Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

YOU aren't a citizen.

Not Your President = You Aren't An American

Get The Fuck Out Of My Country!

The best thing about Trump being President is that some day you and yours will be deported from this country.

Not your President = Not Your Country.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!

It's so glorious to watch liberals lose day after day after day and at the same time be exposed as enemies of Democracy, and enemies of America.

America wins again today!
With a wall that doesn't work you just keep this bs going, dupe. Will you please write your response at the end. Ay caramba...
Now you're going to deport citizens? Hilarious, hater dupe. That's what happens when you're brainwashed....
This is what your hate/bs propaganda machine does to people. I'm still hoping Trump realizes he's operating on misinformation and starts acting like the smart businessman he promised, not a brainwashed RW idiot.
Trump is a vile POS like most of his followers Kissed Putins butt and repubs are proud of him??
The reason you voted for Clinton is because you didn't care.

You didn't care that she was corrupt.

You didn't care The The DNC rigged their primaries.

You didn't care that The Democrat Party is corrupt.

You didn't care that debate questions were stolen.

You didn't care that Clinton was proven to be selling acess to The State Department.

You didn't care that Hillary Clinton committed Treason and Obama committed Espionage.

You didn't care that Rice Clinton and Obama lied about Benghazi.

You didn't care that the Obama Regime was engaging in illegal unmasking, and leaking classified information.

You didn't care.

I agree.

Every news media in the world BUT your GOP BS/hate propaganda service, dupe.

Yeah whatever, continue to be an idiot, I don't care.
None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
The reason you voted for Clinton is because you didn't care.

You didn't care that she was corrupt.

You didn't care The The DNC rigged their primaries.

You didn't care that The Democrat Party is corrupt.

You didn't care that debate questions were stolen.

You didn't care that Clinton was proven to be selling acess to The State Department.

You didn't care that Hillary Clinton committed Treason and Obama committed Espionage.

You didn't care that Rice Clinton and Obama lied about Benghazi.

You didn't care that the Obama Regime was engaging in illegal unmasking, and leaking classified information.

You didn't care.

I agree.

Yeah whatever, continue to be an idiot, I don't care.
None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
The reason you voted for Clinton is because you didn't care.

You didn't care that she was corrupt.

You didn't care The The DNC rigged their primaries.

You didn't care that The Democrat Party is corrupt.

You didn't care that debate questions were stolen.

You didn't care that Clinton was proven to be selling acess to The State Department.

You didn't care that Hillary Clinton committed Treason and Obama committed Espionage.

You didn't care that Rice Clinton and Obama lied about Benghazi.

You didn't care that the Obama Regime was engaging in illegal unmasking, and leaking classified information.

You didn't care.

I agree.
None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.

Go away liar.
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

The reason you voted for Clinton is because you didn't care.

You didn't care that she was corrupt.

You didn't care The The DNC rigged their primaries.

You didn't care that The Democrat Party is corrupt.

You didn't care that debate questions were stolen.

You didn't care that Clinton was proven to be selling acess to The State Department.

You didn't care that Hillary Clinton committed Treason and Obama committed Espionage.

You didn't care that Rice Clinton and Obama lied about Benghazi.

You didn't care that the Obama Regime was engaging in illegal unmasking, and leaking classified information.

You didn't care.

I agree.
None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
And now repubs support the sex pervert in our WH
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

None of that is true, superdupe. So you believe our justice system is corrupt? But bought off lying shyttes like Sean and Rush are golden? Whacked...

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
Just make up whatever you like, just like your bought off heroes. Who needs evidence or sense for that matter?
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

All of it is true liar, and you know it is.
It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
And now repubs support the sex pervert in our WH

There hasn't been a sex pervert in the White House since Bill Clinton left, and there isn't one now.
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

It's al been investigated by our justice system and years of GOP congressional committees and found nothing. You and Fox and Rush etc believe it's all a conspiracy. You're technically brainwashed to the point of insanity, and hate anyone who gives you the truth.

