Obama casts Republicans as party of the rich

Let's say I break into your house to take what money you may have hidden to give to the poor so they can have food to eat
To create a tax to take money from one person to give to another person is still stealing. It's legal but it's stealing.
Both are stealing no matter the good intention both may have.

That's a ridiculous comparison. I just love you phony conservatives that love to flaunt your Christianity. Yet there isn't an ounce of Christian charity in your entire bodies.
Charity doesn't count when the money doesn't belong to you in the first place.

Liberals are very generous...with other people's money.

Stupid, stupid comment. But a good one if you're trying not to let people know what a miserable cheapskate you are. I hope Karma reached out and bites you so hard. And it will. :lol:
Let's say I break into your house to take what money you may have hidden to give to the poor so they can have food to eat
To create a tax to take money from one person to give to another person is still stealing. It's legal but it's stealing.
Both are stealing no matter the good intention both may have.

That's a ridiculous comparison. I just love you phony conservatives that love to flaunt your Christianity. Yet there isn't an ounce of Christian charity in your entire bodies.


Only people that have no defense answer this way. It's so telling.
That's a ridiculous comparison. I just love you phony conservatives that love to flaunt your Christianity. Yet there isn't an ounce of Christian charity in your entire bodies.
Charity doesn't count when the money doesn't belong to you in the first place.

Liberals are very generous...with other people's money.

Stupid, stupid comment. But a good one if you're trying not to let people know what a miserable cheapskate you are. I hope Karma reached out and bites you so hard. And it will. :lol:

Saying a person can only be 'charitable' or 'generous' with their own money labels one as a cheapskate??? Hardly... Ones that support forced 'charity' at the expense of others are the ones that would more aptly be labeled as 'cheapskate' and IMHO more likely to have karma come and bite their entitlement junkie asses
That's a ridiculous comparison. I just love you phony conservatives that love to flaunt your Christianity. Yet there isn't an ounce of Christian charity in your entire bodies.
what a stupid assed thing to say
how is it charity when its TAKEN from you/?????

you just proved you again, dont know what the fuck you are talking about

and typical, a liberal is only charitable when its SOMEONE else's money

Oh, did I hit a nerve??? I did not prove anything that you've said and I know exactly what I'm talking about.

A typical statement from somebody that thinks it's all about you. A hypocritical Christian cheapskate conservative. I am not going to sit here and brag about what I give to charities. But I'll tell you one thing. There are so many and not enough money. If I were rich I would give to all of them. So just shut up!! You have no idea what any liberal does.
I know one thing that they do...Believe in gunpoint charity, no matter how much they claim that they give....Seems that they don't believe and/or trust their neighbor to be as benevolent as they claim to be.

BTW, I don't recall either poster invoking Christianity...Projecting a loathing of Christians, perhaps?
what a stupid assed thing to say
how is it charity when its TAKEN from you/?????

you just proved you again, dont know what the fuck you are talking about

and typical, a liberal is only charitable when its SOMEONE else's money

Oh, did I hit a nerve??? I did not prove anything that you've said and I know exactly what I'm talking about.

A typical statement from somebody that thinks it's all about you. A hypocritical Christian cheapskate conservative. I am not going to sit here and brag about what I give to charities. But I'll tell you one thing. There are so many and not enough money. If I were rich I would give to all of them. So just shut up!! You have no idea what any liberal does.
I know one thing that they do...Believe in gunpoint charity, no matter how much they claim that they give....Seems that they don't believe and/or trust their neighbor to be as benevolent as they claim to be.

BTW, I don't recall either poster invoking Christianity...Projecting a loathing of Christians, perhaps?
Not only that, but if she's using the Christian argument, here's this too:

Matthew 7 (King James Version)

Matthew 7

1Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Charity doesn't count when the money doesn't belong to you in the first place.

Liberals are very generous...with other people's money.

Stupid, stupid comment. But a good one if you're trying not to let people know what a miserable cheapskate you are. I hope Karma reached out and bites you so hard. And it will. :lol:

Saying a person can only be 'charitable' or 'generous' with their own money labels one as a cheapskate??? Hardly... Ones that support forced 'charity' at the expense of others are the ones that would more aptly be labeled as 'cheapskate' and IMHO more likely to have karma come and bite their entitlement junkie asses

What is forced charity but involuntary servitude?
Forced charity?? If you're doing well in life then you want to help other people. Maybe you're all just cheap and work for minimum wage. You're all so ignorant there is no way any of you have decent jobs.
Forced charity?? If you're doing well in life then you want to help other people. Maybe you're all just cheap and work for minimum wage. You're all so ignorant there is no way any of you have decent jobs.
taxes are NOT charity
Forced charity?? If you're doing well in life then you want to help other people. Maybe you're all just cheap and work for minimum wage. You're all so ignorant there is no way any of you have decent jobs.
taxes are NOT charity

Especially at the point of a gun courtesy of the legalized theft of the Imperial Fed.
Forced charity?? If you're doing well in life then you want to help other people. Maybe you're all just cheap and work for minimum wage. You're all so ignorant there is no way any of you have decent jobs.

