Obama Loyalist Began Trump Investigations Based on Bias / 'Feeling', NO Evidence

Brennan did nothing of the sort.
Facts confuse liberals. They don't know how to handle them. It shatters the alternate universe they reside in.
You are confused if you think I am a liberal. Brennan did nothing of the sort, making something out of whole air. Only the frightened far right is deflecting, but that won't work for them.
Deflecting from what? All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria. The entire Democrat party is now doing the bidding of Russia, sowing discord and weakening America. Well done.
All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria.
The investigations aren't over. As a matter of fact, one of them is barely begun. You can't use that as a valid argument, can you?
Actually, I can. Not a single shred of evidence according to everyone that has reviewed the investigations that have been going on for nearly a year. Nothing, zip, nada. Even Obama's bitch, Brennan, testified there is nothing.
The left does not require evidence. They go off their feelings..,like Jake.
Do you think its possible that because of Brennan's position, he had reason to mistrust the Russians' numerous approaches to the Trump campaign? I think he is more mistrustful of the Russians than Trump and associates.

After watching Obama continue to work back communications with Russia, to discuss / work among other things a deal that would allow the US to 'invade' Syria, not really.

The focus is unfortunately focused on Trump, and the media is doing everything it can to keep the focus off what is known about the Democrats involved in all of this.

Brennan HAD to know that the organization for whom Bill Clinton was giving speeches was owned by Putin buddy ex-KGB. That would raise no 'red flags' for Brenna, especially since Hillary was running for President?

Brennan HAD to know the Clinton Foundation was getting donations from prominent Russian businessmen who benefitted from the Russian purchase of US Uranium, a deal in which Hillary had 'influence' on. Thuis raised no 'concern'?

Brennan should have known about Hillary's campaign manager receiving thousands of shares of Russian stocks (although he never reported it) and that 1/3rd of his company's board members were / are prominent Russian businessmen who have strong connections to the Kremlin and Putin himself. THAT did not cause Brennan any 'concern'?

Hillary's Campaign manager's brother was working for the KGB BANK and the Russian SPY agency that supposedly hacked into, stole, and leaked the DNC's e-mails. THAT caused Brennan no 'concern'?

Brennan testifies that a lot of 'tidbits' regarding Trump and his team - NO EVIDENCE of criminal activity or collusion - that caused him enough 'concern' that he began the investigation into Trump. At the same time all of the above was going on with Hillary and HER team, but somehow it did not raise enough 'concern' to merit in his acknowledged bias, Trump-hating mind to open an investigation into any of THAT?

If Brennan was truly JUST paranoid / mistrusted the Russians in general he would have also opened up investigations into Hillary and her team's connections with the Russians AS WELL. He did not do that.
John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

"What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election.

It was then-CIA Director
John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House.

Mr. Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on May 23 that the intelligence community was picking up tidbits on Trump associates making contacts with Russians. Mr. Brennan did not name either the Russians or the Trump people. He indicated he did not know what was said.

But he said he believed the contacts were numerous enough to alert the
FBI, which began its probe into Trump associates that same July, according to previous congressional testimony from then-FBI director James B. Comey."

At the time, according to the testimony of both Directors of the NSA and the FBI before Congress, the two agencies MADE IT CLEAR to President Obama that the 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information had NO INTEL VALUE, making the information 'Protected Classified Personal Information'. Yes, there was a bit of contact going on, but none of it was illegal, none of it had any foreign Intel Value, and none of it involved 'collusion'.

DESPITE the fact that this was made CLEAR to the Obama administration, Brennan (and Obama) continued with the investigations without any evidence.

Brennan ADMITTED he does not like Trump - that was no secret....so based on his personal bias / dislike for now-President Trump, Brennan began investigating Trump and his team. Such an act is not 'justified' - it is an ABUSE OF POWER.

AGAIN, as testified to by the OBAMA Directors of the NSA and FBI, there was NEVER any crimes indicated, NEVER any evidence of collusion, and NO FOREIGN VALUE found in any of the information collected in the investigation.

