Obama Caves to Senate on Iran Deal

Desert One was the biggest disaster up until that point. Obama's Afghan surge has taken its place of course. Mayaguez? Most people have never heard of it.

Okay, but the point was more people died, and it was pointless because the Cambodian government had ALREADY released the hostages... But no one politicized it agasint Jerry Ford the way the scumbags politicized Desert One.

As for the Afghan Surge... the only thing that was fucked up was that Bush abandoned the Afghan War when it was winnable to go after Saddam (Bush Lied, People Died) and Obama had to clean up yet another Bush mess.

Reagan was a disaster for the middle class? That's why inflation declined and employment went up, right?

Wages for working folks went down. Industrial jobs went overseas and were replaced with lower paying service jobs. Yes, Reagan was a fucking disaster for the middle class.
Because Ford, the only totally unelected president in history, was so popular, right?
Bush did not abandon the Afghan War. That's just nonsense, like most of what you write.
How did Obama clean up Bush's mess? The Iraq War was won with a final agreement on the table that Obama fucked up (see: ISIS). He created a surge in Afghanistan that did nothing but kill a bunch of Americans.
Your definition of success is very strange. That might explain why you've been fired from every job.
Because Ford, the only totally unelected president in history, was so popular, right?

Uh, no, because Democrats at that time respected that you don't politicize military operations.

Bush did not abandon the Afghan War. That's just nonsense, like most of what you write.
How did Obama clean up Bush's mess?

Bush rerouted military and intelligence resources that were fighting the Taliban and hunting Bin Laden to go get Saddam. Bush Lied, People Died. Saddam didn't have WMD's and he wasn't helping Al Qaeda. Bush Lied. People Died.

The Iraq War was won with a final agreement on the table that Obama fucked up (see: ISIS).

What agreement was that? The Agreement we signed was "Here's a bunch of money, Sunnis, please don't shoot at us while we retreat!" That's not an agreement, that's paying extortion.

Bush Lied. People Died.

He created a surge in Afghanistan that did nothing but kill a bunch of Americans.

And killed Bin Laden. Oops. That thing bush never did. Bush lied. People Died. Just not Bin Laden.

Your definition of success is very strange. That might explain why you've been fired from every job.

At least I have a job, unlike you. (Oh, most jobs I've quit, and I've never been "Fired".)

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