Obama a marxist.

Repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie. Obama said "TRICKLE DOWN" does not work and never has worked.

"Trickle Down" is a left-wing pejorative meaning "the free market." Anytime a liberal says "trickle down doesn't work," what he really means is "capitalism doesn't work."
Repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie. Obama said "TRICKLE DOWN" does not work and never has worked.

"Trickle Down" is a left-wing pejorative meaning "the free market." Anytime a liberal says "trickle down doesn't work," what he really means is "capitalism doesn't work."
Obama said it. He is doing his level best to make sure it doesn't.
He is destroying the private sector.
How do you know he/she is a parasite... or as most people call them... the unemployed?

90% of all libs are sucking on the government tit. That's why they are libs.

So then tell us, asslick, since you dispute my estimate, what percentage of libs are sucking on the government tit?

BTW, it isn't just the unemployed who are ticks on the ass of society. All non-military government personnel are useless ticks. they produce virtually nothing I would pay for voluntarily. I include all public school teachers in that list. Also, everyone collecting a Social Security check is sucking on the government tit.
:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.


If you believe I claimed the Nazi government nationalized all industry, please quote the post where I did so. Of course, everyone following this thread knows that's pure horseshit.

You can dance and obfuscate all you want. What you can't do is post any evidence that supports your claims.

It's not Horse Shit. It's Dog Shit. Rational People know that the Nazi's took what they wanted either by violence or threat of violence, wherever and whenever they were compelled and unopposed. Progressive Statism, Fascism, Communism, Oligarchy-ism, all share that trait. Control, and need for more control.

That's why we need to be wary....Not only of government having too much power, but also the conglomerate having too much power...Wall Street having too much power....the banking sector having too much power...the Health Care lobby having too much power...the Energy sector having too much power.

Which is exactly what I fear is happening now. I think the Conglomerate(my all encompassing word for Business, Banking, Energy, Health Care lobby and other large entities....yes...including unions) have infiltrated our government to the point that the vast majority of the American People have become an afterthought, or at least of secondary importance.
:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.


If you believe I claimed the Nazi government nationalized all industry, please quote the post where I did so. Of course, everyone following this thread knows that's pure horseshit.

You can dance and obfuscate all you want. What you can't do is post any evidence that supports your claims.

It's not Horse Shit. It's Dog Shit. Rational People know that the Nazi's took what they wanted either by violence or threat of violence, wherever and whenever they were compelled and unopposed. Progressive Statism, Fascism, Communism, Oligarchy-ism, all share that trait. Control, and need for more control.

What's horse shit is the name calling. You start calling others names..expect to be called names.

In fact..you should welcome it.

He is not a pure Marxist, or Socialist, or Pure Anything. He is a Hybrid, he thinks he knows how to re-package old Marxist, Socialist, and Capitalist Ideas into some Hybrid Utopia. He thinks it can be done with out Descending into an Authoritarian State like every other time these ideas have been tried.

He cannot succeed without authority and control over every meaningful aspect of our lives.
The concept of Limited Government with control by the consent of the governed cannot exist where that control violates it's boundaries and sanction. One ignored aspect about limited control is the freedom it grants us, and our differences, to live, survive, and flourish. It's okay that we don't agree on everything. This battle for who can control and dictate for everyone, like it or not, serve Justice in Truth or not, is in ways, an offense to Liberty. You have a grievance, state it, show cause. We need no remedy past it's time, nor for imaginary ailments. Cut the shit. Knock it off already. Lets start with a new Streamlined Tax Code.

I agree with you to a point... except I think we should start with getting money out of the Political Process....I think that the "buying" of our elected representation is the biggest factor in the "incompetency" of our government. In other words....they aren't really incompetent... just bought.
Volkswagen was created and owned by the Nazi government. However, I never claimed the Nazis nationalized all private corporations. That's purely a fetish of your imagination.

You still haven't posted our understanding of how the Nazi economy worked and how it differs from the economy under "social democracy"

:badgrin: Back peddling?

Like I said, Fascism..is Socialism for the rich. And widely practiced by Conservatives.


If you believe I claimed the Nazi government nationalized all industry, please quote the post where I did so. Of course, everyone following this thread knows that's pure horseshit.

You can dance and obfuscate all you want. What you can't do is post any evidence that supports your claims.

I'm the one posting links..and you're the one dismissing them.

Fact is, Conservatives have a great deal in common with most totalitarian concepts. They fit nicely into the Nazi trope.

