Obama Blames Intel? How Come That Wasn't Okay For Bush????

And since when did Bush admit that bad intel led to the invasion of Iraq? Correct me if I'm wrong, righties, but when has Bush ever admitted that there no wmds found due to bad Intel? And by bringing up this point, is the op admitting that there WERE no wmds to begin with?

Good point, Bush wasn't a finger pointer like Obama. Bush didn't point fingers like Obama does.

I'm not sure, though, how that helps you libs give Obama an out!


He wasn't?

Tenet Bush administration twisted slam dunk quote - USATODAY.com

Former CIA director George Tenet says in an interview to be aired Sunday that the Bush administration made him the scapegoat for the Iraq invasion by twisting his words to make it seem he was certain Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Tenet says in a 60 Minutes interview that after no weapons were found, the administration planted stories that the United States invaded Iraq based on the erroneous intelligence Tenet provided.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
Though it may be unprepossessing, the Niger Embassy is the site of one of the great mysteries of our times. On January 2, 2001, an embassy official returned there after New Year’s Day and discovered that the offices had been robbed. Little of value was missing—a wristwatch, perfume, worthless documents, embassy stationery, and some official stamps bearing the seal of the Republic of Niger. Nevertheless, the consequences of the robbery were so great that the Watergate break-in pales by comparison.
A few months after the robbery, Western intelligence analysts began hearing that Saddam Hussein had sought yellowcake—a concentrated form of uranium which, if enriched, can be used in nuclear weapons—from Niger. Next came a dossier purporting to document the attempted purchase of hundreds of tons of uranium by Iraq. Information from the dossier and, later, the papers themselves made their way from Italian intelligence to, at various times, the C.I.A., other Western intelligence agencies, the U.S. Embassy in Rome, the State Department, and the White House, as well as several media outlets. Finally, in his January 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush told the world, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Two months later, the United States invaded Iraq,

and that's how worthless documents and a watch turned into yellowcake uranium aka a Bush LIE.

And Obama's lies??????????

Obama can kiss my butt, Bush can kiss my butt, and YOU can kiss my butt ... a 3 way ass to mouth.

like I said, Bush was too stupid for excuses.. he lied. YOU wanted an example, YOU got one ... you're an idiot btw.
Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.
Why is "bad intel" a "good excuse" for Obama but not for Bush?
the short answer? Bush's bad intel was used as an excuse to start a war.

Obama's bad intel may have delayed some actions by a few months but on its own it has not and will not drag us into war.

Whose intel were the neocon Republicans using when they were attacking Obama for not arming the Syrians that in large part are now ISIS?

This isn't about that. NICE TRY!

This is about liberals saying Bush lied, but giving Obama a free pass on the same excuse: BAD INTEL.

You just can't wrapped your, warped by liberalism non mind around that.

Keep trying.

Last edited:
Though it may be unprepossessing, the Niger Embassy is the site of one of the great mysteries of our times. On January 2, 2001, an embassy official returned there after New Year’s Day and discovered that the offices had been robbed. Little of value was missing—a wristwatch, perfume, worthless documents, embassy stationery, and some official stamps bearing the seal of the Republic of Niger. Nevertheless, the consequences of the robbery were so great that the Watergate break-in pales by comparison.
A few months after the robbery, Western intelligence analysts began hearing that Saddam Hussein had sought yellowcake—a concentrated form of uranium which, if enriched, can be used in nuclear weapons—from Niger. Next came a dossier purporting to document the attempted purchase of hundreds of tons of uranium by Iraq. Information from the dossier and, later, the papers themselves made their way from Italian intelligence to, at various times, the C.I.A., other Western intelligence agencies, the U.S. Embassy in Rome, the State Department, and the White House, as well as several media outlets. Finally, in his January 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush told the world, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Two months later, the United States invaded Iraq,

and that's how worthless documents and a watch turned into yellowcake uranium aka a Bush LIE.

And Obama's lies??????????

Obama can kiss my butt, Bush can kiss my butt, and YOU can kiss my butt ... a 3 way ass to mouth.

And you can have another tantrum!

Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
Good point, Bush wasn't a finger pointer like Obama. Bush didn't point fingers like Obama does.

I'm not sure, though, how that helps you libs give Obama an out!


He wasn't?

Tenet Bush administration twisted slam dunk quote - USATODAY.com

Former CIA director George Tenet says in an interview to be aired Sunday that the Bush administration made him the scapegoat for the Iraq invasion by twisting his words to make it seem he was certain Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Tenet says in a 60 Minutes interview that after no weapons were found, the administration planted stories that the United States invaded Iraq based on the erroneous intelligence Tenet provided.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
that's misunderstimating
Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?
He wasn't?

Tenet Bush administration twisted slam dunk quote - USATODAY.com

Former CIA director George Tenet says in an interview to be aired Sunday that the Bush administration made him the scapegoat for the Iraq invasion by twisting his words to make it seem he was certain Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Tenet says in a 60 Minutes interview that after no weapons were found, the administration planted stories that the United States invaded Iraq based on the erroneous intelligence Tenet provided.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
that's misunderstimating

No, that's you still refusing to address why libs are giving Obama a free pass.

Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

The problem with that is, libs are trying to compare seven years of war with Bush to Obama only bombing.

Obama is at the "shock and awe" stage of the war.

The comparison only becomes legit seven years from now to see how many Americans died.


It's all terrorism people!

Workplace violence, my ass!
Good point, Bush wasn't a finger pointer like Obama. Bush didn't point fingers like Obama does.

I'm not sure, though, how that helps you libs give Obama an out!


He wasn't?

