Obama Blames Intel? How Come That Wasn't Okay For Bush????

The problem with that is, libs are trying to compare seven years of war with Bush to Obama only bombing.

Obama is at the "shock and awe" stage of the war.

The comparison only becomes legit seven years from now to see how many Americans died.


It's all terrorism people!

Workplace violence, my ass!
of course, the difference is also that there is no plans to invade and occupy, where as bush used his 'bad' intel to justify an invasion and occupation.

again, what are the negative effects of obama's bad intel?

So what! Obama has no "plans."

A month ago Obama said he HAD NO STRATEGY AT ALL, and now he's bombing them.

Do you finally get you can't trust what Obama says????

I seriously doubt it!
again, what have been the negative repercussions of obama's bad intel? a few months of inactivity? what do you think would have changed?

Oh, so that's how it works in your world. It would have made no difference???

Shall I remind you of this one in a few months?

I can wait for you to eat your words!
and again, in a few months, what difference do you think a few months of missed opportunities will have made?

So, it makes no difference that Obama lied???

Is that your final answer???
Okay, I had fun watching liberals squirm. I have to get to work. Enjoy the rest of your day.

It's safe to stop hiding libs!

The equivalency is POTUS making decisions based on intel, followed by leftists are good with that when it happens to leftist POTUS and not good with that when it happens to moderate POTUS.

The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference
Do you not realize more soldiers died under Obama than Bush?
of course, the difference is also that there is no plans to invade and occupy, where as bush used his 'bad' intel to justify an invasion and occupation.

again, what are the negative effects of obama's bad intel?

So what! Obama has no "plans."

A month ago Obama said he HAD NO STRATEGY AT ALL, and now he's bombing them.

Do you finally get you can't trust what Obama says????

I seriously doubt it!
again, what have been the negative repercussions of obama's bad intel? a few months of inactivity? what do you think would have changed?

Oh, so that's how it works in your world. It would have made no difference???

Shall I remind you of this one in a few months?

I can wait for you to eat your words!
and again, in a few months, what difference do you think a few months of missed opportunities will have made?

So, it makes no difference that Obama lied???

Is that your final answer???
He got the lie of the year, and they are proud.
The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

The problem with that is, libs are trying to compare seven years of war with Bush to Obama only bombing.

Obama is at the "shock and awe" stage of the war.

The comparison only becomes legit seven years from now to see how many Americans died.


It's all terrorism people!

Workplace violence, my ass!
But... Obama said he was gonna end the Iraq war. What happened?
He made it worse.
Lol, I can't wait to hear the excuses. Come on liberals, don't let me down.

They are googling furiously as we speak, trying to come up with a good excuse!

Or scrambling for the new talking points. I also heard liberals are claiming the economy is booming, and it's YOUR FAULT if you don't see it.

Yeah, that's a laugh as well.

BTW, that means Obama has gone to the "Malaise" excuse that Carter went to. Anyone remember that? That's when Carter blamed US for why his economy wasn't working.

The Misery Index! Remember it well! And I have no one to blame but MY SELF as I voted for Carter!
Screen Shot 2014-09-29 at 2.55.56 PM.png

Misery index economics - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference
Do you not realize more soldiers died under Obama than Bush?

You do realize you are full of shit?
When all the Intel from British to the CIA insisted that Hussein had WMD that wasn't okay for Bush. Noooooooooo Bush LIED. It wasn't bad intel, it was just that Bush made them all uniformly say Hussein had WMD.

Remember when Obama and the liberals said intel wasn't an excuse for Bush???? I sure do!!!!


So, now Obama is blaming bad intel, and watch all the same liberals who said Bush lied, give Obama a free pass.


I expect you to go silent. But I would love you guys trying to twist yourselves into pretzels trying to explain to us how "Bush lied" but Obama just had "bad intel."


Obama Called ISIS 'JV' But Blames Intel Community for Underestimating Them ...
President Obama acknowledged Sunday that U.S. intelligence officials "underestimated" the threat posed by the Islamic State and overestimated the Iraqi army’s capacity to defeat the militant group.