Brennan was asked 'POINT-BLANK', as he OPINED he 'had personal concerns with what he was seeing', if he EVER found any evidence of criminal activity or collusion - BRENNAN, UNDER OATH, DECLARED, 'NO'.

The continued investigations of 'Russia-Trump collusion' has been exposed, by the man who started the investigations, as nothing more than a political 'witch hunt' against a man who was disliked by Obama and Obama loyalists who have abused their power and even committed crimes to carry out their politically-motivated attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.

Obama has really fucking big goofy ears.
Brennan did nothing of the sort.
Facts confuse liberals. They don't know how to handle them. It shatters the alternate universe they reside in.
You are confused if you think I am a liberal. Brennan did nothing of the sort, making something out of whole air. Only the frightened far right is deflecting, but that won't work for them.
Deflecting from what? All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria. The entire Democrat party is now doing the bidding of Russia, sowing discord and weakening America. Well done.
All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria.
The investigations aren't over. As a matter of fact, one of them is barely begun. You can't use that as a valid argument, can you?
Actually, I can. Not a single shred of evidence according to everyone that has reviewed the investigations that have been going on for nearly a year. Nothing, zip, nada. Even Obama's bitch, Brennan, testified there is nothing.


Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling

"In his opening statement, Brennan also recounted how he had briefed congressional leaders in August of last year, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees about the "full details" of what he knew of Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Brennan said he became convinced last summer that Russia was trying to interfere in the campaign, saying "they were very aggressive."
The investigations aren't over. As a matter of fact, one of them is barely begun. You can't use that as a valid argument, can you?
The people running the investigations have already testified there was NEVER any evidence of a crime or collusion that merited an investigation, that there is STILL no evidence, and that the only crimes that have been proven to have been perpetrated so far have been committed by the LEFT that continues to try to distract from those crimes by continuing to falsely accuse without evidence to support their claims.

This all boils down to the left attempting to undermine the newly elected President / govt. They would be happy if their false accusation continues to run for the next 4 years.

Facts confuse liberals. They don't know how to handle them. It shatters the alternate universe they reside in.
You are confused if you think I am a liberal. Brennan did nothing of the sort, making something out of whole air. Only the frightened far right is deflecting, but that won't work for them.
Deflecting from what? All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria. The entire Democrat party is now doing the bidding of Russia, sowing discord and weakening America. Well done.
All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria.
The investigations aren't over. As a matter of fact, one of them is barely begun. You can't use that as a valid argument, can you?
Actually, I can. Not a single shred of evidence according to everyone that has reviewed the investigations that have been going on for nearly a year. Nothing, zip, nada. Even Obama's bitch, Brennan, testified there is nothing.


Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling

"In his opening statement, Brennan also recounted how he had briefed congressional leaders in August of last year, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees about the "full details" of what he knew of Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Brennan said he became convinced last summer that Russia was trying to interfere in the campaign, saying "they were very aggressive."
Again, you are confused. Post the quotes from his testimony about collusion with Trump. I'll wait.

Meanwhile feel free to do exactly what Russia wants you to do. We know you loons follow marching orders well.
"In his opening statement, Brennan also recounted how he had briefed congressional leaders in August of last year, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees about the "full details" of what he knew of Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Brennan said he became convinced last summer that Russia was trying to interfere in the campaign, saying "they were very aggressive."

Not as aggressive as the Obama administration and his loyalists who, according to the testimony of the Directors of the NSA and FBI, perpetrated the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / govt.

Brennan though Trump was doing something illegal, too....and there STILL hasn't been any evidence presented to support his 'gut feeling', proving Brennan - who admittedly hates Trump - is just a biased, partisan boob, one of the many on the left who hates Trump and continues to make false, UN-supported accusations against him.
You are confused if you think I am a liberal. Brennan did nothing of the sort, making something out of whole air. Only the frightened far right is deflecting, but that won't work for them.
Deflecting from what? All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria. The entire Democrat party is now doing the bidding of Russia, sowing discord and weakening America. Well done.
All the libs in congress and previous administration officials say their is no evidence to back the liberal Russian hysteria.
The investigations aren't over. As a matter of fact, one of them is barely begun. You can't use that as a valid argument, can you?
Actually, I can. Not a single shred of evidence according to everyone that has reviewed the investigations that have been going on for nearly a year. Nothing, zip, nada. Even Obama's bitch, Brennan, testified there is nothing.