Tenet Bush administration twisted slam dunk quote - USATODAY.com

Former CIA director George Tenet says in an interview to be aired Sunday that the Bush administration made him the scapegoat for the Iraq invasion by twisting his words to make it seem he was certain Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Tenet says in a 60 Minutes interview that after no weapons were found, the administration planted stories that the United States invaded Iraq based on the erroneous intelligence Tenet provided.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
Are you going to rewrite the entirety of American history while you're at it?
Though it may be unprepossessing, the Niger Embassy is the site of one of the great mysteries of our times. On January 2, 2001, an embassy official returned there after New Year’s Day and discovered that the offices had been robbed. Little of value was missing—a wristwatch, perfume, worthless documents, embassy stationery, and some official stamps bearing the seal of the Republic of Niger. Nevertheless, the consequences of the robbery were so great that the Watergate break-in pales by comparison.
A few months after the robbery, Western intelligence analysts began hearing that Saddam Hussein had sought yellowcake—a concentrated form of uranium which, if enriched, can be used in nuclear weapons—from Niger. Next came a dossier purporting to document the attempted purchase of hundreds of tons of uranium by Iraq. Information from the dossier and, later, the papers themselves made their way from Italian intelligence to, at various times, the C.I.A., other Western intelligence agencies, the U.S. Embassy in Rome, the State Department, and the White House, as well as several media outlets. Finally, in his January 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush told the world, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Two months later, the United States invaded Iraq,

and that's how worthless documents and a watch turned into yellowcake uranium aka a Bush LIE.

And Obama's lies??????????

Obama can kiss my butt, Bush can kiss my butt, and YOU can kiss my butt ... a 3 way ass to mouth.

And you can have another tantrum!


go back to sleep, when I need your stupid BS I'll ring a bell
He wasn't?

Tenet Bush administration twisted slam dunk quote - USATODAY.com

Former CIA director George Tenet says in an interview to be aired Sunday that the Bush administration made him the scapegoat for the Iraq invasion by twisting his words to make it seem he was certain Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Tenet says in a 60 Minutes interview that after no weapons were found, the administration planted stories that the United States invaded Iraq based on the erroneous intelligence Tenet provided.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
Are you going to rewrite the entirety of American history while you're at it?

Go for it
what is rewritten?
Though it may be unprepossessing, the Niger Embassy is the site of one of the great mysteries of our times. On January 2, 2001, an embassy official returned there after New Year’s Day and discovered that the offices had been robbed. Little of value was missing—a wristwatch, perfume, worthless documents, embassy stationery, and some official stamps bearing the seal of the Republic of Niger. Nevertheless, the consequences of the robbery were so great that the Watergate break-in pales by comparison.
A few months after the robbery, Western intelligence analysts began hearing that Saddam Hussein had sought yellowcake—a concentrated form of uranium which, if enriched, can be used in nuclear weapons—from Niger. Next came a dossier purporting to document the attempted purchase of hundreds of tons of uranium by Iraq. Information from the dossier and, later, the papers themselves made their way from Italian intelligence to, at various times, the C.I.A., other Western intelligence agencies, the U.S. Embassy in Rome, the State Department, and the White House, as well as several media outlets. Finally, in his January 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush told the world, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Two months later, the United States invaded Iraq,

and that's how worthless documents and a watch turned into yellowcake uranium aka a Bush LIE.

And Obama's lies??????????

Obama can kiss my butt, Bush can kiss my butt, and YOU can kiss my butt ... a 3 way ass to mouth.

And you can have another tantrum!


go back to sleep, when I need your stupid BS I'll ring a bell

You're the one that sounds like you need a nap, with that on going tantrum, you're having.

Well, then we are back where we started with the op.

If it's okay for Obama to blame bad intel, why wasn't it okay for Bush?

Still waiting for a good answer, libs!


Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!
Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!
Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11
Explain the equivalency

You left out the tens of thousands needlessly killed in Iraq including 4500 Americans.

This is where we get the equivalency game from Republicans

Obama underestimating ISIS cost two Americans their lives
Bush underestimating inteligence cost 10,000 lives
Are you going to rewrite the entirety of American history while you're at it?

Go for it
what is rewritten?

Well, for one, the double standard you libs have on the "bad intel" excuse, WHICH YOU STILL WILL NOT ADDRESS!

Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference
Though it may be unprepossessing, the Niger Embassy is the site of one of the great mysteries of our times. On January 2, 2001, an embassy official returned there after New Year’s Day and discovered that the offices had been robbed. Little of value was missing—a wristwatch, perfume, worthless documents, embassy stationery, and some official stamps bearing the seal of the Republic of Niger. Nevertheless, the consequences of the robbery were so great that the Watergate break-in pales by comparison.
A few months after the robbery, Western intelligence analysts began hearing that Saddam Hussein had sought yellowcake—a concentrated form of uranium which, if enriched, can be used in nuclear weapons—from Niger. Next came a dossier purporting to document the attempted purchase of hundreds of tons of uranium by Iraq. Information from the dossier and, later, the papers themselves made their way from Italian intelligence to, at various times, the C.I.A., other Western intelligence agencies, the U.S. Embassy in Rome, the State Department, and the White House, as well as several media outlets. Finally, in his January 2003 State of the Union address, George W. Bush told the world, “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.”
Two months later, the United States invaded Iraq,

and that's how worthless documents and a watch turned into yellowcake uranium aka a Bush LIE.

And Obama's lies??????????

Obama can kiss my butt, Bush can kiss my butt, and YOU can kiss my butt ... a 3 way ass to mouth.

And you can have another tantrum!


go back to sleep, when I need your stupid BS I'll ring a bell

You clicked on her thread dumbfuck. Don't wanna see what she has to say don't click on it.
The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference

So, shall we come back in SEVEN YEARS to see if that's true.

How many dead Americans were there during the "shock and awe" phase of the Iraq war libs?

You can't get away with the double standard.

Isn't going to work.

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