Obama and his student loan claims

Regardless, student loans are a major burden on college graduates today. starting out life with meager employment prospects and a major debt to pay is rough. And yes, both he President and his wife had to pay off significant debt. Law degrees do not come cheaply

No one is forced to attend Harvard. There are cheaper routes to education that are affordable to almost anyone.

Yeah, and the last thing we need is those damn elitists who aim to get the best education they can and then have the gall to work hard to pay off their loans.

He should have known his place and kept to it. After all, the guv of AZ dropped out of trade school and that don't bother them racist repubs, not even a bit. Never you mind that she can't speak an entire sentence without screwing it up. Same with that purty little $arah chic that we all have the hots for, right boys? $he didn't get no education and look how far she got. Fat bank account, courtesy of Good Ole Boys who can't think no bettern she kin. 'sides, we kin always hire foreign talent like our Mittens wants.

Your boy had his education paid for. The president did not. Instead, he worked for it.

Fucking deal with it.

your ailment is treatable, ask Jake, he'll PM you the details...hes just started so, don't let his posting fool you, oh wait...:rolleyes:
Colorado Peak Politics:: CHECK YOUR RECORD: Obama Skipped Votes On Student Loan Bill He Is Campaigning On In Boulder Today

In 2007, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama missed two votes on the student loan interest bill that he now wants Congress to extend.

Obama twice skipped the Senate vote on the College Cost Reduction and Access Act when the bill came to the Senate floor first in July and again in September of 2007, according to public records.

The bill, introduced by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and signed into law by President George W. Bush, first cleared the Senate in July on a 78 to 18 vote, with Obama as one of only four senators to abstain. Obama did not cast a vote again in September, after the House and Senate had ironed out different versions of the bill. He was on the conference committee assigned to merge the House and Senate versions of the bill.

:lol:usual hypocritical BS.........thx man good find. This is even better than his blowing up the comprehensive immigration bill too..;)
Colorado Peak Politics:: CHECK YOUR RECORD: Obama Skipped Votes On Student Loan Bill He Is Campaigning On In Boulder Today

In 2007, then-Illinois Sen. Barack Obama missed two votes on the student loan interest bill that he now wants Congress to extend.

Obama twice skipped the Senate vote on the College Cost Reduction and Access Act when the bill came to the Senate floor first in July and again in September of 2007, according to public records.

The bill, introduced by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) and signed into law by President George W. Bush, first cleared the Senate in July on a 78 to 18 vote, with Obama as one of only four senators to abstain. Obama did not cast a vote again in September, after the House and Senate had ironed out different versions of the bill. He was on the conference committee assigned to merge the House and Senate versions of the bill.

:lol:usual hypocritical BS.........thx man good find. This is even better than his blowing up the comprehensive immigration bill too..;)

Gortta agree. Ever notice how Obama takes up that which he was against or failed to address in the first stead?
Facts are facts. Either you go to college or you end up working in a god forsaken factory or some other job for some sleezeball boss for a long time. What a truly sickening, dredge of a life. My kids are better than that. I saved for their tuition. They WILL go to college. Anything else including the armed forces is no option whatsoever. You either get an education for work hard your whole life for some owner who sees as you nothing but a worker.
Facts are facts. Either you go to college or you end up working in a god forsaken factory or some other job for some sleezeball boss for a long time. What a truly sickening, dredge of a life. My kids are better than that. I saved for their tuition. They WILL go to college. Anything else including the armed forces is no option whatsoever. You either get an education for work hard your whole life for some owner who sees as you nothing but a worker.

How about facts are facts that one follows thier liberty and does what they wish without government intrusion?
Mittens want to double the interest on student loans. If you have kids (and this is a RHETORICAL question), will they be able to afford any college at all?

Get back to us when those poor helpless kids are required to pay said loans BEFORE they graduate.

I had to repay mine once I graduated and began working :confused:

But hey, who am I to contest your ignorance :cuckoo:
All he is doing is attempting to buy the young voters. It's so blatantly obvious.

Why on earth would you start your life in debt for a college degree you probably aren't going to even use.

It's much better to start working right out of high school. Then instead of being 22 or whatever and graduating from college 200 grand in debt, you would have a nice little bank account started with an IRA. Money buys choices not college debt.

Unless of course you can afford college or your parent's are paying. Then you should do both work and go to college.
Keep asking for the links that quantify the assertions, and the ones we are getting are backing up the supply and demand market economy.
All he is doing is attempting to buy the young voters. It's so blatantly obvious.