The clapping at the republican debates over executions, letting the uninsured die and booing a gay soldier, illustrate that very well.
Bullshit.... that's where the story came from... re-read your own article.

Look, the fucking moron, Obama, declared that the United States economy doesn't work and has never worked. The the fucking moron, Obama, IS in fact a Marxist, This is just fact.
Repeating that lie does not make it any less of a lie. Obama said "TRICKLE DOWN" does not work and never has worked.
I'm more concerned that the fucking moron, Obama, openly supported Marxism in Kansas, last week.

{Now, it's a simple theory. And we have to admit, it's one that speaks to our rugged individualism and our healthy skepticism of too much government. That's in America's DNA. And that theory fits well on a bumper sticker. (Laughter.) But here's the problem: It doesn't work. It has never worked. } Full text of President Obama's economic speech in Kansas - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times

Obama advocates the dismantling of the American capitalist market. Now I understand why the astroturf of the Shitter movement was put out, to garner support for Obama's call to adopt a socialist economy. While I'm sure this will cut the lines of division in this nation deeper than any time since the first civil war, it may well backfire on Obama, he has made his intent clear. Despite what the Shitters claim, 99% of Americans do NOT support a socialist or Marxist agenda.
So it's the simple theory that doesn't work and never has worked. Now what theory is that? Well Obama says what the theory is TWICE, once each in the two sentences that you left out which came immediately before the dishonest start of your quote.

“The market will take care of everything,” they tell us. If we just cut more regulations and cut more taxes -- especially for the wealthy -- our economy will grow stronger. Sure, they say, there will be winners and losers. But if the winners do really well, then jobs and prosperity will eventually trickle down to everybody else. And, they argue, even if prosperity doesn’t trickle down, well, that’s the price of liberty.

Thanks dude...That's exactly what he said... that "trickle down" doesn't work, Not America. Conservatives see what the want to see. Mostly prompted by a healthy dose of the right wing propaganda machine.
He is not a pure Marxist, or Socialist, or Pure Anything. He is a Hybrid, he thinks he knows how to re-package old Marxist, Socialist, and Capitalist Ideas into some Hybrid Utopia. He thinks it can be done with out Descending into an Authoritarian State like every other time these ideas have been tried.

He cannot succeed without authority and control over every meaningful aspect of our lives.
The concept of Limited Government with control by the consent of the governed cannot exist where that control violates it's boundaries and sanction. One ignored aspect about limited control is the freedom it grants us, and our differences, to live, survive, and flourish. It's okay that we don't agree on everything. This battle for who can control and dictate for everyone, like it or not, serve Justice in Truth or not, is in ways, an offense to Liberty. You have a grievance, state it, show cause. We need no remedy past it's time, nor for imaginary ailments. Cut the shit. Knock it off already. Lets start with a new Streamlined Tax Code.

I agree with you to a point... except I think we should start with getting money out of the Political Process....I think that the "buying" of our elected representation is the biggest factor in the "incompetency" of our government. In other words....they aren't really incompetent... just bought.
Here is where I agree with you. Get the money out. Give the power back to the people. Also get the socialists out, they have NO place in American politics as far as I am concerned.
Not at all...

Have you ever read Marx?

What I want is for our business community to be a part of the greater community.

I assume you think that has meaning?

My neighbor has a security business, he installs burglar and fire alarms. Explain why he isn't part of "the greater community" in your mind? Why are the millions of other business owners not?

So when government decides how much my neighbor must purchase labor for, should it also decide how much you purchase an iPhone for? When you buy an iPhone for $199, you are exploiting Apple. You should be required to pay $20,000 for an iPhone, so that Apple can pay the workers in Malaysia enough to:

A. Keep a roof over their heads
B. Feed their kids
C. Pay for health Insurance(or have it provided)
D. Save Money
E. Buy stuff to keep our economy rolling

Looking for the lowest price is not patriotic. You should shop around to make sure you pay the highest price possible for goods.

Buying food or gas on sale or at the lowest price is Anti-American. It is traitorous behavior.

Oh wait, you think the rules for YOU should be vastly different than those you establish for others. I mean, business is evil and should be punished for being in business, right?

Thanks, Herr Marx.

Labor makes and buys the shit that Capital starts...


You fucking Marxists - the dumbest turds on the planet.

So, since you are caught up in the labor theory of value, why not go out into the desert, dig a hole, six feet deep and six feet in diameter. When you finish, fill if back up.

