Obama continues to put pressure on iran

Day 1 should be the beginning of the wall, rounding up Emma, MS-13, and other mex drug gangs, and indicting the Clintoons for treason. Day 2 will be just as interesting.

I agree, but it will not happen. They authorized a fence/wall years ago and if they did anything it was to bring in more illegals. Take that with republicans like Dick Perry drawing up and signing a "dream act" bill and they do nothing to stop the flow. Wet backs are huge business for both parties.

It's true both parties are responsible...so why keep electing GOPers or Rats? Bush41 thought we'd keep industry here instead of leaving for China by ignoring the border. Then Chertoff started building the wall but couldn't complete it in time before our own dyke-whore Janet Napolitano cancelled the funding. The wall is almost all built so the issue is completing it.

I just dont see it happening. To many lies. Honestly, if the Government would go after and destroy any business cought employing illegals they would likely have better luck and an easier time dealing with it.

Our government is giving tax breaks and a get out of Obamacare free card to those businesses that hire illegals instead of Americans. We need new government. Vote Trump instead of UN rep Hitlery.

Yes President Obama is like God, can see everything. :rolleyes: Trump, "not under my watch" I can do it alone.:eek:

Stop eating your turds....
What day?

Day 1 should be the beginning of the wall, rounding up Emma, MS-13, and other mex drug gangs, and indicting the Clintoons for treason. Day 2 will be just as interesting.

I agree, but it will not happen. They authorized a fence/wall years ago and if they did anything it was to bring in more illegals. Take that with republicans like Dick Perry drawing up and signing a "dream act" bill and they do nothing to stop the flow. Wet backs are huge business for both parties.

It's true both parties are responsible...so why keep electing GOPers or Rats? Bush41 thought we'd keep industry here instead of leaving for China by ignoring the border. Then Chertoff started building the wall but couldn't complete it in time before our own dyke-whore Janet Napolitano cancelled the funding. The wall is almost all built so the issue is completing it.

I just dont see it happening. To many lies. Honestly, if the Government would go after and destroy any business cought employing illegals they would likely have better luck and an easier time dealing with it.

Our government is giving tax breaks and a get out of Obamacare free card to those businesses that hire illegals instead of Americans. We need new government. Vote Trump instead of UN rep Hitlery.

Your have been somewhat ill informed, don't fret, Fox news is good at it.

Q: Did Obama’s executive actions on immigration include a $3,000 bonus to employers for each immigrant they hire instead of U.S. citizens?

A: Not exactly. In very limited cases, employers may avoid the Affordable Care Act’s penalty if they hire immigrants who are not eligible for health care subsidies. But the law bars employers from discriminating against employees based on eligibility.


Is the following statement true? It is from Fox News.com/politics

Does ACA Give Incentive to Hire Immigrants?
Trump will end that day 1......

What day?

Day 1 should be the beginning of the wall, rounding up Emma, MS-13, and other mex drug gangs, and indicting the Clintoons for treason. Day 2 will be just as interesting.

I agree, but it will not happen. They authorized a fence/wall years ago and if they did anything it was to bring in more illegals. Take that with republicans like Dick Perry drawing up and signing a "dream act" bill and they do nothing to stop the flow. Wet backs are huge business for both parties.

It's true both parties are responsible...so why keep electing GOPers or Rats? Bush41 thought we'd keep industry here instead of leaving for China by ignoring the border. Then Chertoff started building the wall but couldn't complete it in time before our own dyke-hog Janet Napolitano cancelled the funding. The wall is almost all built so the issue is completing it.
damn that exactly button
Day 1 should be the beginning of the wall, rounding up Emma, MS-13, and other mex drug gangs, and indicting the Clintoons for treason. Day 2 will be just as interesting.

I agree, but it will not happen. They authorized a fence/wall years ago and if they did anything it was to bring in more illegals. Take that with republicans like Dick Perry drawing up and signing a "dream act" bill and they do nothing to stop the flow. Wet backs are huge business for both parties.

It's true both parties are responsible...so why keep electing GOPers or Rats? Bush41 thought we'd keep industry here instead of leaving for China by ignoring the border. Then Chertoff started building the wall but couldn't complete it in time before our own dyke-whore Janet Napolitano cancelled the funding. The wall is almost all built so the issue is completing it.

I just dont see it happening. To many lies. Honestly, if the Government would go after and destroy any business cought employing illegals they would likely have better luck and an easier time dealing with it.

I agree....Obama has pretty much disabled e-Verify....ARREST employers hiring illegals instead of a small fine...the word will get around quick that we're not playing anymore.

Not so much arrest them, but screw them hard for a first offence, then destroy them for the second. Fines upwards of 250,000 bucks would be a good starting point, plus fine the illegals heavily as well. That will put them back in the shadows where they belong. They will be back to mowing lawns in no time freeing up non white collar jobs for Americans.
jail time is quicker.
Iran openly mocks Obama in spite of his many gestures of appeasement.

And the Republicans openly most Iran. Israel has mocked and despised every US President even after Obama gave them more money.

We openly most Iran? English not your native tongue there Abdul?

Mock Iran. Yes English is my native language.

Who's mocking Iran?

Her brain is gone, you might be speaking with Hillary.

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