The president said in an wide-ranging interview on CBS' “60 Minutes” that the Islamic State militants went "underground" after being squashed in Iraq and regrouped under the cover of the Syrian civil war.

"During the chaos of the Syrian civil war, where essentially you have huge swaths of the country that are completely ungoverned, they were able to reconstitute themselves and take advantage of that chaos," Obama said.

The president said his director of national intelligence, James Clapper, has acknowledged that the U.S. "underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” He also said it was "absolutely true" that the U.S. overestimated the ability and will of the Iraqi army.

However, Obama also acknowledged that the U.S. is dealing with a conundrum in Syria, as the U.S.-led military campaign against the Islamic State is helping Syrian President Bashar Assad, whom the U.N. has accused of war crimes.

"I recognize the contradiction in a contradictory land and a contradictory circumstance," Obama said. "We are not going to stabilize Syria under the rule of Assad," whose government has committed "terrible atrocities."

Obama Called ISIS JV But Blames Intel Community for Underestimating Them ... - Fox Nation

Nope, nope, nope. If we go by the same standard, Obama had to have LIED about the ISIS threat, he couldn't have had bad intel.

You can't have it both ways, libs!

Cue the crickets as a black hole of silence envelops this story.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Probably because the "intel" Bush was getting was designed to be misleading.


This is the first report, done by a Republican Congress.

"Iraq did not appear to have reconstituted its nuclear weapons program"

"According to CIA's Ombudsman for Politicization, the CTC was aggressive in drawing connections to try and produce information that could be used to support counterterrorism operations, while the NESA took the traditional analytic approach, confirming intelligence with with multiple sources and making assessments only based on strongly supported reporting."

Read, some in the intelligence community were providing intelligence that was desired, NESA, being the Pentagon, CTC being CIA. The CIA wanted to prove something that didn't exist. The Republican led Congress said this in 2004

"This intelligence assessment responds to senior policymaker interest in a comprehensive of Iraqi regime's links to al-Qaeda".

Read, Bush wanted links made and found between Iraq and al-Qaeda even when they clearly didn't exist.

"The CIA Ombudsman for Politicization received a confidential complaint four days after the paper was published , on June 25, 2002, claiming the CTC paper misleading."

"The Intelligence Community has no credible information that Baghdad had foreknowledge of the 11 September attacks or any other al-Qaida strike, but continues to pursue all leads."

"In Iraqi Support for Terrorism, the CIA acknowledged the poor intelligence collection on both the Iraqi regime and al-Qaida leadership. Further, with respect to the information that was available, the CIA specifically noted that the information was from sources of "varying reliability.""

"(U) Conclusion 112. The Intelligence Community had limited actionable intelligence on suspect Iraqi weapons of mass destruction sites."

"(U) Conclusion 116. The multiple Intelligence Community Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) site lists lack coherency."

Senate Report Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False

"Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False"

"More than five years after the initial invasion of Iraq, the Senate Intelligence Committee has finally gone on the record: the Bush administration misused, and in some cases disregarded, intelligence which led the nation into war. The two final sections of a long-delayed and much anticipated "Phase II" report on the Bush administration's use of prewar intelligence, released on Thursday morning, accuse senior White House officials of repeatedly misrepresenting the threat posed by Iraq."

"The "Phase II" report states -- in terms clearer than any previous government publication -- that there was no operational relationship between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein, that Bush officials were not truthful about the difficulties the United States would face in post-war Iraq and that their public statements did not reflect intelligence they had at the time, and, specifically, that the intelligence community would not confirm any meeting between Iraqi officials and Mohamed Atta -- a claim that was nevertheless publicly repeated."

"Before taking the country to war, this Administration owed it to the American people to give them a 100 percent accurate picture of the threat we faced. Unfortunately, our Committee has concluded that the Administration made significant claims that were not supported by the intelligence," Rockefeller said in a statement provided to The Huffington Post."