Why on earth would you start your life in debt for a college degree you probably aren't going to even use.

It's much better to start working right out of high school. Then instead of being 22 or whatever and graduating from college 200 grand in debt, you would have a nice little bank account started with an IRA. Money buys choices not college debt.

Unless of course you can afford college or your parent's are paying. Then you should do both work and go to college.

Working IN college is a course thsat could be follwed...IF there WERE any jobs to begin with...:eusa_shhh:
Does anyone else find his attempt to link with the 'common man' a bit off??

Basically, I guess he is trying to say he is the same as others and 'struggled' with things such as student loans

Obama: I only paid off my student loans eight years ago | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

But this seems a bit weird... supposedly he paid them all back just 8 years ago.. and struggled to do so... yet his salary history shows that even as far back as 2000, he was pulling in more than 240K per year... is he seriously trying to compare to a teacher making 40K trying to pay back 40K in student loans?? And if he was indeed struggling at 200+K a year, and admits it, why the fuck is he trying to increase burden on ones in the same boat my wanting to raise taxes on that very same group??

More hackery and pandering, if you ask me... and it has no basis in reality

Republicans want to double the interest rates of student loans. Santorum said "education" is for snobs. Romney spent more time at Harvard than Obama and had zero in student loans. Ryan's plan is to cut 175 billion in Pell grants.

When are you guys going to start presenting ideas instead of just attacking the black guy? Oh wait, those ARE your ideas.
Romney said two days ago he wants the low-interest student loans legislation extended again.

Don't lump him with the dorks here from the far right. MR is now distancing himself from these disturbed folks, than heavens.
Regardless, student loans are a major burden on college graduates today. starting out life with meager employment prospects and a major debt to pay is rough. And yes, both he President and his wife had to pay off significant debt. Law degrees do not come cheaply

No one is forced to attend Harvard. There are cheaper routes to education that are affordable to almost anyone.

Yeah, and the last thing we need is those damn elitists who aim to get the best education they can and then have the gall to work hard to pay off their loans.

He should have known his place and kept to it. After all, the guv of AZ dropped out of trade school and that don't bother them racist repubs, not even a bit. Never you mind that she can't speak an entire sentence without screwing it up. Same with that purty little $arah chic that we all have the hots for, right boys? $he didn't get no education and look how far she got. Fat bank account, courtesy of Good Ole Boys who can't think no bettern she kin. 'sides, we kin always hire foreign talent like our Mittens wants.

Your boy had his education paid for. The president did not. Instead, he worked for it.

Fucking deal with it.

You have a little foam at the corner of your mouth.
Another assertion without any evidence: "Yup. The free market works in education as well as it does anywhere else. If the federal government pulled all its support for education and forced colleges and universities to depend on student enrollment and philanthropy in order to survive, the costs come down in short order."

First of all, nobody said that, but you already know that. Second, the premise is correct. It's basic Econ 101 which you would understand if you had an education yourself. You subsidize something, you're going to get more of it, so as long as the government continues to provide students with more money to borrow the universities will continue to raise their tuition because they know the students can just borrow the money to keep paying it. It's actually quite an elementary concept that shouldn't need explained to someone who alleges to be as intellectual as you pretend.

You obviously did not take finance or political philosophy, or you failed if you did.

Somebody, please give us some data to support the connection that the far right weirdos here are trying to make.

Simple common sense escapes you. But it does most leftists.
Bottom line is we Each need a fair deal, not riding so much on the backs of others without their knowledge or consent. We should be focused on living within our means and be satisfied eating our own bread.
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Keep asking for the links that quantify the assertions, and the ones we are getting are backing up the supply and demand market economy.

Keep on asking JakeFakey. I've noticed all you do is make single sentence assertions that are never backed by any links. As I've told you before, put up or shut up troll.
Yup. The free market works in education as well as it does anywhere else. If the federal government pulled all its support for education and forced colleges and universities to depend on student enrollment and philanthropy in order to survive, the costs come down in short order.

As far as those student loans go, for those who actually get a marketable education, a $40 or $50k student loan debt is pretty easy to pay off. For those who major in typewriter maintenance or general studies, maybe less so. The choice is always in our hands however.

