Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

Unless you are working to earn it.. it is a freebie... sorry if you do not like the truth

The majority of people would like free guaranteed sex too.. does not make that a job of government just because they would like it..

If you don't want to work for a company who pays you low and your manager 400X higher.. don't.. it is that fucking simple... unless the company then forces the government to force people to work for them, you have zero worries.. the company will not survive

Get rid of the subsidies, entitlements, loopholes, grants etc.. they were never intended to be there in government anyway

What's work to you?

Romney was not working for almost a decade, yet he was drawing a six figure income.

That sound right? How about now? He stops by his son's office once a week for an hour or so..and makes a huge income from that.

That work?

And like I pointed out..most entitlements are like insurance..in that most working folks pay into them. Like SSI. That's not free. Neither is Medicare. It's also part of the reason that folks like Jamie Dimon isn't gutted for "losing" 9 billion dollars. Where the fuck do you think that money came from?

And that's the thing..you really don't have much of a choice "where' to work. That's another that government is protecting big businesses. There's ALOT of government protection. Try opening up a street stand next to a brick and mortar. You'll have "government" swooping down on you in seconds.


Some people get paid for what they know, not what they do
He said a race?? Said an age group? Made legislation?

Or is/was it about people who are takers from the federal government not wanting to go against anything that could cut or stop those freebies??

First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do
First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

Unless you are working to earn it.. it is a freebie... sorry if you do not like the truth

The majority of people would like free guaranteed sex too.. does not make that a job of government just because they would like it..

If you don't want to work for a company who pays you low and your manager 400X higher.. don't.. it is that fucking simple... unless the company then forces the government to force people to work for them, you have zero worries.. the company will not survive

Get rid of the subsidies, entitlements, loopholes, grants etc.. they were never intended to be there in government anyway

What's work to you?

Romney was not working for almost a decade, yet he was drawing a six figure income.

That sound right? How about now? He stops by his son's office once a week for an hour or so..and makes a huge income from that.

That work?

And like I pointed out..most entitlements are like insurance..in that most working folks pay into them. Like SSI. That's not free. Neither is Medicare. It's also part of the reason that folks like Jamie Dimon isn't gutted for "losing" 9 billion dollars. Where the fuck do you think that money came from?

And that's the thing..you really don't have much of a choice "where' to work. That's another that government is protecting big businesses. There's ALOT of government protection. Try opening up a street stand next to a brick and mortar. You'll have "government" swooping down on you in seconds.


Work is not just slinging a shovel or scrubbing a floor.. work can also be investing, risking, thinking etc.. you can get compensated for many skills in work.. you may not like that I earn big dollars when sitting on my couch 1-2 days a week.. or that I can earn even bigger $$ when I do 3 hours of private consulting for close to 1K

Unemployment is like insurance... not that I like it, but it is more palatable than welfare... but people do not pay into welfare or food stamps or Obamaphone and then get it.. they are FREEBIES... freebies at the expense of those who actually do pay taxes at high levels

Oh.. and you have a complete choice of where to work.. nice try.. nobody is forcing you to work anywhere except in prison jobs
First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

No... everyone gets the same government service of the court system, national defense, etc... not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults
He said a race?? Said an age group? Made legislation?

Or is/was it about people who are takers from the federal government not wanting to go against anything that could cut or stop those freebies??

First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

First off..you're going to have to qualify "welfare"..because SSI is NOT welfare. Neither is medicare. People paid for that.

Second..the "No Income Tax" thing was introduced by GW Bush. And if it's 48%..that means they DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO PAY FEDERAL INCOME TAX. And even so..they still pay state and city taxes.

Third 40% of the wealth in this country is owned by under 1000 people. What exactly did they do to acquire this wealth? They work lots of overtime?
...not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults

... And not everyone gets a handout like the wealthy and corporations with tax breaks, tax loopholes, no bid contracts, pork and earmarks

Unless you are working to earn it.. it is a freebie... sorry if you do not like the truth

The majority of people would like free guaranteed sex too.. does not make that a job of government just because they would like it..

If you don't want to work for a company who pays you low and your manager 400X higher.. don't.. it is that fucking simple... unless the company then forces the government to force people to work for them, you have zero worries.. the company will not survive

Get rid of the subsidies, entitlements, loopholes, grants etc.. they were never intended to be there in government anyway

What's work to you?

Romney was not working for almost a decade, yet he was drawing a six figure income.

That sound right? How about now? He stops by his son's office once a week for an hour or so..and makes a huge income from that.

That work?

And like I pointed out..most entitlements are like insurance..in that most working folks pay into them. Like SSI. That's not free. Neither is Medicare. It's also part of the reason that folks like Jamie Dimon isn't gutted for "losing" 9 billion dollars. Where the fuck do you think that money came from?

And that's the thing..you really don't have much of a choice "where' to work. That's another that government is protecting big businesses. There's ALOT of government protection. Try opening up a street stand next to a brick and mortar. You'll have "government" swooping down on you in seconds.