Former CIA Director Tells Lawmakers About 'Very Aggressive' Russian Election Meddling

"In his opening statement, Brennan also recounted how he had briefed congressional leaders in August of last year, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees about the "full details" of what he knew of Russia's interference in the 2016 election. Brennan said he became convinced last summer that Russia was trying to interfere in the campaign, saying "they were very aggressive."
Again, you are confused. Post the quotes from his testimony about collusion with Trump. I'll wait.

Meanwhile feel free to do exactly what Russia wants you to do. We know you loons follow marching orders well.

The investigation into Trump's campaign's possible collusion was begun because:

"Brennan said he is "aware of information and intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U.S. persons involved in the Trump campaign." Brennan said that concerned him, "because of known Russian efforts to suborn such individuals," and that it raised questions about whether or not the Russians "were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals." Brennan added he didn't know if "collusion existed" between the Russians and those he identified as involved in the Trump campaign.

While Brennan would not specifically identify any individuals associated with the Trump campaign who had contacts with Russian officials and would not opine as to whether there was any collusion or collaboration, he did tell lawmakers why he was concerned about the contacts occurring against the general background of Russian efforts to meddle in the election. Brennan said he's studied Russian intelligence activities over the years, and how Russian intelligence services have been able to get people to betray their country. "Frequently, individuals on a treasonous path do not even realize they're on that path until it gets to be too late," he said."

Furthermore we don't know what this 25 year CIA veteran told them in the classified briefing do we?

The investigation of Trump's campaign collusion is still being conducted.
Easy there, colonel awesome fritter, we are not guaranteed eight more months of this snowflake madhouse, much less eight years.
Oh that's right. Trump is getting impeached. The left wing is taking Congress in 2016. Hillary by a landslide. Left wing predictions have been so accurate thus far. Keep em comin softies!
Do you always go haring off after distractions?

Only you speak of impeachment. HRC did win the legitimate PV by three million, while ELEVEN MILLION MORE voted for anybody not named Trump.

So if Hillary won by a landslide, where is she :) LOL left wing softies and their "comebacks". Can't wait for you to give us a straight answer when Trump is still your President 3 years from now lol
She won the PV very easily. So easily. Bigly. Yuuuge. Trump hates that he is hated by most Americans. He needs to let it go, like you, and get on with life. :lol:
Matt Ryan won the popular vote before the Super Bowl. In fact, ESPN AND Sports Illustrated Polls had Tom Brady only winning 3 states. Matt Ryan was the most popular and most wanted to win SBLI.

How'd that work out for him?
ANOTHER new day...STILL no evidence of Trump collusion.

Not as aggressive as the Obama administration and his loyalists who, according to the testimony of the Directors of the NSA and FBI, perpetrated the crimes of FELONY ESPIONAGE in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / govt.

More RussianWNJ's Phony News.

The "Great Grabber of da Pus-whaa" is much more sympathetic to Russia's goal of reducing the influence the United States has in the world than Sec Clinton ever was.
John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

"What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election.

It was then-CIA Director
John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House.

Mr. Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on May 23 that the intelligence community was picking up tidbits on Trump associates making contacts with Russians. Mr. Brennan did not name either the Russians or the Trump people. He indicated he did not know what was said.

But he said he believed the contacts were numerous enough to alert the
FBI, which began its probe into Trump associates that same July, according to previous congressional testimony from then-FBI director James B. Comey."

At the time, according to the testimony of both Directors of the NSA and the FBI before Congress, the two agencies MADE IT CLEAR to President Obama that the 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information had NO INTEL VALUE, making the information 'Protected Classified Personal Information'. Yes, there was a bit of contact going on, but none of it was illegal, none of it had any foreign Intel Value, and none of it involved 'collusion'.

DESPITE the fact that this was made CLEAR to the Obama administration, Brennan (and Obama) continued with the investigations without any evidence.

