousands of years ago.

Gee, thanks.

This is not new information.
I didn’t say CITIES have higher crime - I said DEMOCRAT cities have the highest crime rates. Out of the top 30 worst crime-ridden cities, 27 are Democrat-run.

LA, San Diego, San Fran, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, all blue cities, and all have areas you would want to avoid.
Go ahead and avoid them.

I was in Seattle a couple weeks ago.

Had a great time.

The Pie Bar was awesome. Pie and booze? What a combo!
Go ahead and avoid them.

I was in Seattle a couple weeks ago.

Had a great time.

The Pie Bar was awesome. Pie and booze? What a combo!

I didn't say to "avoid them", I said they have areas you would want to avoid.

I am in all of these cities generally at least two or three times a year.
Blue states don't have blue cities?

The West is chock full of mexicans and South Americans. Far less Blacks are out west. In GA (65%) Black, ATL is murder capitol with all Black areas raising the numbers. Ditto for Jackso, STL, MEM, CHI, DET, Gary…..on and on. You suck massive black crank too. You make board trouble with your feigned ignorance. It will end, trust me.
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I didn't say to "avoid them", I said they have areas you would want to avoid.

Yeah. Cities generally do...since forever...even smaller ones like mine that is solid red.

I am in all of these cities generally at least two or three times a year.
Ah. That's cool. Been to most of them but my traveling days are mostly over until retirement except for camping.
The west coast has become an area of the country worth avoiding.
The stench of pot, the stench of homeless, the highest gas prices. Spend your vacation dollars elsewhere, the west coast has become the armpit of America.

And right there in the article is the crux of the problem:
". . .more focused on the intentions behind its policies rather than its outcomes."

It isn't that the intentions are always that bad but the left seems oblivious to history, human nature, the very basis of good government, good policy, sound economics, and most of all the consequences of what they do. It's either a total blind spot or on purpose. There are no other plausible explanations for it.
And right there in the article is the crux of the problem:
". . .more focused on the intentions behind its policies rather than its outcomes."

It isn't that the intentions are always that bad but the left seems oblivious to history, human nature, the very basis of good government, good policy, sound economics, and most of all the consequences of what they do. It's either a total blind spot or on purpose. There are no other plausible explanations for it.
So why do red states have higher murder rates, obesity and lower education.

Do voters and their policy makers not recognize bad policy?
The West is chock full of mexicans and South Americans. Far less Blacks are out west. In GA (65%) Black, ATL is murder capitol with all Black areas raising the numbers. Ditto fir Jackso, STL, MEM, CHI, DET, Gary…..on and on. You suck massive black crank too. You make board trouble with your feigned ignorance. It will en, trust me.
What's your diatribe have to do with my post?

Red states and blue states have blue cities.

So why do red states have higher murder rates, obesity and lower education.

I have my opinion on it, I was just curious why others thought so.
Reminds me of when Jesse Jackson said:

“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps... then turn around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”​

No it doesn't. Because if I am in a rural town or a white suburb and hear footsteps and see whites, I'm worried.
you find one and i bet it will have a shitty part of town.....black people dont have a lock on ghettos....
I livein Kansas, and Kansas is full of small rural towns that would classify as hoods if they were in cites.
Blue states don't have blue cities?

That's your arguement?

That said, basically all your saying is densely populated areas have more crime like they have since people started forming towns and cities thousands of years ago.

Gee, thanks.

This is not new information.
Cities are ran by both democrats and republicans. People like Lisa are disingenous because they make a city blue because the mayor is a democrat. For example, the govenor of Kansas is a Democrat, this would make Kansas a blue state according to Lisa. But the majorty of the state is Republican.
Do we have to go through this again?!

As for the murder rate, the problem is with blue cities, not red states. Remove the black population, and the murder rate would drop like you've never seen it!
No it wouldn't. Whites are killing each other.
These states have the lowest murder rate. Guess what they all have in common?

Sparse population.

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