Work is not just slinging a shovel or scrubbing a floor.. work can also be investing, risking, thinking etc.. you can get compensated for many skills in work.. you may not like that I earn big dollars when sitting on my couch 1-2 days a week.. or that I can earn even bigger $$ when I do 3 hours of private consulting for close to 1K

Unemployment is like insurance... not that I like it, but it is more palatable than welfare... but people do not pay into welfare or food stamps or Obamaphone and then get it.. they are FREEBIES... freebies at the expense of those who actually do pay taxes at high levels

Oh.. and you have a complete choice of where to work.. nice try.. nobody is forcing you to work anywhere except in prison jobs

When you start spouting stuff like this..along with "food stamps, welfare, Obamaphone" it's basically nonsense. Especially coming from folks like you that point out that "Obama never worked a day in his life".

You had a bunch of guys that wrecked the economy that got TRILLIONS in handouts to save their cushy jobs and caused misery for the rest of the country.

It's ridiculous you're only concern is about the people booted from their jobs..because of screw ups of the super wealthy.
...not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults

... And not everyone gets a handout like the wealthy and corporations with tax breaks, tax loopholes, no bid contracts, pork and earmarks



Nothing about eating in the fanciest restaurants, going to boxseat sports events, seeing plays, traveling worldwide in first class..all on the dime onf the American Taxpayer.
52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

No... everyone gets the same government service of the court system, national defense, etc... not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults

We get free education, deductions for our house and children, roads and infrastructure, police and fire protection.....Everybody gets something and the rich get more than anyone else
First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

What handout do I get? Besides a fuckin tab for groceries, money, phones gas etc?
First off..they are not freebies.

And Republicans calling it such, is part of the reason they are in trouble.

What ever "Entitlement" program you want to go over, for the most part, they are set up like insurance companies..without the restrictions. And the majority of people like them.

Second off..Romney said he thinks people "feel they should get everything from government". That's essentially complete bullshit. The majority of the people in this country work..and work hard. And for the most part GOVERNMENT protects owners and management from the people working FOR them. I've posted this MANY times before. Take the government out of labor/management negotiations. I'd like to see the small core of management justify to the people working for them..and making them the money..paying themselves 400xs what they make, face to face..without government having their backs.

What we have is a government that takes money from the many..and gives it to the few. It does this the form of contracts, subsidies, grants, research, tax loopholes and givebacks. Romney EVEN discussed this when he was talking about running the Olympics.

People are sick and tired of that. And Republicans are basically doing the BAU thing.

52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

I've never received any govt goodies.
52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

What handout do I get? Besides a fuckin tab for groceries, money, phones gas etc?

Did you go to school?
Have kids?
Have a mortgage?
School? SO getting something that my parents paid for is a handout?
Yes I have a kid and I also told my sons mother she could claim him every year. She needs it more than I do
No I dont have a mortgage. The first I did have got destroyed in the storms of 2011 :( But didnt even file for the credit when I did buy it.
52 million people are on some sort of welfare.
48%? pay NO income taxes
MANY is a stretch of a word
What are we going to do with it is even, or even surpasses the givers?

Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

I've never received any govt goodies.

Your teeth fall out?
Your gut bloated from waterbourne diseases?
You got stomach diseases from eating infected meat?
Roving bands of rogues constantly fleecing your home?
Electricity not working?

Which of those things are going on in your life.

If the answer is "none"..welcome to the wonderful world of government goodies.
Something the people pay for is not a handout
It is the gov'ts job to provide public services. Thats why we give them money
We dont give them money to give people shit they do not need or wont work for
School? SO getting something that my parents paid for is a handout?
Yes I have a kid and I also told my sons mother she could claim him every year. She needs it more than I do
No I dont have a mortgage. The first I did have got destroyed in the storms of 2011 :( But didnt even file for the credit when I did buy it.


I sent two kids to public school for 13 years at $11,000 a year per kid.

Thats $286,000 to educate my kids. I paid $2400 a year in school taxes

That is a government handout
The desperate happy face democrats put on the poll and selected portions of the poll notwithstanding it is clear that Obama's new cozy face to face policy with republicans is a result of the drastic drop in approval regarding the economy. The poll was taken today (3/13) by the Washington Post/ABC you can count on the fact that selected demographics would tend to favor the president but even a poll taken by the liberal media couldn't disguise the fact that the majority of the 1,100 Americans polled do not trust the president to lead the Country out of the dismal economic stalemate. It's a shocking revelation that the almost entire liberal media can't convince Americans that Obama is competent to do anything but play golf..
School? SO getting something that my parents paid for is a handout?
Yes I have a kid and I also told my sons mother she could claim him every year. She needs it more than I do
No I dont have a mortgage. The first I did have got destroyed in the storms of 2011 :( But didnt even file for the credit when I did buy it.


I sent two kids to public school for 13 years at $11,000 a year per kid.

Thats $286,000 to educate my kids. I paid $2400 a year in school taxes

That is a government handout

School.. for minors... seriously?? That is where you are going with this??

Try for adults, wrongwinger.. try something that is not for everyone..

You may have a point if every citizen got the same foodstamps, got the same welfare check... but we know that is not the case

And funny how it is not a federal school. and how many conservatives are against the federal Dept of Ed... and would rather go by the constitution, leaving that to the states and local governments... but hey, you THINK you have a point
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Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

No... everyone gets the same government service of the court system, national defense, etc... not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults

We get free education, deductions for our house and children, roads and infrastructure, police and fire protection.....Everybody gets something and the rich get more than anyone else

We do not have federal firemen, etc.. try and separate between federal and state

And as for deductions.. GET RID OF THEM ALL.. and I have 2 kids... equalize it all.. no deductions, no differences, no nothing... go ahead.. BE MY GUEST

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