Obama loves Erdogan and Erdogan loves Hitler and Executive Power


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
One must always remember the strange love affair between Hitler and radical jihadists. Because the bizarre tryst is coming to a head again I believe.

Erdogan has been allowed by Obama to fund al Nusra and ISIS. ISIS is now being allowed to fight alongside Pravy Sector and others in the Ukraine.

For those that are unaware Pravy Sektor, Svoboda are Nazis in the Ukraine. And Nazis love their Arabs. Keep your eyes on Erdogan because Obama has empowered him. And consequently financed al Nusra and ISIS.

Turkish president cites Hitler when asked about executive power, then accuses press of twisting his words

Turkish president cites Hitler when asked about executive power, then accuses press of twisting his words

Erdogan And The Prime Minister Of The Turkey, Just Made This Declaration To The Entire Islamic World: 'We Will Gather Together Kurds And Arabs, And All Of The Muslim World, And Invade Jerusalem, And Create A One World Islamic Empire' - Walid Shoebat

By Allah’s will, Jerusalem belongs to the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, and to all Muslims. And as our forefathers fought side by side at Gallipoli, and just as our forefathers went together to liberate Jerusalem with Saladin, we will march together on the same path [to liberate Jerusalem].

These are the words just declared by Dovutoglu, the Prime Minister of Turkey. You would think its coming straight from the mouth of the Antichrist.
The Turk Leader and his puppets want a new Ottoman Empire.........easier said than done.........

We should rethink having bases there.

We should rethink their position in NATO.
The Turk Leader and his puppets want a new Ottoman Empire.........easier said than done.........

We should rethink having bases there.

We should rethink their position in NATO.

NATO has to be allowing this. Not a conspiracy kinda chick here. I believe in what you see is what you get. If Turkey has been allowed to buy ISIS oil for all these years since the beginning of the *cough* Syrian civil war started and financed by SA, Qatar and Turkey and been allowed to openly finance al Nusra NATO and all our leaders have to have bought in and sanctioned these actions.

It's disgusting.
Chechen Jihadis Leave Syria, Join the Fight in Ukraine
A battalion of fighters from the Caucasus is deployed on Kiev’s side in the Ukraine war. But their presence may do more harm than good.
MARIUPOL, Ukraine — Just an hour’s drive from this city under siege, at an old resort on the Azov Sea that’s now a military base, militants from Chechnya—veterans of the jihad in their own lands and, more recently, in Syria—now serve in what’s called the Sheikh Mansur Battalion. Some of them say they have trained, at least, in the Middle East with fighters for the so-called Islamic State, or ISIS.

Among the irregular forces who’ve enlisted in the fight against the Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, few are more controversial or more dangerous to the credibility of the cause they say they want to serve. Russian President Vladimir Putin would love to portray the fighters he supports as crusaders against wild-eyed jihadists rather than the government in Ukraine that wants to integrate the country more closely with Western Europe.

Yet many Ukrainian patriots, desperate to gain an edge in the fight against the Russian-backed forces, are willing to accept the Chechen militants on their side.

Chechen Jihadis Leave Syria, Join the Fight in Ukraine
I think we should just leave and let them all duke it out amongst themselves.... we have no idea on how to "fix" things, we only make them worse and get our sons and fathers killed over other people's problems.

Enough is enough.....
Yemen war escalates - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

The emphasis on Yemen explains the muted Saudi reaction to the Iran nuclear deal. Riyadh fears the deal will strengthen Iran and end sanctions permanently. But the Saudis cannot fight the deal when they need the support of its key arms suppliers — especially the United States and the United Kingdom — to fight in Yemen. The Saudi media has stressed that Washington has given assurances of support in fighting Iran's allies, including the Houthis, and new arms sales. Quiet acceptance of the nuclear deal and sanctions relief for Iran is the price Riyadh has to pay to win in Yemen.

Prince Salman visited Egypt and Jordan this month to rally support for the war. He remains the public face of the conflict at home. The media trumpets the victories in Aden and Taiz as proof his strategy is working. The king is in Morocco after extensive medical tests in France.

Yemeni missile hits airport in Saudi Arabian province of Jizan

Yemeni forces have struck an airport inside Saudi Arabia with a ballistic missile causing major damage to the airport, these missiles have been used to great effect against Saudi coalition forces in the past.
A military source has confirmed to Khabar news agency today that a Ballistic missile hit a Saudi Arabian airport in the Red Sea province of Jizan. The ballistic missile left major damage to the airports infrastructure the source said.
Bernie Sanders is right: Saudi Arabia is more focused on the conflict in Yemen than fighting ISIS

The United States, for its part, supports the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen (the Houthis’ slogan is "Death to America, Death to Israel, Damn the Jews, Victory to Islam"), despite concerns over civilian casualties and possible war crimes. What’s more, Boghardt pointed out, "the irony and the danger" is that the conflict in Yemen has given al-Qaida and ISIS room to operate there.