Brennan ADMITTED he does not like Trump - that was no secret....so based on his personal bias / dislike for now-President Trump, Brennan began investigating Trump and his team. Such an act is not 'justified' - it is an ABUSE OF POWER.

AGAIN, as testified to by the OBAMA Directors of the NSA and FBI, there was NEVER any crimes indicated, NEVER any evidence of collusion, and NO FOREIGN VALUE found in any of the information collected in the investigation.

Brennan was asked 'POINT-BLANK', as he OPINED he 'had personal concerns with what he was seeing', if he EVER found any evidence of criminal activity or collusion - BRENNAN, UNDER OATH, DECLARED, 'NO'.

The continued investigations of 'Russia-Trump collusion' has been exposed, by the man who started the investigations, as nothing more than a political 'witch hunt' against a man who was disliked by Obama and Obama loyalists who have abused their power and even committed crimes to carry out their politically-motivated attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.
Obama! Obama! Obama!
John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

"What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election.

It was then-CIA Director
John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House.

Mr. Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on May 23 that the intelligence community was picking up tidbits on Trump associates making contacts with Russians. Mr. Brennan did not name either the Russians or the Trump people. He indicated he did not know what was said.

But he said he believed the contacts were numerous enough to alert the
FBI, which began its probe into Trump associates that same July, according to previous congressional testimony from then-FBI director James B. Comey."

At the time, according to the testimony of both Directors of the NSA and the FBI before Congress, the two agencies MADE IT CLEAR to President Obama that the 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information had NO INTEL VALUE, making the information 'Protected Classified Personal Information'. Yes, there was a bit of contact going on, but none of it was illegal, none of it had any foreign Intel Value, and none of it involved 'collusion'.

DESPITE the fact that this was made CLEAR to the Obama administration, Brennan (and Obama) continued with the investigations without any evidence.

Brennan ADMITTED he does not like Trump - that was no secret....so based on his personal bias / dislike for now-President Trump, Brennan began investigating Trump and his team. Such an act is not 'justified' - it is an ABUSE OF POWER.

AGAIN, as testified to by the OBAMA Directors of the NSA and FBI, there was NEVER any crimes indicated, NEVER any evidence of collusion, and NO FOREIGN VALUE found in any of the information collected in the investigation.

Brennan was asked 'POINT-BLANK', as he OPINED he 'had personal concerns with what he was seeing', if he EVER found any evidence of criminal activity or collusion - BRENNAN, UNDER OATH, DECLARED, 'NO'.

The continued investigations of 'Russia-Trump collusion' has been exposed, by the man who started the investigations, as nothing more than a political 'witch hunt' against a man who was disliked by Obama and Obama loyalists who have abused their power and even committed crimes to carry out their politically-motivated attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.

Obama has really fucking big goofy ears.
Did you know that Obama once claimed that there were 57 states? :lol:
Funny...especially since numerous snowflakes on this board have brought up / blamed Bush for things several times today already, almost a decade after he left office....and that's considering Bush 'disappeared/ out of politics once he left, unlike Obama and his seditious loyalists who are still committed to undermining the newly elected President / govt....
Funny...especially since numerous snowflakes on this board have brought up / blamed Bush for things several times today already, almost a decade after he left office....and that's considering Bush 'disappeared/ out of politics once he left, unlike Obama and his seditious loyalists who are still committed to undermining the newly elected President / govt....
"numerous snowflakes on this board have brought up / blamed Bush for things several times today already"....

Who did that, and what threads did they do it on?
John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

"What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election.

It was then-CIA Director
John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House.

Mr. Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on May 23 that the intelligence community was picking up tidbits on Trump associates making contacts with Russians. Mr. Brennan did not name either the Russians or the Trump people. He indicated he did not know what was said.

But he said he believed the contacts were numerous enough to alert the
FBI, which began its probe into Trump associates that same July, according to previous congressional testimony from then-FBI director James B. Comey."

At the time, according to the testimony of both Directors of the NSA and the FBI before Congress, the two agencies MADE IT CLEAR to President Obama that the 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information had NO INTEL VALUE, making the information 'Protected Classified Personal Information'. Yes, there was a bit of contact going on, but none of it was illegal, none of it had any foreign Intel Value, and none of it involved 'collusion'.

