Obama Approval "Only" 52% This Morning

No... everyone gets the same government service of the court system, national defense, etc... not everyone gets a handout like the entitlement junkies do with free food, free housing, free phones, free tuition, etc as adults

We get free education, deductions for our house and children, roads and infrastructure, police and fire protection.....Everybody gets something and the rich get more than anyone else

We do not have federal firemen, etc.. try and separate between federal and state

And as for deductions.. GET RID OF THEM ALL.. and I have 2 kids... equalize it all.. no deductions, no differences, no nothing... go ahead.. BE MY GUEST

Why seperate local from state from federal?

They are all government handouts
School? SO getting something that my parents paid for is a handout?
Yes I have a kid and I also told my sons mother she could claim him every year. She needs it more than I do
No I dont have a mortgage. The first I did have got destroyed in the storms of 2011 :( But didnt even file for the credit when I did buy it.


I sent two kids to public school for 13 years at $11,000 a year per kid.

Thats $286,000 to educate my kids. I paid $2400 a year in school taxes

That is a government handout

School.. for minors... seriously?? That is where you are going with this??

Try for adults, wrongwinger.. try something that is not for everyone..

You may have a point if every citizen got the same foodstamps, got the same welfare check... but we know that is not the case

And funny how it is not a federal school. and how many conservatives are against the federal Dept of Ed... and would rather go by the constitution, leaving that to the states and local governments... but hey, you THINK you have a point

Personally, I prefer school for minors. If you wait until they are adults it is too late

Not everyone gets the same government handout for education. Just the moochers who have lots of kids
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I sent two kids to public school for 13 years at $11,000 a year per kid.

Thats $286,000 to educate my kids. I paid $2400 a year in school taxes

That is a government handout

School.. for minors... seriously?? That is where you are going with this??

Try for adults, wrongwinger.. try something that is not for everyone..

You may have a point if every citizen got the same foodstamps, got the same welfare check... but we know that is not the case

And funny how it is not a federal school. and how many conservatives are against the federal Dept of Ed... and would rather go by the constitution, leaving that to the states and local governments... but hey, you THINK you have a point

Personally, I prefer school for minors. If you wait until they are adults it is too late

Not everyone gets the same government handout for education. Just the moochers who have lots of kids

And again we are NOT TALKING FEDERAL.. because education is not the job of the fed.. and by the 10th amendment, that power is reserved for the states or the individuals...

Did you go to school?? So did I.. and so did every other citizen born in this country...

Care to keep this about things on the federal level?? Not whether my county provides more for school than yours, or whether yours has newer books, or whatever... and care to keep this about stuff for adults?? Don't think anyone has an objection to a MINOR getting an education... no adult is owed an education by government and should NOT be owed any thing by government for their personal upkeep, advancement, etc
Actually, Everyone gets some form of government handout

I do, you do, the poor do and the rich certainly do

I've never received any govt goodies.

Your teeth fall out?
Your gut bloated from waterbourne diseases?
You got stomach diseases from eating infected meat?
Roving bands of rogues constantly fleecing your home?
Electricity not working?

Which of those things are going on in your life.

If the answer is "none"..welcome to the wonderful world of government goodies.

You're a mess, Sallow. I pay for all of those services with taxes. Please don't try again, you're making yourself look pitiful!!
School.. for minors... seriously?? That is where you are going with this??

Try for adults, wrongwinger.. try something that is not for everyone..

You may have a point if every citizen got the same foodstamps, got the same welfare check... but we know that is not the case

And funny how it is not a federal school. and how many conservatives are against the federal Dept of Ed... and would rather go by the constitution, leaving that to the states and local governments... but hey, you THINK you have a point

Personally, I prefer school for minors. If you wait until they are adults it is too late

Not everyone gets the same government handout for education. Just the moochers who have lots of kids

And again we are NOT TALKING FEDERAL.. because education is not the job of the fed.. and by the 10th amendment, that power is reserved for the states or the individuals...

Did you go to school?? So did I.. and so did every other citizen born in this country...