That whole list are crimes if if they were real. Unmasking is not illegal. Investigated Staffers BSing about rigging is no crime. Investigated. Bernie says BS. No access sold. Investigated. ETC ETC. You dupes are full of fake news and bs...NEVER retracted. That's the difference between bs propaganda and journalism.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
And now repubs support the sex pervert in our WH

There hasn't been a sex pervert in the White House since Bill Clinton left, and there isn't one now.
Not according to Trump...
What a whack job. Get out of my country.

allah was a homosexual fool, and so is Obama...that and a Marxist Traitor who abused the power of the Government to rig an election and failed.

No Evidence. Mueller and his army Of attorneys are here to do one thing, sweep Clinton and Obama's and The DNC's crimes under the rug.

More lies. Typical.
All investigated by multiple agencies and GOP commitees and nothing found. You live in dupeworld- Only Fox Rush Breitbart greedy idiot GOP billionaire produced fake news/propaganda still go with that. Fox is only in America because it's a lying joke, dupe.
And now repubs support the sex pervert in our WH

There hasn't been a sex pervert in the White House since Bill Clinton left, and there isn't one now.
Not according to Trump...

I'm done with your ignorance and lies. Dismissed.
Because he knew the evidence to bust Russia was in the DNC servers. In order to dig up the evidence of Russian hacking he would have also exposed the collusion between Hillary, the media & the DNC.

THAT is why Obama did nothing. To take down one he would have to topple the whole house of cards.

The only person likely to fall on our side of the pond from all this bullshit is a member or two of the Democratic party.
You guys are such f*cktards. Really.

First you say there was no hacking. That Russia is innocent.

Then you say Obama did nothing.

Well, if there was no hacking and Russia is innocent, then Obama did the right thing.

But if there was hacking and Russia isn't innocent, then why can't Republicans do anything?

We know why? Because the GOP loves Russia and admires Putin. They want this country brought down and turned into an authoritarian state.

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

A mysterious IT specialist, who goes by the name The Forensicator, published a detailed report that appears to disprove the theory that the DNC was hacked by Russia.
The documents were copied on July 5th, five days before Seth Rich was murdered.

The Forensicator summarized the complex report into 10 bullet points.

The most important aspect about the report is the “estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s)” at which the documents were copied. It’s inconceivable DNC documents could have been copied at such speed from a remote location.

The report as laid out by The Forensicator:

Based on the analysis that is detailed below, the following key findings are presented:

  • On 7/5/2016 at approximately 6:45 PM Eastern time, someone copied the data that eventually appears on the “NGP VAN” 7zip file (the subject of this analysis). This 7zip file was published by a persona named Guccifer 2, two months later on September 13, 2016.

  • Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

  • The initial copying activity was likely done from a computer system that had direct access to the data. By “direct access” we mean that the individual who was collecting the data either had physical access to the computer where the data was stored, or the data was copied over a local high speed network (LAN).

  • They may have copied a much larger collection of data than the data present in the NGP VAN 7zip. This larger collection of data may have been as large as 19 GB. In that scenario the NGP VAN 7zip file represents only 1/10th of the total amount of material taken.

  • This initial copying activity was done on a system where Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings were in force. Most likely, the computer used to initially copy the data was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The data was likely initially copied to a computer running Linux, because the file last modified times all reflect the apparent time of the copy and this is a characteristic of the the Linux ‘cp’ command (using default options).

  • A Linux OS may have been booted from a USB flash drive and the data may have been copied back to the same flash drive, which will likely have been formatted with the Linux (ext4) file system.

  • On September 1, 2016, two months after copying the initial large collection of (alleged) DNC related content (the so-called NGP/VAN data), a subset was transferred to working directories on a system running Windows. The .rar files included in the final 7zip file were built from those working directories.

  • The computer system where the working directories were built had Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) settings in force. Most likely, this system was located somewhere on the East Coast.

  • The .rar files and plain files that eventually end up in the “NGP VAN” 7zip file disclosed by Guccifer 2.0 on 9/13/2016 were likely first copied to a USB flash drive, which served as the source data for the final 7zip file. There is no information to determine when or where the final 7zip file was built.

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