Is it UP to you or the Imperial FED to mandate it? I think NOT.

What citizens do with their hard earned cash (property) is their business and no one elses. They know what the right thing to do is. And they have to answer to their maker that belive it or not is alot larger than the Gubmint.

Got it?
Forced charity?? If you're doing well in life then you want to help other people.

In summary:

1. Liberals make more money than conservatives.

2. Conservatives donate more money to charity than liberals.

3. Liberals believe government taking money from people who earned it and giving it to people who didn't under threat of government force is "charity" and it makes them all warm and fuzzy to know they're helping people with someone else's money.

That about cover it?
I'm sure the Bush tax cuts for the rich didn't bother you at all. But the thought of your money going to the poor does bother you. How do you reconcile that??
I'm sure the Bush tax cuts for the rich didn't bother you at all. But the thought of your money going to the poor does bother you. How do you reconcile that??

The fact that you call it "tax cuts for the rich" takes away any credibility to your post.

Seeing as I never have taken welfare; always paid for my health insurance so never needed to use the ER on the tax payer dime; never used medicaid; never used food stamps, never applied for unemployment; always pay my money due for unemployment insurance and payouts as the employer;......

Yet have always paid my taxes and never been deemed as "owing" after April 15th and have never complained about the amount of taxes I pay and who gets to capitalize on it......

I would say IT IS PROOF that I have no problem whatsover with the fact that much of my money is going to the poor........ and has been for the better part of 30 years. SO your second part of your post is BS as well.

I am not rich. I served my country. I own a business. I employ people.. I live a comfortable lifestyle. But I am not rich. And my tax cuts which helped me expand my business and hire more employees and NEVER went into my pocket are now going to be rescinded.

Wont hurt me. It WILL hurt anyone I may want to hire, but cant as I do not have the capital..

I suggest you stop regurgitating talking points like "tacx cuts for the rich" and start understanding exactly what is happening.
I'm sure the Bush tax cuts for the rich didn't bother you at all. But the thought of your money going to the poor does bother you. How do you reconcile that??

The fact that you call it "tax cuts for the rich" takes away any credibility to your post.

Seeing as I never have taken welfare; always paid for my health insurance so never needed to use the ER on the tax payer dime; never used medicaid; never used food stamps, never applied for unemployment; always pay my money due for unemployment insurance and payouts as the employer;......

Yet have always paid my taxes and never been deemed as "owing" after April 15th and have never complained about the amount of taxes I pay and who gets to capitalize on it......

I would say IT IS PROOF that I have no problem whatsover with the fact that much of my money is going to the poor........ and has been for the better part of 30 years. SO your second part of your post is BS as well.

I am not rich. I served my country. I own a business. I employ people.. I live a comfortable lifestyle. But I am not rich. And my tax cuts which helped me expand my business and hire more employees and NEVER went into my pocket are now going to be rescinded.

Wont hurt me. It WILL hurt anyone I may want to hire, but cant as I do not have the capital..

I suggest you stop regurgitating talking points like "tacx cuts for the rich" and start understanding exactly what is happening.
and dont forget those "tax cuts for the rich" also took a lot of low income people completely off the tax payer list
those cuts helped EVERYONE down the line
but rinata only wants to bitch about the people that STILL pay the MOST taxes because she doesnt think they pay enough yet
The truth is the rich invest their money to create more money which in turn creates jobs for the middle class and even the poor.

Yeah, THAT happened. That is a big pile of steaming horse shit and you KNOW it. Just stop repeating this FARCE as truth. If that were the case, we'd be up to our eyeballs in jobs with labor shortages and a booming economy. Well it did help the economies of India, China and Switzerland...

We're still waiting ot be trickled on, by the way...
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I'm sure the Bush tax cuts for the rich didn't bother you at all. But the thought of your money going to the poor does bother you. How do you reconcile that??

I got a tax cut, too, and I'm certainly not rich.

What bothers me is the government being involved in places it has no Constitutional business.
The truth is the rich invest their money to create more money which in turn creates jobs for the middle class and even the poor.

Yeah, THAT happened. That is a big pile of steaming horse shit and you KNOW it. Just stop repeating this FARCE as truth. If that were the case, we'd be up to our eyeballs in jobs with labor shortages and a booming economy. Well it did help the economies of India, China and Switzerland...

We're still waiting ot be trickled on, by the way...

Why did those jobs go overseas?

Because they government made it cheaper to operate over there. if our government wasn't so hostile to business, the jobs would have stayed.
The truth is the rich invest their money to create more money which in turn creates jobs for the middle class and even the poor.

Yeah, THAT happened. That is a big pile of steaming horse shit and you KNOW it. Just stop repeating this FARCE as truth. If that were the case, we'd be up to our eyeballs in jobs with labor shortages and a booming economy. Well it did help the economies of India, China and Switzerland...

We're still waiting ot be trickled on, by the way...

Here betting you didn't have college economics. There is trillions of dollars sitting on the sidelined afraid to get in. Once growth long term is confirmed and republicans remove some uncertainty in nov that money piles in. No economist will tell you that won't generate a shit load of jobs.
Sorry but nice self burn!

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