Obama criticizes Trump a little more than one week after leaving office

Oh hey Obama we moved on from you dot org. Why is he still sour grapes after backing a criminal like himself?
As usual, President Obama nailed it.

We could do with a lot more of his brilliance, wisdom and careful thoughtful approach.

King TrumpleThinSkin will have us in WWIII before the year is out. Actually, probably long before that.
As usual, President Obama nailed it.

We could do with a lot more of his brilliance, wisdom and careful thoughtful approach.

King TrumpleThinSkin will have us in WWIII before the year is out. Actually, probably long before that.

Brilliance and wisdom?
Let the anger . . . flow . . . through . . . you . . . orange Alt Righties. :lol:

Obama has redefined what a former President is and does.

I suspect he will not be generous to Trump, while at the same time he makes sure the Clintons' time has passed forever.
Obama criticizes Trump a little more than one week after leaving office

Of course we knew the meat puppet faggot wouldn't keep his cock holster stuffed for too long...

I don't see any criticism of Trump. President Trump isn't even mentioned. Obama doesn't even refer to him.

In fact, the Washington Times misrepresents the statement attributed to former President Obama. The statement said the following: “President Obama is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country. The word, 'engagement' doesn't takes sides since engagement can refer to anyone and everyone who publicly voices an opinion either for or against an issue.

However, the WT story stated the following even before the exact quote was printed: Through his spokesman, Mr. Obama said he was “heartened” by all of the anti-Trump protests that have erupted throughout the nation.
A spokesman for the former president said Monday that Mr. Obama “fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion.”

Now If Barack Obama honestly believes this is an executive order focused solely and squarely on individuals for their Muslim belief, a ban that's nothing more than a direct attack on the Muslim faith itself, then the ex-president might first seek to be better informed before he inserts his foot yet again.

A list of top nations with the highest Muslim population:
- Indonesia 209,120,000
- India 176,200,000
- Pakistan 167,410,000
- Bangladesh 134,430,000
- Nigeria 77,300,000
- Egypt 76,990,000

Now how many of them are listed among President Trump's executive ban?
Obama is a political hack. Of course he is going to be critical of Trump whenever he can.

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