Care to keep this about things on the federal level?? Not whether my county provides more for school than yours, or whether yours has newer books, or whatever... and care to keep this about stuff for adults?? Don't think anyone has an objection to a MINOR getting an education... no adult is owed an education by government and should NOT be owed any thing by government for their personal upkeep, advancement, etc

What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids
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Personally, I prefer school for minors. If you wait until they are adults it is too late

Not everyone gets the same government handout for education. Just the moochers who have lots of kids

And again we are NOT TALKING FEDERAL.. because education is not the job of the fed.. and by the 10th amendment, that power is reserved for the states or the individuals...

Did you go to school?? So did I.. and so did every other citizen born in this country...

Care to keep this about things on the federal level?? Not whether my county provides more for school than yours, or whether yours has newer books, or whatever... and care to keep this about stuff for adults?? Don't think anyone has an objection to a MINOR getting an education... no adult is owed an education by government and should NOT be owed any thing by government for their personal upkeep, advancement, etc

What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids

And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...
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And again we are NOT TALKING FEDERAL.. because education is not the job of the fed.. and by the 10th amendment, that power is reserved for the states or the individuals...

Did you go to school?? So did I.. and so did every other citizen born in this country...

Care to keep this about things on the federal level?? Not whether my county provides more for school than yours, or whether yours has newer books, or whatever... and care to keep this about stuff for adults?? Don't think anyone has an objection to a MINOR getting an education... no adult is owed an education by government and should NOT be owed any thing by government for their personal upkeep, advancement, etc

What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids

And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...

OK how many people on this board are receiving handouts from the Federal Government?

If you have four kids you get to deduct $3800 a kid
Thats a $15,000 deduction that you get that someone without kids doesn't get

Why should others pay for your kids?
What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids

And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...

OK how many people on this board are receiving handouts from the Federal Government?

If you have four kids you get to deduct $3800 a kid
Thats a $15,000 deduction that you get that someone without kids doesn't get

Why should others pay for your kids?

They shouldnt
I think it got limited to two though.. Might be wrong
What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids

And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...

OK how many people on this board are receiving handouts from the Federal Government?

If you have four kids you get to deduct $3800 a kid
Thats a $15,000 deduction that you get that someone without kids doesn't get

Why should others pay for your kids?

Eliminate deductions and go to flat tax... already said that SO many times..

You're floundering
What does federal have to do with it?
We have moochers at the local, state and federal level
It all comes out of our taxes

A person with six kids gets to mooch more tax dollars than someone without kids

And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...

OK how many people on this board are receiving handouts from the Federal Government?

If you have four kids you get to deduct $3800 a kid
Thats a $15,000 deduction that you get that someone without kids doesn't get

Why should others pay for your kids?

why do you think people with kids should not be given a deduction to care for said kids?
Kids cost money to raise.

what the hell would be good about making having kids an extra tax burden?
If you are married and only one person works should you be able to take a tax deduction for the non working spouse?
If someone is going to depend on deductions for care to their kids, they shouldnt be reproducing
It is called personal responsibility
I'd find a cobra snake more charming than Obama

at least you know they aren't faking it
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And those powers are held for the state, because you can choose a state to live in, or a county for that matter... There is a HUGE difference in where the power to something is... And the framers of the constitution knew this, even if you do not

And the adult parent is not getting the education.. each minor citizen gets the same opportunity to go to school... no more, no less.. now that parent can supply more for school, help more at home, or even pay for better school in private... but again, it is not for the adult...

OK how many people on this board are receiving handouts from the Federal Government?

If you have four kids you get to deduct $3800 a kid
Thats a $15,000 deduction that you get that someone without kids doesn't get

Why should others pay for your kids?

why do you think people with kids should not be given a deduction to care for said kids?

We are talking about people who say they do not get a government handout

Looks like a handout to me
at what level would a flat tax have to be to meet our budget needs?

Now that depends on the level of spending, now doesn't it??

But funny.. I think there will be a call for reigning in government spending if each person suddenly has a stake in the game...

I'm all for a reduction in federal government spending by at least 20% to start.. lots of things can be gotten rid of or reduced

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