Obama actually did lose Iraq, Graham explains the negotiations.

Abu Ghraib might be just one reason.

For what, for Obama switching sides? Nah

Wait did you meant that Obama decided to switch sides after Abu Grahib? Nah
You asked why Obama couldn't get an agreement.
An agreement involves two or more parties.

You could have Googled that if you weren't sure, you know.

He couldn't get an agreement only because he didn't want one, he wanted to leave Iraq open for his brothers in Jihad

You are such an asshole Frank. If anyone "switched sides" it was Bush...

Far from democratizing the country in any cultural sense, Bush officials fortified these tendencies by encouraging Iraq’s adoption of a constitution that enshrined Islam as the state religion and sharia as a primary source of law.

Obama switched sides to support his Muslim brothers in Jihad. He should be charged as an accessory in the murder of Chris Stevens
Obama is the biggest idiot in the White House.
It was Valerie Jarrett,an Iranian agent, who orchestrated this.
The retards have come out...Rabies and Frank...

Obama is a Democrat...you hate Democrats, I get it...

But he is not a traitor.

Neither one of you cowards will admit that you would keep our sons and daughters in Iraq without immunity. All you cowards care about is saving your skin...
Sassy 12074438
We had Iraq won...

What did we win and when did we win? Was it Bush agreeing to get out of Iraq by a date certain with nothing gained your impression of a win?

Today BBC reported the U.S. airstrike killing of Abu Hamza? This is eight years after you think Bush won Iraq.

The coalition spokesman also announced that a US air strike in Iraq had killed two "high-value" IS militants known as Abu Hamza and Abu Safiya.

Abu Hamza was a former member of al-Qaeda in Iraq, a precursor to IS, who had led attacks against US forces after the 2003 invasion, he said.

The report says: Abu Hamza was a former member of al-Qaeda in Iraq who had led attacks against US forces after the 2003 invasion.

Is it winning to agree to withdraw on a date certain before capturing or killing at least every
leader AQ, or Baathist that had American blood on their hands.

I say it was not winning because killers like Abu Hamza and all the others did not surrender to Bush when he told them he agreed to pull troops out of cities in six months and entirely out of Iraq by the end of 2011.

Why did Bush surrender by agreeing to withdraw knowing the terrorists and insurgents were still alive and operational and would plan for the day that all US troops would be gone?

Why do you give Americas' dumbass president that according to Trump made a huge mistake to invade Iraq, the honor of calling his surrender a victory of war? Why?
The military won the war and Bush's admin irretrievably lost the peace.

I am Jake's reflexive defense of Obama


^ Bush's Iraq


^ Obama's Iraq

Only Obama KoolAid Snorters think Bush lost Iraq
Frank is a reflexive liar and certainly not a conservative.

No true American conservative approved the invasion of Iraq.
Senator Lindsey Graham explains how Obama lost Iraq by refusing to keep troops in Iraq. The myth that it was Bush's fault is exactly that, a myth. graham and McCain were part of the group sent over to negotiate the status of forces agreement and he explained how it went with Hugh Hewitt, Lawyer, law professor, author and radio host....

Obama got elected promising to get troops out of Iraq.
Maliki got elected promising to get the Americans to leave.

So since everyone wanted us out, what's the problem again?

I'm just curious, Dick Tiny, what benefit was there to keeping 11,000 troops in Iraq again?

Actually, we won the war...then Iran fed supplies, trained military forces and money to the terrorists to keep Iraq from becoming peaceful...you know, the country obama wants to give the bomb to....and the democrats started undermining the effort from the beginning....a 5th column at home and iran over there kept us from creating the peace we needed.

I think you are a little confused there, DT. We went into Iraq on a LIE. That Saddam had WMD's he was about to give to Al Qaeda. That simply wasn't true. Saddam didn't have WMD's and toppling Saddam was a gift-wrapped present to Al Qaeda, which was on the ropes at that point.

Nothing we were going to do there was going to create a peace. What is happening in Iraq is the natural progression of what everyone predicted would happen if Saddam was removed. Iraq broke up among ethnic lines. Nothing we were going to do was going to prevent it and it was already occurring even before Saddam was deposed (As the Shi'ites and Kurds were already semi-Autonomous.)

Again, why is this OUR problem again?
Does Hewitt or Graham tell you that they would be willing to do what Obama wouldn't do? Leave American troops in Iraq without immunity to Iraqi prosecution?

Obama did nothing to get them immunity from prosecution
Panetta said much the same wrt to the troop withdrawal. Obama has been openly criticized by three of his 4 Secretaries of Defense.

Hell, even Hillary has criticized his handling of mid-east issues, and his foreign policy doctrine.

I think it's safe to say that he won't be appointed head of the joint chiefs upon leaving the WH. A military genius he is not.....
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What I don't understand is why Dems need to lie so badly and openly. You should come out and say, "So what if Obama turned Iraq over to ISIS, we still love him!"
Frank is a reflexive liar and certainly not a conservative.

No true American conservative approved the invasion of Iraq.

Jake you're all over the place. We're talking about Obama handing Iraq to ISIS and AQ AFTER the peace was won
Does Hewitt or Graham tell you that they would be willing to do what Obama wouldn't do? Leave American troops in Iraq without immunity to Iraqi prosecution?

Condi was able to negotiate that, why couldn't Obama?

Was it because Obama switched sides and wanted to leave the middle East open to his brothers in Jihad?
Condi didn't negotiate jack shit. We invaded. Duh! What is wrong with you people? You can't just make shit up. Well, I guess you can, but why bother?

Condi got the Iraqis to agree to giving our soldiers immunity, why couldn't Obama do that?
No, she did not.
What I don't understand is why Dems need to lie so badly and openly. You should come out and say, "So what if Obama turned Iraq over to ISIS, we still love him!"
Bush lost the war long before BHO came president. Bush and Rice were unable to negotiate a SOFA that protected American troops. BHO's mistake, once the Iraqis were willing to do what they should have done under Al Maliki, he sent troops back to Iraq.
Frank is a reflexive liar and certainly not a conservative.

No true American conservative approved the invasion of Iraq.

Jake you're all over the place. We're talking about Obama handing Iraq to ISIS and AQ AFTER the peace was won
Frank, stay focused, please. No true American conservative approved of the first invasion and none supports the re-entry of troops to Iraq.
Obama warned Bush to stay out of Iraq and what would happen if he invaded

Bush lost Iraq

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