Did you not labor?

What value did you create?

in turn, Capital makes a profit... a fair profit... not Profiteering. In turn, Capital pays Labor fairly and honestly.

The Problem is... this isn't what's happening.

The real problem is that you're an uneducated dolt.

The real problem and we are going to fix it is to make sure that Business, big and small, are active good members of the American social compact.
Not at all...

Have you ever read Marx?

I assume you think that has meaning?

My neighbor has a security business, he installs burglar and fire alarms. Explain why he isn't part of "the greater community" in your mind? Why are the millions of other business owners not?

So when government decides how much my neighbor must purchase labor for, should it also decide how much you purchase an iPhone for? When you buy an iPhone for $199, you are exploiting Apple. You should be required to pay $20,000 for an iPhone, so that Apple can pay the workers in Malaysia enough to:

A. Keep a roof over their heads
B. Feed their kids
C. Pay for health Insurance(or have it provided)
D. Save Money
E. Buy stuff to keep our economy rolling

Looking for the lowest price is not patriotic. You should shop around to make sure you pay the highest price possible for goods.

Buying food or gas on sale or at the lowest price is Anti-American. It is traitorous behavior.

Oh wait, you think the rules for YOU should be vastly different than those you establish for others. I mean, business is evil and should be punished for being in business, right?

Thanks, Herr Marx.


You fucking Marxists - the dumbest turds on the planet.

So, since you are caught up in the labor theory of value, why not go out into the desert, dig a hole, six feet deep and six feet in diameter. When you finish, fill if back up.

Did you not labor?

What value did you create?

in turn, Capital makes a profit... a fair profit... not Profiteering. In turn, Capital pays Labor fairly and honestly.

The Problem is... this isn't what's happening.

The real problem is that you're an uneducated dolt.

The real problem and we are going to fix it is to make sure that Business, big and small, are active good members of the American social compact.

Hey Sparky.... don't forget to include Government in that compact. :D Oh yeah.... and Obama is still a Marxist. :D ;) :)
He cannot succeed without authority and control over every meaningful aspect of our lives.
The concept of Limited Government with control by the consent of the governed cannot exist where that control violates it's boundaries and sanction. One ignored aspect about limited control is the freedom it grants us, and our differences, to live, survive, and flourish. It's okay that we don't agree on everything. This battle for who can control and dictate for everyone, like it or not, serve Justice in Truth or not, is in ways, an offense to Liberty. You have a grievance, state it, show cause. We need no remedy past it's time, nor for imaginary ailments. Cut the shit. Knock it off already. Lets start with a new Streamlined Tax Code.

I agree with you to a point... except I think we should start with getting money out of the Political Process....I think that the "buying" of our elected representation is the biggest factor in the "incompetency" of our government. In other words....they aren't really incompetent... just bought.
Here is where I agree with you. Get the money out. Give the power back to the people. Also get the socialists out, they have NO place in American politics as far as I am concerned.

oh... so you want to give the power back to the people... but only the people you approve of? Nahh... I'll pass on that.
The Nazis got rid of any unions that weren't Nazi..which means all of them.

Just like Lenin did.

Funny how Socialists do that...

They had initially thought it would be a good idea to take over major manufacturing..but had a better idea. They supplied them with cheap and/or free labor. They allowed them to make outrageous profits..and they let the Captains of industry set government policy.

The Reich controlled the means of production, no need to own them, no more that Obama wants to Own Kaiser and Blue Cross, he controls them which is enough.

Now who the heck does that sound like?

The boards of all Reich corporations were party members - 100% - no doubt you seek the same here.

Have the boards of Kaiser and Blue Cross sworn loyalty oaths (along with Ashton and Demi) to Obama? When you swore your oath, were you promised a spot at the top?

Oh and your argument falls completely flat too. Many of the corporations around back then..are still around today. If the government had taken them over..they wouldn't be.

Hitler was smarter than his counterparts, Stalin and Lenin, he didn't need to OWN the corporations, he just needed to control production - which he did.

Socialism isn't the ownership of production by the state, it's CONTROL of the means of production.

Both Hitler and Obama place stooges on the boards of vital corporations, ensuring that control is maintained in exchange for the looters being unfettered in their theft of the national wealth.
The real problem and we are going to fix it is to make sure that Business, big and small, are active good members of the American social compact.

That's the most chilling statement I've ever seen posted in this forum.

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