"Obama admin spied on Israeli military ahead of Iran nuclear deal: report"

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The Surrender Monkey intentionally made America weaker while making the Worlds leader in terrorism, Iran stronger. He should be tried for treason!

The only scandal is we keep punishing Iran for our bad behavior.

What a loon

Just curious how you benefit personally from 40 years of conflict with Iran?

You are what's among the worse in the Democrat Party.

And that's quite an accomplishment.

I'm asking an honest question. Why are we continuing to punish Iran for our bad behavior.

WE are the ones who imposed an awful dictator (the Shah) on them. They voted to get rid of him, we sent in the CIA to work with their military to put him back on the throne and throw out the Democratically elected Prime Minister in 1953.

We've spent the last 40 years economically punishing them, not because they really represented a threat to us, but because the Zionists and Oil Companies said so.

And some of those measures have backfired spectacularly on us. We spent the 1980's arming Saddam so he could attack Iran for us, and then he turned on us.

This isn't a Democrat thing, because when it comes to sucking up to the Oil Companies and the Zionists, the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans.

What we should do, if we really loved America. Take those hundreds of billions of dollars we spend every year propping up the Zionist Entity and playing Hall Monitor in the Persian Gulf, and spend it on a crash energy independence program. Render petroleum valueless as a commodity. That would defund all the bad actors over there, instead of us playing this silly game of trying to play them off against each other and wondering which one will turn on us.
The only scandal is we keep punishing Iran for our bad behavior.

What a loon

Just curious how you benefit personally from 40 years of conflict with Iran?

You are what's among the worse in the Democrat Party.

And that's quite an accomplishment.

I'm asking an honest question. Why are we continuing to punish Iran for our bad behavior.

WE are the ones who imposed an awful dictator (the Shah) on them. They voted to get rid of him, we sent in the CIA to work with their military to put him back on the throne and throw out the Democratically elected Prime Minister in 1953.

We've spent the last 40 years economically punishing them, not because they really represented a threat to us, but because the Zionists and Oil Companies said so.

And some of those measures have backfired spectacularly on us. We spent the 1980's arming Saddam so he could attack Iran for us, and then he turned on us.

This isn't a Democrat thing, because when it comes to sucking up to the Oil Companies and the Zionists, the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans.

What we should do, if we really loved America. Take those hundreds of billions of dollars we spend every year propping up the Zionist Entity and playing Hall Monitor in the Persian Gulf, and spend it on a crash energy independence program. Render petroleum valueless as a commodity. That would defund all the bad actors over there, instead of us playing this silly game of trying to play them off against each other and wondering which one will turn on us.
The entire free world benefits when your Terrorist allies are kept chained up
The entire free world benefits when your Terrorist allies are kept chained up


The fact that the "Free World" has created most of this problem to start with. We are the ones who upset the poltical order in that region through 200 years of colonization and exploitation.

Our middle east policy is one of sticking our dicks in a hornet's nest and then whining about getting stung. That's when we aren't breeding bigger, meaner hornets like Saddam or Bin Laden (both of whom the CIA thought were swell guys until they turned on us.)

Or to put it in a term that even a moron like you can understand.

Lorena Bobbit cut off John Bobbit's dick after years of him beating and physically abusing her. The Middle East is Lorena, we're John... the WTC looked pretty phallic, didn't it?
The only scandal is we keep punishing Iran for our bad behavior.
The only scandal is we keep punishing Iran for our bad behavior.

What a loon

Just curious how you benefit personally from 40 years of conflict with Iran?

You are what's among the worse in the Democrat Party.

And that's quite an accomplishment.

I'm asking an honest question. Why are we continuing to punish Iran for our bad behavior.

WE are the ones who imposed an awful dictator (the Shah) on them. They voted to get rid of him, we sent in the CIA to work with their military to put him back on the throne and throw out the Democratically elected Prime Minister in 1953.

We've spent the last 40 years economically punishing them, not because they really represented a threat to us, but because the Zionists and Oil Companies said so.

And some of those measures have backfired spectacularly on us. We spent the 1980's arming Saddam so he could attack Iran for us, and then he turned on us.

This isn't a Democrat thing, because when it comes to sucking up to the Oil Companies and the Zionists, the Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans.

What we should do, if we really loved America. Take those hundreds of billions of dollars we spend every year propping up the Zionist Entity and playing Hall Monitor in the Persian Gulf, and spend it on a crash energy independence program. Render petroleum valueless as a commodity. That would defund all the bad actors over there, instead of us playing this silly game of trying to play them off against each other and wondering which one will turn on us.

Speaking of anti American assholes...
Ears wasn't naive. He was a calculating anti American asshole

Or he realized what we've been doing for the last 40 years didn't work and we should maybe try something else.

Hey, we are in Year 18 of the War on Terror. How's that working out for us. Trump's trying to find a way to pull out of Afghanistan where we can still save face, even though everyone knows the Taliban will be back into power a year after we leave.


Deja Vu?

We've been involved in the Persian Gulf pretty much since Reagan decided to take Iraq's side in their war with Iran.

At what point do we say, "What we are doing is not working"?

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