Oakland Votes To Remove Police From Schools

Why were there police in schools in the first place? We will find out.

How did it stop what happened in Parkland?

Parkland happened because it was a huge campus........... and the odds of the school resource officer covering all of the buildings is zero......

And that he ran away? This is the only "huge" campus in the country?

Nope....pointing out that the shooter could have attacked any building there and not run into the school resource officer........and since these shooters plan their attacks on average 6 months to 2 years in advance of the attack, could have known the routine of the officer and where he is during the day.....

Which means cops are irrelevant.

Until you actually have a shooting, in which case the cop is right there on the scene and can engage the shooter...vs. waiting for the cops to get their 5-10 minutes later.............

The thing idiots like you don't understand, the best way to save lives in a mass public shooting is to engage the attacker with a gun......that makes them run away....stop shooting, surrender or commit suicide. Minutes mean lives.

Besides...as was pointed out.....mass public school shootings are the rarest of rare events anyway.......the real point to having cops on campus is the violent students who endanger teachers and other students........created by the policies of the democrat party and their war on families.
My deepest condolences to the teachers.

Even with security at certain schools, teachers do not know whether they will leave the place in one piece by the end of the school day.

When the bad actors find out there is no longer any security, may God have mercy on the teachers (and the well-behaved students who are too poor to attend a private school).
That's true. The teachers certainly get more than their share. There are seminars in how to take a beating.

Wow! I had never heard about such seminars.

I just knew that the Honorable Barack Obama had stopped suspension for defiance of teachers.

At the very least, teachers in such schools deserve combat pay -- in my opinion.
Are you in LAUSD? Knowing how to protect yourself during a beating could save your life. Teachers, no matter how badly assaulted cannot fight back no matter how big the gentle giant.
My deepest condolences to the teachers.

Even with security at certain schools, teachers do not know whether they will leave the place in one piece by the end of the school day.

When the bad actors find out there is no longer any security, may God have mercy on the teachers (and the well-behaved students who are too poor to attend a private school).
That's true. The teachers certainly get more than their share. There are seminars in how to take a beating.

Wow! I had never heard about such seminars.

I just knew that the Honorable Barack Obama had stopped suspension for defiance of teachers.

At the very least, teachers in such schools deserve combat pay -- in my opinion.
Are you in LAUSD? Knowing how to protect yourself during a beating could save your life. Teachers, no matter how badly assaulted cannot fight back no matter how big the gentle giant.

If they do, they get sued by the teen mother raising the violent criminal. Since, you know, their violent child is on his way to medical school......and is really a good kid....up until they violently assault another teacher, student or staff member....
Why were there police in schools in the first place? We will find out.

How did it stop what happened in Parkland?

Parkland happened because it was a huge campus........... and the odds of the school resource officer covering all of the buildings is zero......

And that he ran away? This is the only "huge" campus in the country?

Nope....pointing out that the shooter could have attacked any building there and not run into the school resource officer........and since these shooters plan their attacks on average 6 months to 2 years in advance of the attack, could have known the routine of the officer and where he is during the day.....

Which means cops are irrelevant.

Until you actually have a shooting, in which case the cop is right there on the scene and can engage the shooter...vs. waiting for the cops to get their 5-10 minutes later.............

The thing idiots like you don't understand, the best way to save lives in a mass public shooting is to engage the attacker with a gun......that makes them run away....stop shooting, surrender or commit suicide. Minutes mean lives.

Besides...as was pointed out.....mass public school shootings are the rarest of rare events anyway.......the real point to having cops on campus is the violent students who endanger teachers and other students........created by the policies of the democrat party and their war on families.

I still wish for a place where adults could discuss things.................
It's sending the message to the students from early on that school is a dangerous place to be. There may be small pockets where it is and that should be addressed but for the rest, I disagree in instilling that from an early age.
Police are not in every school. Are schools dangerous because cops are present?
Or are cops present because schools are dangerous?

Most schools are not dangerous.
Every school in an inner city area needs some type of authority. There are teachers who should be allowed to give it back to the student as they take from them. That is, if the student is assaulting a teacher or another student, a teacher that has that ability can kick the student perps ass. There are gangs in many areas. If there are gangs then there can be infiltration into the schools. whether from inside of outside.
Why were there police in schools in the first place? We will find out.

How did it stop what happened in Parkland?

Parkland happened because it was a huge campus........... and the odds of the school resource officer covering all of the buildings is zero......

And that he ran away? This is the only "huge" campus in the country?

Nope....pointing out that the shooter could have attacked any building there and not run into the school resource officer........and since these shooters plan their attacks on average 6 months to 2 years in advance of the attack, could have known the routine of the officer and where he is during the day.....

Which means cops are irrelevant.

Until you actually have a shooting, in which case the cop is right there on the scene and can engage the shooter...vs. waiting for the cops to get their 5-10 minutes later.............

The thing idiots like you don't understand, the best way to save lives in a mass public shooting is to engage the attacker with a gun......that makes them run away....stop shooting, surrender or commit suicide. Minutes mean lives.

Besides...as was pointed out.....mass public school shootings are the rarest of rare events anyway.......the real point to having cops on campus is the violent students who endanger teachers and other students........created by the policies of the democrat party and their war on families.

I still wish for a place where adults could discuss things.................

Yeah....but everytime the adults start to discuss an issue the democrats and left wingers on U.Smessage start posting and the discussion is ruined...
Why did people demand police in schools?

Will this change when police are gone? Disruptive and abusive behavior is acceptable in California. Take the police out and schools will become uncontrolled homes for delinquents.
Why did people demand police in schools?

