Obama Blames Intel? How Come That Wasn't Okay For Bush????

The intel community is mostly a bunch of Bush appointees who worship Dick Cheney.:lalala:

\So all the people that gave Clinton his intell,were jsut there waiting until Bush was elected?
Nice try. Really.

Show us where Bush blamed Clinton and you might have a point. Until then how about addressing the op?

Yeah, that Bush Derangement syndrome got in the way of addressing that pesky op.

Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?

Yeah, noooooooooooooooooooooooooo bombing is going on in the ME because of Obama.
That's all an illusion!

Because when the liberal press starts saying "boots on the ground" is inevitable, it's because Obama is testing the waters to see if he can get away with it. The lib media doesn't do anything without Obama's say so:

HuffPost Live
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Okay, everything is explained in the OP.

But this guys knows that he can't refute the op.

So this is a TACTIC liberals play when they know they can't deny reality.

The try to get you to explain it over and over, while they question again and again, just trying to wear you out.

Not going to work libs. It's all explained in the ops.


Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Lets see?

Obama is bombing the shit out of ISIS with no US casualties
Bush wrongly invaded Iraq and got 6000 Americans killed

Get the picture?
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Lets see?

Obama is bombing the shit out of ISIS with no US casualties
Bush wrongly invaded Iraq and got 6000 Americans killed

Get the picture?
Who are you trying to fool? If there was 100,000 killed fighting ISIS under Obama, you would still have his nuts banging up against your fat chin.
Hey Republicans .....Its time to play The Equivalency Game!

Answer correctly and win valuable prizes!

Obama had bad intel on ISIS and two Americans were beheaded
Bush had bad intel on Al Qaeda and 3000 Americans were killed on 9-11

Explain the equivalency
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Lets see?

Obama is bombing the shit out of ISIS with no US casualties
Bush wrongly invaded Iraq and got 6000 Americans killed

Get the picture?

Obama is blaming bad intel for why he is now bombing ISIS and they are already putting out feelers that boots on the ground are next.

HuffPost Live

Get the picture????
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Lets see?

Obama is bombing the shit out of ISIS with no US casualties
Bush wrongly invaded Iraq and got 6000 Americans killed

Get the picture?

Obama is blaming bad intel for why he is now bombing ISIS and they are already putting out feelers that boots on the ground are next.

HuffPost Live

Get the picture????

I thought I heard John Boehner saying that boots on the ground was inevitable
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
Who is Obama bombing now because of bad intel?

Lets see?

Obama is bombing the shit out of ISIS with no US casualties
Bush wrongly invaded Iraq and got 6000 Americans killed

Get the picture?

Obama is blaming bad intel for why he is now bombing ISIS and they are already putting out feelers that boots on the ground are next.

HuffPost Live

Get the picture????

I thought I heard John Boehner saying that boots on the ground was inevitable

What does that have to do with the liberal media NOW saying it, after Obama said there would be no boots on the ground?
And liberals fall silent again. Knew this was going to happen. Not that I intend to let them off the hook!

how many thousands of dead americans has obama's bad intel resulted in?
Last edited:
how many thousands of americans has obama's bad intel resulted in?

How many thousands of Americans has Obama's bad intel resulted in? What???????????
this is what happens when i start a post, walk away, and then finish it.

you leave one small (yet crucial) word out and the world ends... :)

How many dead Americans? So you are going to compare SEVEN YEARS OF WAR, to an INVASION OBAMA JUST STARTED???

The day is young my friend, and now the liberal media are saying boots on the ground are inevitable (posted it twice).

So, sorry doesn't work.

Boots weren't on the ground yet, during the "shock and awe" part of the invasion of Iraq. They were just bombing.

We are just bombing. How many die when the boots on the ground hit, that Obama claims won't happen, but the media is now saying will.

(and if the liberal media are saying it's going to happen, it's because Obama is saying it will)
The only way there won't be boots on the ground is if The New Messiah has enough mojo left to levitate the troops.

Somehow that seems unlikely but, if you don't believe me, ask the liberal pundits whose song has shifted key in recent weeks.
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
And since when did Bush admit that bad intel led to the invasion of Iraq? Correct me if I'm wrong, righties, but when has Bush ever admitted that there no wmds found due to bad Intel? And by bringing up this point, is the op admitting that there WERE no wmds to begin with?
Obama just accepted responsibility for his administration making mistakes. His mistake led to a delay in acting militarily.

The Bush administration didn't just act on bad intel, they manufactured bad intel with the aim of getting support for an invasion of Iraq. Big difference.

Think, nutters.
Come on libs
Fakey Jakey
Franco HW
Right Winger
How come it's ok for Obama to have bad intel but not Bush?

Who did Obama invade because of that "Bad Intel"?
And since when did Bush admit that bad intel led to the invasion of Iraq? Correct me if I'm wrong, righties, but when has Bush ever admitted that there no wmds found due to bad Intel? And by bringing up this point, is the op admitting that there WERE no wmds to begin with?

Good point, Bush wasn't a finger pointer like Obama. Bush didn't point fingers like Obama does.

I'm not sure, though, how that helps you libs give Obama an out!


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