As for ISIS, there’s no question that the Saudis are aware of the threat it poses. The terrorist group has repeatedly targeted the kingdom, bombing mosques anddetonating car bombs. Beyond military engagement, the Saudis have foiled terrorist plots and arrested hundreds of ISIS supporters. But experts say the kingdom could be doing a lot more.

I'm certainly not a Bernie fan........but he got this one right. Saudi Arabia has a current fight of their own with Yemen and the forces backed by Iran. I've read articles that a Million of the Houdi's have vowed to invade Saudi Arabia....................

The Middle East is on FIRE..........................

One million Yemeni fighters prepare to invade Saudi Arabia

A million Yemeni tribal fighters are gathering near the border with Saudi Arabia in preparation to invade the Kingdom, Iran’s Kayhan newspaper has reported.

The newspaper quoted what it described as “informed sources” in Sanaa as saying that “the political forces and the tribes of Yemen announced a general alarm to mobilise one million Yemeni fighters near the border with Saudi Arabia to invade its territory and curb its aggression on Yemen.
ISIS is now being allowed to fight alongside Pravy Sector and others in the Ukraine.

Another piece of bullshit from the fallen rock-star… :disbelief:
Is it something new? No, unlikely.

ISIS aka Chechens are fighting in the Ukraine against the rebels. It's just a fact. Fighting along side the Nazi lovers.

Do you read the article you posted above completely or you read only a couple of the first paragraphs? How many fighters from Syria fought in Donbass according to it?

Libyan gains may offer ISIS a base for new attacks

the Islamic State did not appear in Libya until mid-2014. A group of Libyan militants who had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State while fighting in Syria returned home and began to organize in the eastern city of Derna, according to experts and Libyan Islamists.


Libyan Dawn FIghters against ISIS
Africa's militant Islamist groups - BBC News

Islamist militant groups are active across the northern half of Africa - from Mauritania in the west to Somalia in the east - with Western countries, especially France and the US working with local security forces to counter them.

Radical Islam in Africa

The horrific attack by Islamist al-Shabab fighters on a college campus in Kenya this month that left 149 people dead and scores wounded was an awful reminder that sub-Saharan Africa has become a major battleground in the war on terror. Until recently, the focus of the U.S. and its allies has been mainly on terrorist networks in the Middle East and South Asia such as al-Qaida and its offshoots. But the tentacles of radical Islam now stretch far beyond Afghanistan and Iraq to threaten the African countries that are home to nearly a fifth of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims. Unless extremist groups like the Somalia-based al-Shabab and Boko Haram in Nigeria are defeated, a human rights catastrophe could overtake the continent.
ISIS is now being allowed to fight alongside Pravy Sector and others in the Ukraine.

Another piece of bullshit from the fallen rock-star… :disbelief:
Is it something new? No, unlikely.

ISIS aka Chechens are fighting in the Ukraine against the rebels. It's just a fact. Fighting along side the Nazi lovers.

Do you read the article you posted above completely or you read only a couple of the first paragraphs? How many fighters from Syria fought in Donbass according to it?

One ISIS fighter is one too many.

Chechen jihadists pledged their allegiance to ISIS last summer. Baghdadi's right hand man is Chechen. These are facts. Nothing is in dispute.
Erdogan And The Prime Minister Of The Turkey, Just Made This Declaration To The Entire Islamic World: 'We Will Gather Together Kurds And Arabs, And All Of The Muslim World, And Invade Jerusalem, And Create A One World Islamic Empire' - Walid Shoebat

By Allah’s will, Jerusalem belongs to the Kurds, the Turks, the Arabs, and to all Muslims. And as our forefathers fought side by side at Gallipoli, and just as our forefathers went together to liberate Jerusalem with Saladin, we will march together on the same path [to liberate Jerusalem].

These are the words just declared by Dovutoglu, the Prime Minister of Turkey. You would think its coming straight from the mouth of the Antichrist.

Dear fellow cyber people-------PRINT IT OUT and paste it on your walls------if you di not know before NOW YOU KNOW------It is nothing new. I have been reading
islamo Nazi propaganda for almost 60 years and that ^^^^^^^ reflects the goal
islamo Nazis (of course I have been declared "NUTS" and a "LIAR" by lots 'of people)
One must always remember the strange love affair between Hitler and radical jihadists. Because the bizarre tryst is coming to a head again I believe.

Erdogan has been allowed by Obama to fund al Nusra and ISIS. ISIS is now being allowed to fight alongside Pravy Sector and others in the Ukraine.

For those that are unaware Pravy Sektor, Svoboda are Nazis in the Ukraine. And Nazis love their Arabs. Keep your eyes on Erdogan because Obama has empowered him. And consequently financed al Nusra and ISIS.

Turkish president cites Hitler when asked about executive power, then accuses press of twisting his words

Turkish president cites Hitler when asked about executive power, then accuses press of twisting his words
Nothing in the OP story stated anything about Ukraine or Pravy Sektor or Ukrainian Nazi love........So I am going to assume this is added opinion and not a proven fact...

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