Will this change when police are gone? Disruptive and abusive behavior is acceptable in California. Take the police out and schools will become uncontrolled homes for delinquents.

This call to take cops out of schools will only last till November 4......then the democrats will put the cops back in the schools since they don't have to pretend to care about Blacks again until the next election...
It's sending the message to the students from early on that school is a dangerous place to be. There may be small pockets where it is and that should be addressed but for the rest, I disagree in instilling that from an early age.
Police are not in every school. Are schools dangerous because cops are present?
Or are cops present because schools are dangerous?

Most schools are not dangerous.
Every school in an inner city area needs some type of authority. There are teachers who should be allowed to give it back to the student as they take from them. That is, if the student is assaulting a teacher or another student, a teacher that has that ability can kick the student perps ass. There are gangs in many areas. If there are gangs then there can be infiltration into the schools. whether from inside of outside.

And? I said that there are pockets that need addressed. Why argue something I'm not arguing?
Why were there police in schools in the first place? We will find out.

How did it stop what happened in Parkland?

Parkland happened because it was a huge campus........... and the odds of the school resource officer covering all of the buildings is zero......

And that he ran away? This is the only "huge" campus in the country?

Nope....pointing out that the shooter could have attacked any building there and not run into the school resource officer........and since these shooters plan their attacks on average 6 months to 2 years in advance of the attack, could have known the routine of the officer and where he is during the day.....

Which means cops are irrelevant.

Until you actually have a shooting, in which case the cop is right there on the scene and can engage the shooter...vs. waiting for the cops to get their 5-10 minutes later.............

The thing idiots like you don't understand, the best way to save lives in a mass public shooting is to engage the attacker with a gun......that makes them run away....stop shooting, surrender or commit suicide. Minutes mean lives.

Besides...as was pointed out.....mass public school shootings are the rarest of rare events anyway.......the real point to having cops on campus is the violent students who endanger teachers and other students........created by the policies of the democrat party and their war on families.

I still wish for a place where adults could discuss things.................

Yeah....but everytime the adults start to discuss an issue the democrats and left wingers on U.Smessage start posting and the discussion is ruined...

You were the one that started the juvenile name calling.
And? I said that there are pockets that need addressed. Why argue something I'm not arguing?
Because you argue as if ALL schools are patroled by police (they are not).
Or that problem schools are not already being patroled (they are).

So I wonder what your point is.
And? I said that there are pockets that need addressed. Why argue something I'm not arguing?
Because you argue as if ALL schools are patroled by police (they are not).
Or that problem schools are not already being patroled (they are).

So I wonder what your point is.

I've stated what it is. In the vast majority of schools it is a huge over reaction. We do that and I see no sense in it.
I've stated what it is. In the vast majority of schools it is a huge over reaction. We do that and I see no sense in it.
Well if you have an example of a school that uses police to monitor crime and disorder there for no reason at all I would like to hear about that specific school. Otherwise you are just spouting opinions with no basis in reality.
I've stated what it is. In the vast majority of schools it is a huge over reaction. We do that and I see no sense in it.
Well if you have an example of a school that uses police to monitor crime and disorder there for no reason at all I would like to hear about that specific school. Otherwise you are just spouting opinions with no basis in reality.

I can't provide what is not there. As I noted, 35% of schools in Idaho have police officers. No, I can't provide all the crime they were supposedly hired to address.
I can't provide what is not there. As I noted, 35% of schools in Idaho have police officers. No, I can't provide all the crime they were supposedly hired to address.
Okay. Thanks for being up front about that. Nobody wants cops hanging around our schools if they aren't needed. Oakland for sure needs cops. It's a gang dominated system where teachers are beaten with impunity.
You have to be some idealistic moron or a masochist to work there.
I can't provide what is not there. As I noted, 35% of schools in Idaho have police officers. No, I can't provide all the crime they were supposedly hired to address.
Okay. Thanks for being up front about that. Nobody wants cops hanging around our schools if they aren't needed. Oakland for sure needs cops. It's a gang dominated system where teachers are beaten with impunity.
You have to be some idealistic moron or a masochist to work there.

Yes they do or they would not be in 35% of schools in Idaho. If Oakland has a need, that's fine but much of this is an over reaction.
What could possibly go wrong?

See how many really pissed off parents won't send their future anarchists to school in the Fall.
September headlines: School violence skyrockets, gun confiscation required.
..in the hipsanic and black schools
..I knew a teacher that worked at black schools..he said the KIDS would get in the teachers faces/etc
...truth--black culture breeds criminals/violent kids

Wrong....fatherless homes leads to children who are raised without guidance as to how to be civilized....and he democrat party has made sure that Black children are born in broken homes 75% of the time. They are doing their best to do that to White and Hispanic homes as well....
blacks don't commit crimes at high rates?
Yes they do or they would not be in 35% of schools in Idaho. If Oakland has a need, that's fine but much of this is an over reaction.
Okay.... :rolleyes:
This is what I object to. You simply stating things in a categorical way as if you had all the facts at your fingertips.

At the very least you could do some sort of research as I have. Google the Lakeland School District and see
if you can't find some real problems there. I did.
What could possibly go wrong?

See how many really pissed off parents won't send their future anarchists to school in the Fall.
September headlines: School violence skyrockets, gun confiscation required.
..in the hipsanic and black schools
..I knew a teacher that worked at black schools..he said the KIDS would get in the teachers faces/etc
...truth--black culture breeds criminals/violent kids

Wrong....fatherless homes leads to children who are raised without guidance as to how to be civilized....and he democrat party has made sure that Black children are born in broken homes 75% of the time. They are doing their best to do that to White and Hispanic homes as well....
blacks don't commit crimes at high rates?

Did I post that? No.

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