And in answer to Jillian's question, yes, only those who can afford to go to the most expensive colleges and universities should go to the most expensive colleges and universities. Just as those who can't afford a million dollar home--which by the way Michelle and Barack Obama did while paying off those oppressive student loan debts--should choose a more modest home. (Which my husband and I did.)

The world does not owe us a fine house or expensive car or a cadillac education. Those are things we work for to afford for our kids or which we pay the necessary dues to acquire for ourselves. I got my education by earning an academic scholarship and otherwise working while going to school. I don't feel the least bit deprived because I could only afford a state university or that I didn't have anybody paying my bills for me.

Barack Obama says that his family were of limited means and unable to help him. He also says he got some help along the way but never says where he got it. (Those records are sealed.)

But for him to say that his student loans were a 'burden' is utterly ridiculous.

Wisdom 101.

I didn't come from a wealthy family. I joined the Army, later, attended a community college and completed my degree at a state university, holding down a job all the way there. Back then, the Army paid a much smaller percentage of the cost in exchange for one's service.

Things would have been easier had I worked hard enough to get a scholarship, but while my grades were acceptable, I was a mediocre student, too busy playing sports and chasing girls. Live and learn. But the Army manned me up, and I had to bust my ass to catch up with my peers at the collegiate level.

My wife and I have done just fine and can afford to send our children to a private school, but I want them to work for it too. It never occurred to me that I was owed an education or that I should saddle myself with a mountain of debt in order to get one. We raised our children with the same understanding.

Dude....you and I went the same route.

So what happened to you?

To clarify, I was a mediocre student in high school. I graduated with honors at both schools at the collegiate level. Worked for a manufacturer of industrial cleaning and maintenance supplies and machinery for years: development and marketing. Recently started up my own business.
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Does anyone else find his attempt to link with the 'common man' a bit off??

Basically, I guess he is trying to say he is the same as others and 'struggled' with things such as student loans

Obama: I only paid off my student loans eight years ago | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

But this seems a bit weird... supposedly he paid them all back just 8 years ago.. and struggled to do so... yet his salary history shows that even as far back as 2000, he was pulling in more than 240K per year... is he seriously trying to compare to a teacher making 40K trying to pay back 40K in student loans?? And if he was indeed struggling at 200+K a year, and admits it, why the fuck is he trying to increase burden on ones in the same boat my wanting to raise taxes on that very same group??

More hackery and pandering, if you ask me... and it has no basis in reality

Republicans want to double the interest rates of student loans. Santorum said "education" is for snobs. Romney spent more time at Harvard than Obama and had zero in student loans. Ryan's plan is to cut 175 billion in Pell grants.

When are you guys going to start presenting ideas instead of just attacking the black guy? Oh wait, those ARE your ideas.

How is it that Republicans want to double the interest rates when it was democrats that wrote the bill in 2007?....... :eusa_whistle:
Keep asking for the links that quantify the assertions, and the ones we are getting are backing up the supply and demand market economy.

Keep on asking JakeFakey. I've noticed all you do is make single sentence assertions that are never backed by any links. As I've told you before, put up or shut up troll.

You are telling people what to do? :lol: That's a hoot.

OK, let's keep it simple. I am asking for data that quantifies the OP. The data we are getting is reinforcing the supply/demand free market model. Is there anything that supports the OP, because we have not seen it yet.
Does anyone else find his attempt to link with the 'common man' a bit off??

Basically, I guess he is trying to say he is the same as others and 'struggled' with things such as student loans

Obama: I only paid off my student loans eight years ago | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

But this seems a bit weird... supposedly he paid them all back just 8 years ago.. and struggled to do so... yet his salary history shows that even as far back as 2000, he was pulling in more than 240K per year... is he seriously trying to compare to a teacher making 40K trying to pay back 40K in student loans?? And if he was indeed struggling at 200+K a year, and admits it, why the fuck is he trying to increase burden on ones in the same boat my wanting to raise taxes on that very same group??

More hackery and pandering, if you ask me... and it has no basis in reality

Republicans want to double the interest rates of student loans. Santorum said "education" is for snobs. Romney spent more time at Harvard than Obama and had zero in student loans. Ryan's plan is to cut 175 billion in Pell grants.

When are you guys going to start presenting ideas instead of just attacking the black guy? Oh wait, those ARE your ideas.

Why is where Romney went to school or how the Romneys spend their own money that they earned fair and square of greater concern than how the government spends our money and obligates us for trillions more?

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