Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'

If the government didn't try to hide behind national security every time they answer the phone it would be easier to trust them.
No shit ,Sherlock.

The problem is that obama's ability to get anything done is over. He can do one of two things limp through the end of his term or go full on armed dictator.
That statement sounds more like a threat than anything else.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.
It's not "about" a government that works for the responsible and patriotic American people anymore especially for Democrats, it's about winning elections by any means...

Sadly, non-conservative Republicans run a close second.
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It's not "about" a government that works for the responsible and patriotic American people anymore especially for Democrats, it's about winning elections by any means...

Sadly non-conservative Republicans run a close second.

That's true.
It's not that we are "Going to have some problems here".

It's "We have some serious problems here.".

Look at what we have learned this past couple of years.

1 - The IRS targeted people by their political beliefs. How high up it goes, we don't know. But we do know that it people in the White House, close to Obama knew it was happening. We just don't know if they told Obama.

2 - The EPA had a sliding scale on charging people. The more liberal you were, the less you paid.

3 - The NSA, a group that is supposed to be restricted to Foreign Intelligence only.. The FBI is the only group allowed to work inside the U.S. like that.. is collecting information on every American's cell phone calls and internet useage.

4 - DHS is ordering more bullets than the entire military uses in a year. And that they are not ordering target rounds, but Full Metal Jacketed Hollow points.. Some of the most expensive rounds available. And that DHS has ordered armoured personnel carriers.

5 - The Border Patrol is operating up to 200 miles inside the border demanding to see proof of ID at highway road blocks.

6 - Gut feelings is all that is needed to confiscate a person's belongings by the Federal Police. No evidence. Just gut feelings.

7 - A judge orders indefinite imprisonment for not giving passwords to a privately owned computer.

8 - The President send a woman out to lie about the deaths of 4 Americans.. Then promotes to a job where she can refuse to be questioned by the Congress.

9 - The President says that he has the authority to order a person killed that he has determined to a danger to the country without any form of review and keep those orders a secret regardless of the Citizenship status of that person or were they are in the world.

10 - That Obama and the Democrats want to allow 13 million illegals to stay here and become legal and have 4 million of them become nearly instantly eligible for Government aid.

11 - Obama declares that Illegals will not be deported despite the laws stating otherwise. Doing exactly what he had said a year earlier that he didn't have the Constitutional Authority to do.

12 - Obama orders Congress out of session so that he can make Recess appointments, including appointments of people he had nominated less than a week earlier. A move later to be found Unconstitutional by a Court.

13 - The head of HHS goes to the people she has regulatory authority over and "Asks" them for donations to support Obama-care.

14 - The Head of HHS goes out and illegally makes campaign stops. Rather than following the law and removing her from Office, they simply rename the stops to make the campaigning legally retroactively.

So... Just what do we have to trust the Government about?
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Actually, no, I don't trust many of those things and the fact that you're defending the indefensible is only a reflection of your naivete and pathetic obedience to serfdom
Trusting the government is asinine. You don’t ‘trust’ the government. You watch it and regulate it through your vote. Trusting government is a sure fire way to let it run away.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Actually, no, I don't trust many of those things and the fact that you're defending the indefensible is only a reflection of your naivete and pathetic obedience to serfdom

Yes, you do actually.

Unless you're boiling your water, keeping your money under your mattress, etc...

I've never once heard Obama say, "Let's try more freedom"

We have a problem and it does sound like a threat from Obammy
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I love it when ignorant people try to point out why I trust the government.

I don't trust the government to make sure my food is safe, I wash vegetables before I eat them, and cook my food. The people that trust the government to do things like that end up getting salmonella from eating spinach.

Want me to keep pointing out how absurd it is to trust the government to do things to keep you safe by pointing out that it actually makes you less safe than if you did it yourself?

You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Actually, no, I don't trust many of those things and the fact that you're defending the indefensible is only a reflection of your naivete and pathetic obedience to serfdom

Yes, you do actually.

Unless you're boiling your water, keeping your money under your mattress, etc...


I don't have money in the bank or under my mattress because I don't trust the government to keep the fake value of money stable.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

I love it when ignorant people try to point out why I trust the government.

I don't trust the government to make sure my food is safe, I wash vegetables before I eat them, and cook my food.
The people that trust the government to do things like that end up getting salmonella from eating spinach.
SO you've never been to a friend's house and eaten anything at her place? Never eaten out at a restaurant? Never been to a company picnic?


Want me to keep pointing out how absurd it is to trust the government to do things to keep you safe by pointing out that it actually makes you less safe than if you did it yourself?

The fact is that you do trust the government. Trying to run from the fact is the height of absurdity. Please continue.
Actually, no, I don't trust many of those things and the fact that you're defending the indefensible is only a reflection of your naivete and pathetic obedience to serfdom

Yes, you do actually.

Unless you're boiling your water, keeping your money under your mattress, etc...


I don't have money in the bank or under my mattress because I don't trust the government to keep the fake value of money stable.

So you don't use money...

And you wonder why people point and laugh.
Looks like we have some problems and they are here to stay.
Trust our Government? Really?
The man needs to be drug tested.

Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'
Obama: If People 'Can't Trust' Government, 'We're Going to Have Some Problems Here'


You trust your government.

You trust that your water is clean, that your food is safe, that the punishment for crime is such that only a very small percentage would risk it and it keeps you and your family safe, that your roads are safe, that the toys you buy your kids do not have small pieces that can be swallowed or covered in lead, that your bank account is insured in the face of bank robbery, etc....

I'm sure you don't want any of those protections and programs.

Tough tacos. They're here to stay.

the people in those jobs are different than the Assholes in Congress......

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