"In making the case for war, the Administration repeatedly presented intelligence as fact when in reality it was unsubstantiated, contradicted, or even non-existent. As a result, the American people were led to believe that the threat from Iraq was much greater than actually existed. ... There is no question we all relied on flawed intelligence. But, there is a fundamental difference between relying on incorrect intelligence and deliberately painting a picture to the American people that you know is not fully accurate."
Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference
Do you not realize more soldiers died under Obama than Bush?

You do realize you are full of shit?
Not really, how many soldiers died why Obama spent month to decide on the surge in Afghanistan, didn't matter his aids were telling him the surge was needed.
again, what have been the negative repercussions of obama's bad intel? a few months of inactivity? what do you think would have changed?


Once again a liberal misses the point. Obama is ... wait for it ... lying. He took it on the chin politically, now he's pointing fingers because he doesn't have the gonads to accept personal responsibility for his choices.


Obama is LYING but liberals are okay with that!

By comparison Bush is behind a "conspiracy" to get us into war and apparently, according to one lib here, Bush is still behind the intel getting Obama into war.


I disagree with Bush's policy to invade Iraq, but the big lie in Iraq was the Democrats saying they were lied to. Bush clearly believed what he was saying. And frankly stockpiles are irrelevant with WMDs. You need the technology to make them to be a threat, you don't need stockpiles of them.
Okay, I had fun watching liberals squirm. I have to get to work. Enjoy the rest of your day.

It's safe to stop hiding libs!


you and the rest of the RW's on this board could be given 1000's of examples and every one of you is too dumb to understand them ... go to work. I'll be by later for a Happy Meal, my grandchild thinks you look funny in your clown costume ... I keep telling her it's NOT a costume...
of course, the difference is also that there is no plans to invade and occupy, where as bush used his 'bad' intel to justify an invasion and occupation.

again, what are the negative effects of obama's bad intel?

So what! Obama has no "plans."

A month ago Obama said he HAD NO STRATEGY AT ALL, and now he's bombing them.

Do you finally get you can't trust what Obama says????

I seriously doubt it!
again, what have been the negative repercussions of obama's bad intel? a few months of inactivity? what do you think would have changed?

Oh, so that's how it works in your world. It would have made no difference???

Shall I remind you of this one in a few months?

I can wait for you to eat your words!
and again, in a few months, what difference do you think a few months of missed opportunities will have made?

So, it makes no difference that Obama lied???

Is that your final answer???
lied about what?
The left is so into their Bush Derangement Syndrome, they can't see that.

Shhhhhh! Don't tell them. Sit back and watch the fun as they sputter, call names, Blame Bush and make fools of themselves while we get another laugh at their expense.

Yeah, well my Obama Derangement Syndrome is so strong I doubt seriously that I'll ever believe a single word uttered by a democrat, ever again.

I learned a long time ago how to know when a Democrat is lying. Their lips are moving. ;)
You think rightwinger is trying to say he would have been good with the Iraq WAR if no one got hurt? Or do you think he's just carrying the koolaid around?

Ummmmm....yes I would

100,000 dead DOES make a difference
Do you not realize more soldiers died under Obama than Bush?
patently false.
of course, the difference is also that there is no plans to invade and occupy, where as bush used his 'bad' intel to justify an invasion and occupation.

again, what are the negative effects of obama's bad intel?

So what! Obama has no "plans."

A month ago Obama said he HAD NO STRATEGY AT ALL, and now he's bombing them.

Do you finally get you can't trust what Obama says????

I seriously doubt it!
again, what have been the negative repercussions of obama's bad intel? a few months of inactivity? what do you think would have changed?

Oh, so that's how it works in your world. It would have made no difference???

Shall I remind you of this one in a few months?

I can wait for you to eat your words!
and again, in a few months, what difference do you think a few months of missed opportunities will have made?

So, it makes no difference that Obama lied???

Is that your final answer???

6 years into his presidency and I have yet to meet a liberal who was bothered by his habitual lying.

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