Obama admin to Boston Herald: You're not allowed access because of a story you wrote

threads like this come along every month or so, in that they are excellent examples of what happens when ANYONE of ANY stripe decides to;

a) knee jerk a declarative statement b) has become committed to a line of argument, c) lacks humility and d) will not take the honorable way out....*shrugs*
threads like this come along every month or so, in that they are excellent examples of what happens when ANYONE of ANY stripe decides to;

a) knee jerk a declarative statement b) has become committed to a line of argument, c) lacks humility and d) will not take the honorable way out....*shrugs*

:) Are you criticizing the OP Traj? Or the circumstances that prompted it?
The old "It's ok because the other guys did it too" defense really is pretty lame and especially lame when you use a hateful bigot like Helen Thomas for that defense. This current Administration actually gave her the boot. DA BOOOOOSH did not do it. Why can't people just do the right thing and say what this Administration is dong to the Boston Herald is wrong and unjust? It really would be refreshing to see more of that.

It's been said. By me.

Why can't you just do the right thing and say what DA BOOOOOSHH admin did to Thomas was wrong and unjust?

Because Helen Thomas is a racist asshole. That's why. DA BOOOSH should have booted her long before this Administration did. I never considered her a real Journalist either. So in the end,BOOOSH was right in his dealings with her. I actually applaud him for that. She got outed,the truth about her came out. That's why i said "Fuck Helen Thomas." I stand by that.
threads like this come along every month or so, in that they are excellent examples of what happens when ANYONE of ANY stripe decides to;

a) knee jerk a declarative statement b) has become committed to a line of argument, c) lacks humility and d) will not take the honorable way out....*shrugs*

Actually, this thread is just proof that there are still plenty of right wingers out there who will go to the mattresses to defend something the Bush Admin did.

I just had no idea you were one of them.
threads like this come along every month or so, in that they are excellent examples of what happens when ANYONE of ANY stripe decides to;

a) knee jerk a declarative statement b) has become committed to a line of argument, c) lacks humility and d) will not take the honorable way out....*shrugs*

:) Are you criticizing the OP Traj? Or the circumstances that prompted it?

He's upset that when he asked for examples of other admins doing what the OP did, he got an answer he didn't like.
The old "It's ok because the other guys did it too" defense really is pretty lame and especially lame when you use a hateful bigot like Helen Thomas for that defense. This current Administration actually gave her the boot. DA BOOOOOSH did not do it. Why can't people just do the right thing and say what this Administration is dong to the Boston Herald is wrong and unjust? It really would be refreshing to see more of that.

It's been said. By me.

Why can't you just do the right thing and say what DA BOOOOOSHH admin did to Thomas was wrong and unjust?

Because Helen Thomas is a racist asshole. That's why. DA BOOOSH should have booted her long before this Administration did. I never considered her a real Journalist either. So in the end,BOOOSH was right in his dealings with her. I actually applaud him for that. She got outed,the truth about her came out. That's why i said "Fuck Helen Thomas." I stand by that.

No worries. We all know that he will just make another "Helen Thomas is a racist" blah blah blah post ... he's a troll.

It's been said. By me.

Why can't you just do the right thing and say what DA BOOOOOSHH admin did to Thomas was wrong and unjust?

Because Helen Thomas is a racist asshole. That's why. DA BOOOSH should have booted her long before this Administration did. I never considered her a real Journalist either. So in the end,BOOOSH was right in his dealings with her. I actually applaud him for that. She got outed,the truth about her came out. That's why i said "Fuck Helen Thomas." I stand by that.

No worries. We all know that he will just make another "Helen Thomas is a racist" blah blah blah post ... he's a troll.


Ok she's not a "Racist." She's a hateful bitter lump of shit who wasn't even a real Journalist. That better? ;)
She was forced to retire from journalism over what even the present White House condemned as a racist remark though:

U.S. journalist Thomas retires after Israel remarks

WASHINGTON, June 7, 2010 (Reuters) - Veteran White House journalist Helen Thomas, who has covered every U.S. president since John F. Kennedy, abruptly retired on Monday amid a storm of criticism over her controversial remarks about Israel.

The departure of Thomas, 89, as a Hearst Newspapers columnist was announced after she was captured on video saying Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine" and suggesting they go "home" to Germany, Poland or the United States.

The comments drew widespread condemnation, including from the White House.

Thomas, long considered the dean of the White House press corps, apologized for her statements, recorded in an impromptu interview dated May 27 and posted on the website www.rabbilive.com.

