Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers


From your link...

" The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators."
To let a PRIVATE ENTITY conduct an investigation into international affairs....


The hits just keep rolling on in.
The DNC is a joke, their crimes are staffers BSing with each other...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers


From your link...

" The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators."
Also from the link:

“The FBI repeatedly stressed to DNC officials the necessity of obtaining direct access to servers and data, only to be rebuffed until well after the initial compromise had been mitigated,” the official said.

“This left the FBI no choice but to rely upon a third party for information. These actions caused significant delays and inhibited the FBI from addressing the intrusion earlier.”
Because he knew the evidence to bust Russia was in the DNC servers. In order to dig up the evidence of Russian hacking he would have also exposed the collusion between Hillary, the media & the DNC.

THAT is why Obama did nothing. To take down one he would have to topple the whole house of cards.

The only person likely to fall on our side of the pond from all this bullshit is a member or two of the Democratic party.

I don't think he felt in a million years that Trump would beat the heavily funded and shilled Hillary. He clearly started to get worried when he hit the road hard and often to promote her, while she was AWOL believing her surrogates and sponsors would ensure her success.

The collusion wouldn't have been part of the investigation. Immoral and undemocratic maybe, but it's not in itself illegal to be a stooge and carry the water for a candidate. As it stands, CNN in particular is learning though their poor ratings that there are limits to the obvious. They are paying a price now for pushing the false narratives.

Ultimately he was stuck, because Trump and the GOP were already calling out the clear bias. Trump was going even further and suggesting it was rigged, so you can imagine how it would have looked if Obama started talking about hacking and the like.
Quit looking in the mirror and you won't be so angry with the world.

Tell us the truth... You are afraid of being deported, aren't you? You should keep a lower profile. The US Gov monitors this site.
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...

He did, he said if you want to continue my policies. Vote for Hillary! Lol, he is a failure.

That was 2014

Not 2016..

Quit the revisionist history, I really despise it.

That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...


Wrong my ass Obama could of hit Russia and wiki leaks hard and got out the black vote..but he stayed behind above the fray.

And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers


From your link...

" The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators."
To let a PRIVATE ENTITY conduct an investigation into international affairs....


The hits just keep rolling on in.

The government hires independent contractors ALL the time. Crowdstrike is run by some of the top cyber-security experts in the world including a former Russian that worked as Vice President of Threat Research at McAfee and won an award from MIT.

You should read up on the founders of Crowdstrike before you shoot them down as nobodies.

CrowdStrike's Executive Team, Cyber Security Experts
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...


Wrong my ass Obama could of hit Russia and wiki leaks hard and got out the black vote..but he stayed behind above the fray.

Quit looking in the mirror and you won't be so angry with the world.

Tell us the truth... You are afraid of being deported, aren't you? You should keep a lower profile. The US Gov monitors this site.
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...

He did, he said if you want to continue my policies. Vote for Hillary! Lol, he is a failure.

That was 2014

Not 2016..

Quit the revisionist history, I really despise it.


Funny cock sucker I was born at northwestern in Chicago asshole.

That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...


Wrong my ass Obama could of hit Russia and wiki leaks hard and got out the black vote..but he stayed behind above the fray.


Is that what your refute is dick wad with no refute ?

Does the OP believe Russia did something or not? Because if you ask him he'll say Russia didn't do anything but he also says Obama should've done more to sound the alarm. On what?

The Russian hacking he says didn't happen. Which is it?
Trump was receiving Intel briefings at the same time. Why is he still unable to even admit it's true let alone act on it?

Admit specifically what is true and act on what?

Do you know where you are?

Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Trump has had classified briefings on the subject for over a year. Does he even believe it happened at all let alone have a plan of action?
Russia did do something. They did the same thing they've been doing for years. The same thing almost every country, including the US does.
Yet it only became an issue AFTER Trump won.
Does the OP believe Russia did something or not? Because if you ask him he'll say Russia didn't do anything but he also says Obama should've done more to sound the alarm. On what?

The Russian hacking he says didn't happen. Which is it?
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers


From your link...

" The bureau made “multiple requests at different levels,” according to Comey, but ultimately struck an agreement with the DNC that a “highly respected private company” would get access and share what it found with investigators."
To let a PRIVATE ENTITY conduct an investigation into international affairs....


The hits just keep rolling on in.
Quit looking in the mirror and you won't be so angry with the world.

Tell us the truth... You are afraid of being deported, aren't you? You should keep a lower profile. The US Gov monitors this site.
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering



Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...

He did, he said if you want to continue my policies. Vote for Hillary! Lol, he is a failure.

That was 2014

Not 2016..

Quit the revisionist history, I really despise it.


Do you have something with substance or just going to play romper room with me like numb nuts grampa ...who is younger then me circle jerk?

Chicago is the biggest shithole on the planet, and the product of liberal policies. America has renamed it Libphuckistan.

Quit looking in the mirror and you won't be so angry with the world.

Tell us the truth... You are afraid of being deported, aren't you? You should keep a lower profile. The US Gov monitors this site.
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...

He did, he said if you want to continue my policies. Vote for Hillary! Lol, he is a failure.

That was 2014

Not 2016..

Quit the revisionist history, I really despise it.


Funny cock sucker I was born at northwestern in Chicago asshole.

Quit looking in the mirror and you won't be so angry with the world.

Tell us the truth... You are afraid of being deported, aren't you? You should keep a lower profile. The US Gov monitors this site.
That Mooslim Infiltrator did everything he could to interfere in the election.

Does your mother know you lie like that all day and night?

Give me a break Obama didn't do crap to influence the election..he stayed behind hind the sidelines..if Obama wanted to really influence it Hillary would of won...

He did, he said if you want to continue my policies. Vote for Hillary! Lol, he is a failure.

That was 2014

Not 2016..

Quit the revisionist history, I really despise it.


Do you have something with substance or just going to play romper room with me like numb nuts grampa ...who is younger then me circle jerk?

Anything above Romper Room is above your iq.
Russia did do something. They did the same thing they've been doing for years. The same thing almost every country, including the US does.
Yet it only became an issue AFTER Trump won.
Does the OP believe Russia did something or not? Because if you ask him he'll say Russia didn't do anything but he also says Obama should've done more to sound the alarm. On what?

The Russian hacking he says didn't happen. Which is it?

How does this pretain to your op?

Russia did do something. They did the same thing they've been doing for years. The same thing almost every country, including the US does.
Yet it only became an issue AFTER Trump won.

What did they do Gramps? Don't be shy.
Propaganda campaign. Same as always.
What did Obama do when he found out? Don't be shy.
Furthermore Blacks turned their backs on Obama Bin Lying and votes for Trump and so did many Democrats, Hispanic Americans & Women

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