Obama helped create one of the worst recessions in our history


Jul 27, 2013
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".
No one told the banks to compromise standard banking practices for qualifying the creditworthiness of loan applicants. And it wasn't the housing bubble that had the biggest impact on the meltdown, which was:
  • the re-legalization of derrivitives
  • the Bush tax cuts
  • the two bullshit wars Bush started
Derrivitives rose to 180x the collective GNP of all the nations on earth. The housing bubble was a drop in the bucket to that. Bush tax cuts reduced government revenue, which increased the deficit. And those bullshit wars, costs us $12 billion a month, we can't afford.

BTW, why don't you talk about Reagan making some of the highest tax increases in US history his 2nd year in office?

Or why don't you talk about Reagan going behind Carter's back and negotiating with the Iranians not to let the hostages go until he took the oath of office?

Obama inherited the worst economy in history and it was "your" fault!
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

Good golly MS MNP, what drugs are you taking? Better consult another edition of the History of the U.S. edited by someone other than the Ministry of Truth if you hope to have any credibility. As it stands you have none.
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".
No one told the banks to compromise standard banking practices for qualifying the creditworthiness of loan applicants. And it wasn't the housing bubble that had the biggest impact on the meltdown, which was:
  • the re-legalization of derrivitives
  • the Bush tax cuts
  • the two bullshit wars Bush started
Derrivitives rose to 180x the collective GNP of all the nations on earth. The housing bubble was a drop in the bucket to that. Bush tax cuts reduced government revenue, which increased the deficit. And those bullshit wars, costs us $12 billion a month, we can't afford.

BTW, why don't you talk about Reagan making some of the highest tax increases in US history his 2nd year in office?

Or why don't you talk about Reagan going behind Carter's back and negotiating with the Iranians not to let the hostages go until he took the oath of office?

Obama inherited the worst economy in history and it was "your" fault!

Just when I thought full retard was off the table Bill O'really shows up. Holy f*ck this is the forum that just keeps on giving.
I find this whole thread very confusing, since my investments have reached a value that is higher than they ever were in the past, at ANY time....
I find this whole thread very confusing, since my investments have reached a value that is higher than they ever were in the past, at ANY time....

Well they aren't really solid investments. The FED keeps pumping money into the system while at the same time loaning our government that very money they are printing. Plus interest of course and the markets are counting on that.

Your entire pile of money is based on something that doesn't really exist. What do you do when this can't continue? Think about it. How is it during a down economy with minimal growth and high unemployment keeps going up? You are invested in a scam is the only reasonable conclusion.
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.
No Bush started it...Obama just govern within it and probably made it worse. :( At least if you're poor.
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No Bush started it...Obama just govern within it and probably made it worse. :( At least if you're poor.

I'm just curious Matthew, what should Obama have done? You realize that Reagan nearly doubled spending by the federal government during his eight years? Is this what Obama should have done? Of course Republicans would not allow that.
I find this whole thread very confusing, since my investments have reached a value that is higher than they ever were in the past, at ANY time....

Well they aren't really solid investments. The FED keeps pumping money into the system while at the same time loaning our government that very money they are printing. Plus interest of course and the markets are counting on that.

Your entire pile of money is based on something that doesn't really exist. What do you do when this can't continue? Think about it. How is it during a down economy with minimal growth and high unemployment keeps going up? You are invested in a scam is the only reasonable conclusion.

It's all about timing. I cashed out half my investments before the market carsh in 2008. I believe that the DOW is going to peak arouind 19,000, before there is another correction. that's when I sell the rest.

In short, I firmly believe in letting some other poor sucker experience the loss, instead of myself. I came by this attitude honestly. I used to be a republican!
I find this whole thread very confusing, since my investments have reached a value that is higher than they ever were in the past, at ANY time....

Well they aren't really solid investments. The FED keeps pumping money into the system while at the same time loaning our government that very money they are printing. Plus interest of course and the markets are counting on that.

Your entire pile of money is based on something that doesn't really exist. What do you do when this can't continue? Think about it. How is it during a down economy with minimal growth and high unemployment keeps going up? You are invested in a scam is the only reasonable conclusion.

It's all about timing. I cashed out half my investments before the market carsh in 2008. I believe that the DOW is going to peak arouind 19,000, before there is another correction. that's when I sell the rest.

In short, I firmly believe in letting some other poor sucker experience the loss, instead of myself. I came by this attitude honestly. I used to be a republican!

You still are, you just currently believe you now can afford to be 'generous.' Sort of like the 'liberals' who proclaim to be above racism and sexism, unless someone disagrees with them. Then use of words like "Uncle Tom" and "****" are perfectly acceptable.
I find this whole thread very confusing, since my investments have reached a value that is higher than they ever were in the past, at ANY time....

Well they aren't really solid investments. The FED keeps pumping money into the system while at the same time loaning our government that very money they are printing. Plus interest of course and the markets are counting on that.

Your entire pile of money is based on something that doesn't really exist. What do you do when this can't continue? Think about it. How is it during a down economy with minimal growth and high unemployment keeps going up? You are invested in a scam is the only reasonable conclusion.

It's all about timing. I cashed out half my investments before the market carsh in 2008. I believe that the DOW is going to peak arouind 19,000, before there is another correction. that's when I sell the rest.

In short, I firmly believe in letting some other poor sucker experience the loss, instead of myself. I came by this attitude honestly. I used to be a republican!

I think that it is safe to say that there are more stockholders, more wealth, and capital in our system than ever before in history. The downside for main-street America is that this wealth has been spread around... the globe.
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

Really? Under Obama the unemployment numbers have dropped a full 2 percent (he came into office when it was over 9 percent, and now it's at 7 point something) as well as had managed to DOUBLE the stock market.

Our economy could do better if it wasn't for the tea baggers stopping the progress.

Boehner needs to lose his next election, as well as his job, because he sucks at it.

The meltdown was decades in the making, widespread in its villains, and cultural in its DNA.

You can't point the finger in just one direction.

So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

Really? Under Obama the unemployment numbers have dropped a full 2 percent (he came into office when it was over 9 percent, and now it's at 7 point something) as well as had managed to DOUBLE the stock market.

Our economy could do better if it wasn't for the tea baggers stopping the progress.

Boehner needs to lose his next election, as well as his job, because he sucks at it.

The real unemployment rate is 14.3%

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

Those no longer looking for work and the new trend of counting part time jobs notwithstanding

So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

Kid, ya got a lot of reading to do if you want to actually know what happened in 2007-2008.

Right now you have indicated that you don't know jackshit about this subject.

No offense, most people here don't.

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