The controversy prompted Thomas to be dropped by her public speaking agency and also led to the cancellation of her plans to deliver a high school commencement address in suburban Washington.

U.S. journalist Thomas retires after Israel remarks | Reuters

On this one I took Helen's side though. Not that I condoned what she said, because I didn't. But I allow her a pro-Palestinian position if that is where her heart lies, and once she was raked over the coals and apologized, that should have been the end of it. It should not have cost her her career.
If the OP was miffed at what President Obama did, then they must be apoplectic about this...

Governor Deal's Office Bans FOX 5 Reporter from Immigration Bill Signing

Yes the behavior by ELECTED OFFICIALS is complete and utter bull and should not be accepted.

Publicly elected officials should not be allowed to dictate what the media can and can not do as far as the type of situation in your link and my first post is concerned.

The only valid muzzle on any media source that I can think of is 1) That which is intentional libel with malice; 2) that which intentionally incites to riot; and 3) that which puts our military and other people at immediate higher risk such as in national security or military operations.
White House shuts out Herald scribe - BostonHerald.com

The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

“I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool reporters,” White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a Herald request for full access to the presidential visit.

“My point about the op-ed was not that you ran it but that it was the full front page, which excluded any coverage of the visit of a sitting US President to Boston. I think that raises a fair question about whether the paper is unbiased in its coverage of the President’s visits,” Lehrich wrote.

The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

To me this behavior by the white house, especially considering that last sentence, is both UN-Presidential and UN-American. Its also very childish behavior, not very mature at all.

Tell ya! Ruling by decree! :eusa_whistle: ( and getting away with it )
White House shuts out Herald scribe - BostonHerald.com

The White House Press Office has refused to give the Boston Herald full access to President Obama’s Boston fund-raiser today, in e-mails objecting to the newspaper’s front page placement of a Mitt Romney op-ed, saying pool reporters are chosen based on whether they cover the news “fairly.”

“I tend to consider the degree to which papers have demonstrated to covering the White House regularly and fairly in determining local pool reporters,” White House spokesman Matt Lehrich wrote in response to a Herald request for full access to the presidential visit.

“My point about the op-ed was not that you ran it but that it was the full front page, which excluded any coverage of the visit of a sitting US President to Boston. I think that raises a fair question about whether the paper is unbiased in its coverage of the President’s visits,” Lehrich wrote.

The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

To me this behavior by the white house, especially considering that last sentence, is both UN-Presidential and UN-American. Its also very childish behavior, not very mature at all.

Tell ya! Ruling by decree! :eusa_whistle: ( and getting away with it )

Obama thinks that HE is a Dictator like Fidel...Like Chavez...
The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

Where is Jeff Gannon when we need him?

"Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings."
Obama will stoop to anything to make his point. We need a real American for President, someone with the ideals that make this country great. I don't know if we can find this person or not.

We can find someone who will "try" to work for traditional American values, rather than global ones.
If the OP was miffed at what President Obama did, then they must be apoplectic about this...

Governor Deal's Office Bans FOX 5 Reporter from Immigration Bill Signing

Yes the behavior by ELECTED OFFICIALS is complete and utter bull and should not be accepted.

Publicly elected officials should not be allowed to dictate what the media can and can not do as far as the type of situation in your link and my first post is concerned.

No they shouldn't IF the First Amendment is to be adhered to. Then one would be inquisitive enough to ask WHY we have such a law as FOIA...:eusa_shhh:
The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

Where is Jeff Gannon when we need him?

"Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings."
Good Obamabot. Deflect, deny, obfuscate.

You serve your masters well, and you will be rewarded.
threads like this come along every month or so, in that they are excellent examples of what happens when ANYONE of ANY stripe decides to;

a) knee jerk a declarative statement b) has become committed to a line of argument, c) lacks humility and d) will not take the honorable way out....*shrugs*

:) Are you criticizing the OP Traj? Or the circumstances that prompted it?

I hope he isn't trying to critcize me with that statement....if he is I will explain why I said I hope he wasn't.
The administration straight out admitted to not allowing the Herlad reporter in due to Obama's visit not being on the front page and instead running a front page story on Romney.

Where is Jeff Gannon when we need him?

"Gannon routinely obtained daily passes to White House briefings, attending four Bush press conferences and appearing regularly at White House press briefings."

what does that have to do with my first post?

elaborate please.

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