Obama Caves to Senate on Iran Deal

There is absolutely no danger that these missiles could be "repurposed" as tactical nuclear missiles. It's simply not possible.

It's a simple matter of replacing the warhead. If you can shoot nuclear ordinance from an artillery piece (if you want I can find you footage of that), you can re-purpose a long range surface to air missile to carry a miniaturized nuclear payload. The S-300PS was fitted with a nuclear warhead (and could fire the 5V55R and 5V55U missile) in 1985. The S-300 PMU and S-300P are capable of firing the 5V55R and 5V55U.

Davy Crockett was the smallest nuke ever deployed by the US, and it weighed 51 pounds. The 5V55R, (the smallest type of Russian mad anti-aircraft missile) is capable of carrying a 70 pound warhead. The technology is there.

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By passing this law to give them this power, they are acknowledging that they don't already have it.

Flawed logic. The Constitution grants them that power. It is their prerogative if they wish to reassert it.

Be specific. What "flaws" do you have with my logic?

Your logic is defective. Congress passes law all the time (most of them within constitutional bounds), does that automatically mean they didn't have power over the thing the law was passed to oversee or regulate before they passed it? No. It simply means it is using its vested powers to pass that law because it is within their bounds to do so.

Works the same way with the Treaty Clause.
You idiots that voted for Obama should hang your head in shame...
That's Awesome, Chief Sitting Couch.

So now all the other countries will just cut their own deals with Iran and leave us out of it.

This is a good thing, how?
What? That's stupid, even for you. Do you imagine other countries will sign bogus deals to lift sanctions and we'll be left behind with our sanctions regime? Or what?

If the P5+1 make a deal with Iran, and we refuse to honor it, are you under the impression that the other 5 countries would just blindly follow us?
Yeah pretty much. Without US support any deal doesnt mean a whole lot.
But those countries wont make a deal. Hell, France was warning us about a deal with Iran. France.

Of course it does.

They don't need our permission to lift their sanctions against Iran.
Technically that's true. But as a practical matter they will follow the US lead. The Euros are more concerned about an Iranian nuke than we are.
Have enough Democrats come to their senses to make it a veto-proof vote?

This bill? Yes, which is why Obama is going to sign it.

On the other hand, it's unlikely they'll have enough votes to override the inevitable veto of any rejection of a deal.
So Congress will pass a bill insisting they have a role in the negotiations but will be complacent when Obama ignores that role?
No, I dont think so. If Obozo vetoes whatever Congress decides they will over ride it. The only reason he agreed to this is because he knew Congress would line up against him. That includes the Democrats, who have had enough of him.
That's Awesome, Chief Sitting Couch.

So now all the other countries will just cut their own deals with Iran and leave us out of it.

This is a good thing, how?
This isn't about "other countries."

Uh, yeah, it kind of is. We want other countries to go along with a regime of sanctions and inspections, but we have to convince them that we are dealing with the Iranians in good faith.

If they see our politicians sucking up to the Zionists, they are going to just cut their own deals. Then the Iranians get sanction relief and can make all the bombs they want.

God, Chief Sitting Couch, you are stupid.
What? That's stupid, even for you. Do you imagine other countries will sign bogus deals to lift sanctions and we'll be left behind with our sanctions regime? Or what?

Uh, yeah, I totally think the Russians would sign trade treaties with Iran. They already are shipping them those missiles the Iranians bought in 2007.

The Chinese will probably make a deal as well.

Again, we want them to go along, we have to negotiate in good faith. If the world sees the Zionists pulling our strings, they are j ust going to walk away from our sanctions.
Naw, lets not sugarcoat it. This means Congress has reasserted its power under the advice and consent clause.

Congress gets a final say on any deal reached between him and Iran. If there is a deal reached between now and June 30, Congress can't move against it or try to stop it. It appears to me that after June 30, Congress has 30 days to review and/or amend the deal. If there is no deal reached by June 30, that only strengthens Congress' hand as it would prove Obama's incompetence at the negotiating table.

The path to any deal with Iran runs through both houses of Congress.

Until the rest of the world bypasses it. Then Iran gets the Bomb AND Sanctions relief.

Good Work, Wingnuts. Maybe Jesus will save you.
The Obo-tards LOVED pointing out how his immigration bill passed. But the mistake there was a social bill was tied to a defense bill something that should NEVER happen by ANY party.

But the Obo-tards have now suffered a loss because that "treaty" by Obozo and Communist sell out Kerry is a stand alone treaty. NOTHING is tied to it. And Obozo had to fold.

A SUPER majority in Congress do NOT approve of his treaty and have said so. And WITHOUT a tie to FORCE it through it's DOA. This treaty could be the first in what could be many in the laming of the duck. It shows conservatives of all stripes that democratic bills forced to stand alone will fail.

Congress Makes Obama Back Down on Iran - Yahoo News

The tide has now turned Oba-tards. YOUR president is a complete failure and Hillary is your Nixon. Slap each others backs and circle jerk ALL you want. The curtain IS closing and your day coming to an end.
Don't forget that the Supreme Court is supposed to rule on those illegal federal subsidies for GruberCare in June.

And the federal court has put the brakes to Obozo's illegal amnesty for his "undocumented Democrats".

Gee, what does that leave for a legacy, other than the ME being in flames, and ISIS growing at an unprecedented rate?
Obama didn't exactly fold. Congress removed the language from the bill that was contentious.
Hey I thought you rabid righties put no credence in The Atlantic? What Gives?

Oh, maybe this:

....with the legislation, it had "undergone substantial revision such that it’s now in the form of a compromise that the president is willing to sign." In other words, the White House is relenting because after years of skirmishing over the limits of executive power, Congress has finally forced the president's hand. With congressional Democrats supporting the Senate plan, Obama faced the prospect of an embarrassing veto fight that itself could have scuttled the negotiations with Iran.

Instead, administration officials on Tuesday afternoon assured their allies on Capitol Hill that the revised bill would not undermine the talks. Senator Barbara Boxer said that while she believed the original proposal would "disrupt and upend" the negotiations, "I believe this new bill will not do that." The Foreign Relations Committee unanimously approved the new proposal on Tuesday afternoon after Republicans on the panel held off on offering amendments that Democrats vowed to oppose.
Obama didn't exactly fold. Congress removed the language from the bill that was contentious.
Reports are Kerry argued against Congressional oversight up until the end, and Obama not only insisted that Congress would have no say, but he even threatened to take his case to the UN.

Sure sounds like Obama folded to me.
Obama didn't exactly fold. Congress removed the language from the bill that was contentious.
Reports are Kerry argued against Congressional oversight up until the end, and Obama not only insisted that Congress would have no say, but he even threatened to take his case to the UN.

Sure sounds like Obama folded to me.

Yet the senate had to alter the bill. Who folded? :dunno:

It's a compromise.
The bill that passed cut to 30 days from 60 the time in which Congress can review any final nuclear agreement and eliminated the requirement that Obama certify that Iran is not supporting acts of terrorism against the United States

so the Republicans agreed to cut 30 day off their time to review the agreement and no longer require Obama to certify Iran IS NOT supporting acts of terrorism???

back slapping circle jerks won again! way to go RW's good job !
Obama didn't exactly fold. Congress removed the language from the bill that was contentious.
Reports are Kerry argued against Congressional oversight up until the end, and Obama not only insisted that Congress would have no say, but he even threatened to take his case to the UN.

Sure sounds like Obama folded to me.

Yet the senate had to alter the bill. Who folded? :dunno:

It's a compromise.
Obama said "He would go it ALONE if he had to"...HE FOLDED.

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