Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides

I want to go on the record here. I like honeybees. I think they're worth saving. If gov't can help do that, then I'm all for it.

If you could get the government to give you a nightly enema, you'd be all for that, too.

We get it. You love the government. You are a statist drone. We all understand your need and compulsion to both invite and exert government influence over every breath you take.

No, I just like honeybees.

No, you like the government. And enemas.

If the government determined that bees were polluting the planet with pollen, you'd declare war on them gladly.
It's a virus. A virus is causing the hive collapse.

Maybe obama just wants to spread disease. He's jealous of Africa and the way the DDT ban helped the spread of malaria.

That's correct and further, another 6 month study that results in nothing is simply another feel-good ploy from Barry the Fairy. Remember, his "base" will swerve a car or stop dead on a highway to miss hitting a bee or butterfly. His "base" love these little messages from MESSiah that are never followed-up on....just more bullshit to divert attention from the "phony scandals" week after week. Oh, and let's not forget that Africanized bees escaoed from a scientist/idiot in south America several years ago. These colonies have overridden thousands of docile euro-bee colonies and led to their destruction after attacking humans and animals. Here in Arizona, rock climbers are constantly swarmed and injured by feral bees. Those colonies are tracked down and destroyed. :(

What kind of bees?? Genus, species, name, family, you know the usual dope...
10 crops that would disappear without bees | Fox News


More crops that would disappear without Bees

It took me a while to find a Fox News link. So even right wingers have to believe it.

10 crops that will disappear without pesticides:


Those crops weren't developed until pesticides were invented?
If you could get the government to give you a nightly enema, you'd be all for that, too.

We get it. You love the government. You are a statist drone. We all understand your need and compulsion to both invite and exert government influence over every breath you take.

No, I just like honeybees.

No, you like the government. And enemas.

If the government determined that bees were polluting the planet with pollen, you'd declare war on them gladly.

Which is your fav enema?/ Coffee, or hot chocolate?
10 crops that would disappear without bees | Fox News


More crops that would disappear without Bees

It took me a while to find a Fox News link. So even right wingers have to believe it.

10 crops that will disappear without pesticides:


How many crops would disappear without bees?

BTW...those crops you listed wouldn't disappear...they would just produce smaller yields.
Scientists gave us pesticides, rtard.

Chemists give us pesticides. Scientists figure out what they actually do. Republicans try to keep scientists from figuring that out. Republicans even want to get rid of the EPA:

GOP introduces bill to abolish the EPA

"I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it." - George Bernard Shaw

I bet pigs also want to get rid of the EPA.
10 crops that would disappear without bees | Fox News


More crops that would disappear without Bees

It took me a while to find a Fox News link. So even right wingers have to believe it.

10 crops that will disappear without pesticides:


Those crops weren't developed until pesticides were invented?

No, you stood out in the field and picked bugs while you hoed...now that farms operate with 7% of the population, they is fewer bug pickers and eaters....
If you could get the government to give you a nightly enema, you'd be all for that, too.

We get it. You love the government. You are a statist drone. We all understand your need and compulsion to both invite and exert government influence over every breath you take.

No, I just like honeybees.

No, you like the government. And enemas.

If the government determined that bees were polluting the planet with pollen, you'd declare war on them gladly.

Sounds like you spend a lot of time thinking about enemas.
Hi Stephanie
it is a bigger shame that people won't take care of things
unless it involves the President.

Why don't people respect and do what's right because it's right?
When the environmentalists pointed out these problems were occurring,
why wasn't that enough?

Could it be that corporations have gotten so out of hand abusing freedoms to destroy
resources, that it takes executive action before anyone will listen?

What a shame that if we
* listened to Republicans about governing ourselves not depending on govt
* listened to Democrats and Greens about the environment and corporate abuses
then we could solve these problems DIRECTLY ourselves!

If both major parties monopolize the media with corporate campaigns,
why do you think we can't hear each other and work together directly?

So we don't NEED the media, govt or president telling us these problems need fixing???

This man is frikken Insane...we have a crisis in the middle east/Iraq, our borders are being INVADED and he'S out to save a fucking bee...and they plan to spend Millions doing it...we are being HOSED by this administration and every damn government agency He is in charge of now it's a, PoLLINATOR HEALTH TASK FORCE...


President Obama on Friday announced plans to save endangered honey bees and other pollinators, for the first time ordering a probe into new types of pesticides that some local governments and 15 European Union nations have restricted or banned.

