Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC

Still pertinent info worthy of being cited. The omission is glaring.

I think most here know I share my personal thoughts independent of any story or news link. In fact it is a rare occasion for me to supply any links.
I saw an argument in closedcaptions thread and it prompted me to create this one.

Cool. Was just my criticism, especially with the item being so current. But it's not like I'm fully right; and links are not required.
If Hillary won ... no issue.

If Trump won ... conspiracy fodder

Win... Win


I don't think Obama cared. I still believe Obama didn't want either of them to become president.

Also Russia wasn't serious about "the hack". If they were they would have been successful and we might not have ever known.
Because he knew the evidence to bust Russia was in the DNC servers. In order to dig up the evidence of Russian hacking he would have also exposed the collusion between Hillary, the media & the DNC.

THAT is why Obama did nothing. To take down one he would have to topple the whole house of cards.

The only person likely to fall on our side of the pond from all this bullshit is a member or two of the Democratic party.
We all knew well before that.
You have no idea what you are outraged about. :laugh2:
Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump
Because he knew the evidence to bust Russia was in the DNC servers. In order to dig up the evidence of Russian hacking he would have also exposed the collusion between Hillary, the media & the DNC.

THAT is why Obama did nothing. To take down one he would have to topple the whole house of cards.

The only person likely to fall on our side of the pond from all this bullshit is a member or two of the Democratic party.
We all knew well before that.
You have no idea what you are outraged about. :laugh2:
Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump
I'm outraged? It's the left running around with their hair on fire screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Well, all of them EXCEPT Obama when it actually mattered.
How each side sees the election

Americans ...


Others ...

Obama did nothing because the whole narrative was a lie.

He did nothing because he was confident the election was rigged.

He did nothing because no one gives a Phuck about Trolls on Twitter and Facebook especially when you are paying for an army of your own social media trolls.

But then you blow 1.5 Billion and also register 6 million illegals to vote and still lose an election then suddenly Macaedonian Twitter Trolls are an excuse for why you lost?

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I still believe Obama didn't want either of them to become president.

Obama had a very vested interest in Hillary becoming president. She was going to cover-up all his misdeeds. With Trump in office, that is not assured. And that may be what Obama's permanent vacation is about. Trump probably told him to fuck off or he'd release the dogs.
Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Trump was receiving Intel briefings at the same time. Why is he still unable to even admit it's true let alone act on it?
maybe he had a few golfing appts, just couldnt call Putin at the time to tell him to knock it off,or moochelle will open up a can of woop ass?
Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Another lying fake news bullshit thread.

President Obama ordered more sanctions against Russia.

President Obama closed TWO Russian compounds in Maryland and ordered 35 Russian diplomats (spies) out of the country.

President Obama told Putin face-to-face to "cut it out".

How is that doing nothing?

Obama's secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin's election assault - Washington Post

Obama Strikes Back at Russia for Election Hacking - The New York Times


Thanks ... Again I hate Obama but the OP is so wrong like Trump..

Obama kicked out Russians ...

Say what?

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned of the Russian hacking in August 2016.

As you know well, President Obama did nothing to the Russians until AFTER THE ELECTION.

So what purpose was served?
Obama KNEW 3 months prior to the election that Russia was meddling. Why did he do NOTHING?

Trump was receiving Intel briefings at the same time. Why is he still unable to even admit it's true let alone act on it?
A swing and a miss. That's strike two.

Would you care to comment on topic now?
Obama kicked out Russians ...don't you remember...

Kicked them out of what?
The US AFTER Trump won lol

Bear is a gullible tool.

That's not what the thread is about, you said Obama did nothing..

Will you just shut up & let the SANE adults converse please

Fuck off, one thing I despise is revisionist history...and you and Trump is out right lying.

Comey was doing what he was paid to do. Sweep Obama's and Clinton's and their cronies crimes under the rug.

He did what he did to rescue her campaign and keep her out of jail despite the fact according to The Espionage Act she was forbidden for running for public office.

The best he could do was let her off the hook and proclaim she was too Phucking stupid to know when she was committing 30,000 crimes, and that No In The Bag Corrupt Prosecutor would ever prosecute her
A) Did a lot. B) Hillary was winning by 6 11 days before election...Before Comey jumped the shark.
Because he knew the evidence to bust Russia was in the DNC servers. In order to dig up the evidence of Russian hacking he would have also exposed the collusion between Hillary, the media & the DNC.

THAT is why Obama did nothing. To take down one he would have to topple the whole house of cards.

The only person likely to fall on our side of the pond from all this bullshit is a member or two of the Democratic party.
We all knew well before that.
You have no idea what you are outraged about. :laugh2:
Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump
I'm outraged? It's the left running around with their hair on fire screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA. Well, all of them EXCEPT Obama when it actually mattered.
And everyone else who cares about the country...FBI, intelligence, congress...
Yea, I was reading about this, about the DNC not cooperating on giving access to their servers to the investigators. Don't know why the OP didn't cite the article. Maybe, he wanted to impress us with his 'independent' thinking.
I didn't cite it because this thread is about Obama not the DNC
And what should have he done? Trump was already bitching about a 'rigged system' and tacitly threatening to contest the election had he lost. Do you think that if President Obama had done more than shut down,the Russian compounds and expelled a few Russian operative the election would have gone on without further turmoil?

Had Trump acted like a responsible grownup and not started bitching and complaining before the fact (good luck with that) perhaps more reasonable and responsible actions could have occurred. As it was, anything President Obama would have said or did would just serve to muddy up already fetid waters.

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