Obama had no time to go to Paris, has no time for a meeting with Netanyahu but

Spending time with some imbecile who post videos on youtube...
How presidential.

I approve of the President availing him to American citizens, and to a forum intended help reach out to the younger generations. Even our young people who cannot yet vote need to start learning now that involvement in the political process is very important.

I also approve of the President not meeting with a foreign head of state who is facing an upcoming election. I understand that's standard protocol for a very long time now.

I also approve of the President not going to Paris and getting involved in other countries problems.

I guess the past few weeks have been the best I've seen of Obama. Now, if only he would continue with all this America first mentality that I like so much and build a better border fence, or something.

You got one right. I guess thats something...
He avoids that of which he is fearful of. He also doesn't give a shit what anyone says of why he is a chickenshit. What does he have to lose? Nothing. The damage has been done...and he has his koolaid drinkers ever ready to pounce at the naysayers.
The damage done will necessitate the next president to go on an apology tour. Sound familiar?
He avoids that of which he is fearful of. He also doesn't give a shit what anyone says of why he is a chickenshit. What does he have to lose? Nothing. The damage has been done...and he has his koolaid drinkers ever ready to pounce at the naysayers.
The damage done will necessitate the next president to go on an apology tour. Sound familiar?
Why should Obama meet with this guy anyway?
I guess because he is Jewish or something.

Tons of Jews around what makes this guy the "must meet" guy and not Seinfield?
He avoids that of which he is fearful of. He also doesn't give a shit what anyone says of why he is a chickenshit. What does he have to lose? Nothing. The damage has been done...and he has his koolaid drinkers ever ready to pounce at the naysayers.
Exactly! obama sees himself as the smartest man in the room. With Netanyahu, he knows he's woefully outclassed.
He avoids that of which he is fearful of. He also doesn't give a shit what anyone says of why he is a chickenshit. What does he have to lose? Nothing. The damage has been done...and he has his koolaid drinkers ever ready to pounce at the naysayers.
The damage done will necessitate the next president to go on an apology tour. Sound familiar?
Why should Obama meet with this guy anyway?
I guess because he is Jewish or something.

Tons of Jews around what makes this guy the "must meet" guy and not Seinfield?

I cant find one single reason. :laugh:
Obama doesnt want to meet with people who are smarter than him? Oh thats so insane its funny.
When I saw this all I could do was shake my head some things just speak for themselves and that is one of them.
Obama doesnt want to meet with people who are smarter than him? Oh thats so insane its funny.
Any person worth their salt would love to meet with someone smarter than him. Maybe this Netanyahu guy is as dumb as a horseshoe?
We have a shitload to do when that asshole is finally out of the WH.
the youtube interviews got a measly 84k views. Obama is so 2009

There are still golf courses that won't allow Jews to play!

Where else would one meet with America's Kenyan Emperor?

(who gives a shit where He was born so long as the mention of "Kenya" puts liberal panties all askew!)

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