The long-awaited plan creates a “Pollinator Health Task Force” that has 180 days to come up with a plan to save bees, butterflies and other pollinators. The goal is to rid fields of harmful pesticides while planting food for the bugs, even on military bases an along railroad tracks. Virtually every Cabinet department will be included on the task force.

A key victory for the honey bee industry is Obama’s mention of “neonicotinoids,” a new type of pesticide product that many blame for the shocking loss of bees in the epidemic called “colony collapse disorder.”

In the six-page presidential memo, the White House singled out what it wants the Environmental Protection Agency to do:

“The Environmental Protection Agency shall assess the effect of pesticides, including neonicotinoids, on bee and other pollinator health and take action, as appropriate, to protect pollinators; engage state and tribal environmental, agricultural, and wildlife agencies in the development of state and tribal pollinator protection plans; encourage the incorporation of pollinator protection and habitat planting activities into green infrastructure and Superfund projects; and expedite review of registration applications for new products targeting pests harmful to pollinators.”

Some members of the EU voted last year to restrict the use of pesticides that include neuroactive neonicotinoid chemicals. Three are in use: clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam.

Pollinators, mostly bees, are responsible for much of what grows on farms.

In a related move, the Agriculture Department said it would spend $8 million to establish new habitats for honey bees in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin.

all of it here:
Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides | WashingtonExaminer.com
Rtard is conflating the EPA with scientists, lol.

Of course he is. The state is his GOD.
10 crops that would disappear without bees | Fox News


More crops that would disappear without Bees

It took me a while to find a Fox News link. So even right wingers have to believe it.

10 crops that will disappear without pesticides:


Those crops weren't developed until pesticides were invented?

"koshergrl" must think so......just like she thinks nightly enemas are as crucial for our country as are honey bees.
Remember this is the same EPA with a SWAT team that is somehow under the impression they can now determine whether you can have standing water in your back yard. They have decided to declare war on coal-fired power plants where we get 40% of our electricity. They have determined that countless new projects can't be built because a rare cricket lives nearby. And we wonder why the Supremes ruled TODAY that the EPA can't operate they way they have been....without legal authority.
I guess Stephanie thinks grocery stores just magically produce food.

that was so uncalled for...and I guess you think this government has money trees growing in the back of the white house

Uncalled for? Stephanie, in the short time that I have been on this board, I have observed that most of your posts borderline baseless cynicism and thinly veiled insults at anyone who disagrees with you. In fact, you rarely, if ever, post anything of substance and I find it telling that the first thread of yours that I have read thus far is so far off-base that it borders on insignificance.

With regards to the premise of this post, the one clear thing is that you seriously lack the background and understanding of the impact that the declining bee population will have on global food supplies. I suggest taking a few classes in high-school science and read a few books on the subject before you decry the effort to reverse the current trend in the decline of the honeybee population.
Remember this is the same EPA with a SWAT team that is somehow under the impression they can now determine whether you can have standing water in your back yard. They have decided to declare war on coal-fired power plants where we get 40% of our electricity. They have determined that countless new projects can't be built because a rare cricket lives nearby. And we wonder why the Supremes ruled TODAY that the EPA can't operate they way they have been....without legal authority.

They limited their ability to create administrative law....
10 crops that will disappear without pesticides:


Those crops weren't developed until pesticides were invented?

"koshergrl" must think so......just like she thinks nightly enemas are as crucial for our country as are honey bees.

Nightly enemas are the hallmark of dysfunctional statist homos.

Not normal heterosexuals.
I guess Stephanie thinks grocery stores just magically produce food.

that was so uncalled for...and I guess you think this government has money trees growing in the back of the white house

Uncalled for? Stephanie, in the short time that I have been on this board, I have observed that most of your posts borderline baseless cynicism and thinly veiled insults at anyone who disagrees with you. In fact, you rarely, if ever, post anything of substance and I find it telling that the first thread of yours that I have read thus far is so far off-base that it borders on insignificance.

With regards to the premise of this post, the one clear thing is that you seriously lack the background and understanding of the impact that the declining bee population will have on global food supplies. I suggest taking a few classes in high-school science and read a few books on the subject before you decry the effort to reverse the current trend in decline of the honeybee population.

No, she ignores me, but I cut very deep when I thrust....get me a towel...

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