DESPITE the fact that this was made CLEAR to the Obama administration, Brennan (and Obama) continued with the investigations without any evidence.

Brennan ADMITTED he does not like Trump - that was no secret....so based on his personal bias / dislike for now-President Trump, Brennan began investigating Trump and his team. Such an act is not 'justified' - it is an ABUSE OF POWER.

AGAIN, as testified to by the OBAMA Directors of the NSA and FBI, there was NEVER any crimes indicated, NEVER any evidence of collusion, and NO FOREIGN VALUE found in any of the information collected in the investigation.

Brennan was asked 'POINT-BLANK', as he OPINED he 'had personal concerns with what he was seeing', if he EVER found any evidence of criminal activity or collusion - BRENNAN, UNDER OATH, DECLARED, 'NO'.

The continued investigations of 'Russia-Trump collusion' has been exposed, by the man who started the investigations, as nothing more than a political 'witch hunt' against a man who was disliked by Obama and Obama loyalists who have abused their power and even committed crimes to carry out their politically-motivated attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.

Obama has really fucking big goofy ears.
Did you know that Obama once claimed that there were 57 states? :lol:

Maybe..... did you know a Republican once told an audience that Barack Obama was a decent human being?
John Brennan, Obama loyalist and CIA director, drove FBI to investigate Trump associates

"What caused the Barack Obama administration to begin investigating the Donald Trump campaign last summer has come into clearer focus following a string of congressional hearings on Russian interference in the presidential election.

It was then-CIA Director
John O. Brennan, a close confidant of Mr. Obama’s, who provided the information — what he termed the “basis” — for the FBI to start the counterintelligence investigation last summer. Mr. Brennan served on the former president’s 2008 presidential campaign and in his White House.

Mr. Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee on May 23 that the intelligence community was picking up tidbits on Trump associates making contacts with Russians. Mr. Brennan did not name either the Russians or the Trump people. He indicated he did not know what was said.

But he said he believed the contacts were numerous enough to alert the
FBI, which began its probe into Trump associates that same July, according to previous congressional testimony from then-FBI director James B. Comey."

At the time, according to the testimony of both Directors of the NSA and the FBI before Congress, the two agencies MADE IT CLEAR to President Obama that the 'incidental collections' showed NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY, NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and the information had NO INTEL VALUE, making the information 'Protected Classified Personal Information'. Yes, there was a bit of contact going on, but none of it was illegal, none of it had any foreign Intel Value, and none of it involved 'collusion'.

DESPITE the fact that this was made CLEAR to the Obama administration, Brennan (and Obama) continued with the investigations without any evidence.

Brennan ADMITTED he does not like Trump - that was no secret....so based on his personal bias / dislike for now-President Trump, Brennan began investigating Trump and his team. Such an act is not 'justified' - it is an ABUSE OF POWER.

AGAIN, as testified to by the OBAMA Directors of the NSA and FBI, there was NEVER any crimes indicated, NEVER any evidence of collusion, and NO FOREIGN VALUE found in any of the information collected in the investigation.

Brennan was asked 'POINT-BLANK', as he OPINED he 'had personal concerns with what he was seeing', if he EVER found any evidence of criminal activity or collusion - BRENNAN, UNDER OATH, DECLARED, 'NO'.

The continued investigations of 'Russia-Trump collusion' has been exposed, by the man who started the investigations, as nothing more than a political 'witch hunt' against a man who was disliked by Obama and Obama loyalists who have abused their power and even committed crimes to carry out their politically-motivated attempt to seditiously undermine / overthrow the newly elected President / government.

Obama has really fucking big goofy ears.
Did you know that Obama once claimed that there were 57 states? :lol:

Maybe..... did you know a Republican once told an audience that Barack Obama was a decent human being?

Who would have thought it, huh? I am glad that Republican felt that he could share his opinion without retaliation.
"numerous snowflakes on this board have brought up / blamed Bush for things several times today already".... Who did that, and what threads did they do it on?

Ask RightWinger to shoot you a copy of his earlier post, since he is one of the snowflakes whining about Bush today. :p

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