Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.
Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Trump was receiving Intel briefings at the same time. Why is he still unable to even admit it's true let alone act on it?
A swing and a miss. That's strike two.

Would you care to comment on topic now?

Presidential inaction is the topic, dope.

In what way is Trump handling this ongoing concern better than his predecessor?
Fuck off, one thing I despise is revisionist history...and you and Trump is out right lying.

Obama's own right hand guy called this a NOTHING BURGER. I don't know what has you so triggered. We knew this was a trumped-story from the start (pardon the pun).
The investigation is one until it ends. Never stopped Fox from actually finding Dems guilty for the dupes. And never telling them how the charges and findings were fake. Never a retraction. A disgrace.

We know how exactly how it ends ,. Some non sense obstruction charge ..house trys to impeach ..no votes ..Trump remains president till he dies of stroke.. around 2012.

From tweeting to much.

Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Trump was receiving Intel briefings at the same time. Why is he still unable to even admit it's true let alone act on it?
A swing and a miss. That's strike two.

Would you care to comment on topic now?

Presidential inaction is the topic, dope.

In what way is Trump handling this ongoing concern better than his predecessor?
OBAMA INEPTITUDE is the topic, dumbfuck.
I think Wire tapping, leaking classified information, unmasking and obstructing justice is Obama trying to influence the election!
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.

Obama didn't fail to do nothing..he damn well knew his legacy would of been destroyed for good if he took action.. during the campaign.

Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.

Obama didn't fail to do nothing..he damn well knew his legacy would of been destroyed for good if he took action.. during the campaign.

You are too stupid to keep reading.
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

Who says the servers were critical to finding the hackers?

What agencies ever requested access to them?
Comey: DNC denied FBI's requests for access to hacked servers

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.

Obama didn't fail to do nothing..he damn well knew his legacy would of been destroyed for good if he took action.. during the campaign.

You are too stupid to keep reading.
Reminds me of Comey saying Clinton was too stupid to prosecute

She was too stupid to be president too.
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's job, dope?

Does he even believe it happened?
You guys can't make up your mind. Did Russia hack them or not?

Can I get a list of the posters on this forum that has seen the Top Secret evidence presented to the Senate Intelligence Committee. If you have please let me know.
Obama kicked out Russians ...

Say what?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned of the Russian hacking in August 2016.

As you know well, President Obama did nothing to the Russians until AFTER THE ELECTION.

So what purpose was served?

What was he suppose to do meddle in an election like god damn Comey?

No matter how much I hate Obama he took the high road and did it after the people spoke..

What was Obama supposed to do ?

Do it iwhen people were voting?



That's exactly right. He protected the integrity of the process. If he had intervened earlier, this thread would be about how Obama attempted to sway the election for Clinton.

Obama was protecting the integrity of any future investigation and it's findings by removing himself until after the fact.
He "protected the integrity" lololololol

He protected the media & the DNC.

Period, end of story.

What's Trump's role?
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
It is common knowledge the Dems hid the servers after telling tales about alleged hacking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's job, dope?

Does he even believe it happened?
This is the last time I'm going to repeat myself to you.

This thread is about the 3 months proceeding the election.

If you want to insist on posting off topic you can join the other idiots at the kiddie table on ignore.
That's not what the thread is about, you said Obama did nothing..

Okay, he did nothing of consequence. He remained silent, knowing our largest enemy was attempting to influence our election.

He did nothing about it until AFTER the election. An action some could easily consider criminal.
His entire 8 year span was about doing nothing except for gun running to terrorists and drug cartels, killing people in Benghazi, paying terrorists to assassinate people, illegal wiretapping, Treason, Espionage, illegal unmasking illegal leaking of classified information, perjury, obstruction of justice ,and abusing the power of government to attack your political enemies, fathering ISIS, and giving Iran and North Korea Nukes!
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.

Obama didn't fail to do nothing..he damn well knew his legacy would of been destroyed for good if he took action.. during the campaign.

And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

What's Trump's role in that ongoing concern, dope?
Trump was a CITIZEN when this all occurred. He was not yet tasked with the job Obama failed to do.

He is in the exact same role for nearly six months now, dope. Does he even believe it happened at all let alone taking action to remedy it?

You're holding Obama to a standard that you haven't even considered applying to Trump.

You honestly don't see that?
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.
Obama's FBI & justice department should have taken the servers by force if necessary. He could have nipped this shit in the bud but KNEW the end result would have guaranteed a Trump victory so he chose to put party over country.

No Obama kept it quiet, if he did anything people would of accused him of trying to influence the election

His job is to secure the nation from all foes both foreign & domestic REGARDLESS of any polls or lunatic lefty outrage.

Get the fuck out of here..if Obama would of started to sanction Russia during the election he would of gave up on

Free will , democracy..

On this one president Obama was a great president for not interfering


Bitch slapping you all day.

Obama kicked out Russians ...

Say what?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned of the Russian hacking in August 2016.

As you know well, President Obama did nothing to the Russians until AFTER THE ELECTION.

So what purpose was served?

What was he suppose to do meddle in an election like god damn Comey?

No matter how much I hate Obama he took the high road and did it after the people spoke..

What was Obama supposed to do ?

Do it iwhen people were voting?



That's exactly right. He protected the integrity of the process. If he had intervened earlier, this thread would be about how Obama attempted to sway the election for Clinton.

Obama was protecting the integrity of any future investigation and it's findings by removing himself until after the fact.
He "protected the integrity" lololololol

He protected the media & the DNC.

Period, end of story.

What's Trump's role?

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