Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides


Let me guess. Gov't bee keepers?

Homo statist utopia.
I guess Stephanie thinks grocery stores just magically produce food.

that was so uncalled for...and I guess you think this government has money trees growing in the back of the white house

Uncalled for? Stephanie, in the short time that I have been on this board, I have observed that most of your posts borderline baseless cynicism and thinly veiled insults at anyone who disagrees with you. In fact, you rarely, if ever, post anything of substance and I find it telling that the first thread of yours that I have read thus far is so far off-base that it borders on insignificance.

With regards to the premise of this post, the one clear thing is that you seriously lack the background and understanding of the impact that the declining bee population will have on global food supplies. I suggest taking a few classes in high-school science and read a few books on the subject before you decry the effort to reverse the current trend in the decline of the honeybee population.


You all care so much for wildlife, animals and bees

Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal

Topics: News Business Energy and Environment Endangered Species Act

WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservation group sued the Obama administration Thursday over a new federal rule that allows wind-energy companies to seek approval to kill or injure eagles for 30 years.

The American Bird Conservancy argues that the rule, which extended by 25 years the length of time companies may kill or injure eagles without fear of prosecution, is illegal because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to evaluate the consequences and ensure it would not damage eagle populations. The Obama administration classified the rule as an administrative change, excluding it from a full environmental review.

"In the government's rush to expand wind energy, shortcuts were taken in implementing this rule that should not have been allowed," said Michael Hutchins, the national coordinator of the conservancy's wind energy program.

all of it here
Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal | WashingtonExaminer.com

Honeybees = sustainable life on earth
Eagles = American symbol of freedom and protected species
Renewable energy sources > finite energy resources


Honeybees > Eagles
Eagles < Renewable energy

This is logic. Something the right-wing seems to abhor. When hard decisions need to be made, I prefer that logic and reason dictate. The world will continue without eagles. It will not without honeybees.

Simple. Deductive. Reasoning.
Last edited:
You all care so much for wildlife, animals and bees

Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal

Topics: News Business Energy and Environment Endangered Species Act

WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservation group sued the Obama administration Thursday over a new federal rule that allows wind-energy companies to seek approval to kill or injure eagles for 30 years.

The American Bird Conservancy argues that the rule, which extended by 25 years the length of time companies may kill or injure eagles without fear of prosecution, is illegal because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to evaluate the consequences and ensure it would not damage eagle populations. The Obama administration classified the rule as an administrative change, excluding it from a full environmental review.

"In the government's rush to expand wind energy, shortcuts were taken in implementing this rule that should not have been allowed," said Michael Hutchins, the national coordinator of the conservancy's wind energy program.

all of it here
Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal | WashingtonExaminer.com

Honeybees = sustainable life on earth
Eagles = American symbol of freedom and protected species
Renewable energy sources > finite energy resources


Honeybees > Eagles
Eagles < Renewable energy

This is logic. Something the right-wing seems to abhor. When hard decisions need to be made, I prefer that logic and reason dictate. The world will continue without eagles, it will not without honeybees,

Simple. Deductive. Reasoning.

Wait...where does "koshergrl"s nightly enemas fit in that?
You all care so much for wildlife, animals and bees

Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal

Topics: News Business Energy and Environment Endangered Species Act

WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservation group sued the Obama administration Thursday over a new federal rule that allows wind-energy companies to seek approval to kill or injure eagles for 30 years.

The American Bird Conservancy argues that the rule, which extended by 25 years the length of time companies may kill or injure eagles without fear of prosecution, is illegal because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to evaluate the consequences and ensure it would not damage eagle populations. The Obama administration classified the rule as an administrative change, excluding it from a full environmental review.

"In the government's rush to expand wind energy, shortcuts were taken in implementing this rule that should not have been allowed," said Michael Hutchins, the national coordinator of the conservancy's wind energy program.

all of it here
Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal | WashingtonExaminer.com

Honeybees = sustainable life on earth
Eagles = American symbol of freedom and protected species
Renewable energy sources > finite energy resources


Honeybees > Eagles
Eagles < Renewable energy

This is logic. Something the right-wing seems to abhor. When hard decisions need to be made, I prefer that logic and reason dictate. The world will continue without eagles, it will not without honeybees,

Simple. Deductive. Reasoning.

Wait...where does "koshergrl"s nightly enemas fit in that?

I do not know but I suddenly have the urge for a colon cleanse..... :)

all those links are for domestic bees.....the wild ones are not doing as well and if they still have the virus or mites or both....it can go right back into the domestic Pop.....

Dont know about your local but I'm seeing more bees this summer then I have in years.

Yeah and my uncle was stung by a bee just last week. Obviously this is a manufactured issue.
all those links are for domestic bees.....the wild ones are not doing as well and if they still have the virus or mites or both....it can go right back into the domestic Pop.....

Dont know about your local but I'm seeing more bees this summer then I have in years.

Yeah and my uncle was stung by a bee just last week. Obviously this is a manufactured issue.

yes, or was it that honey wine???
Those crops weren't developed until pesticides were invented?

"koshergrl" must think so......just like she thinks nightly enemas are as crucial for our country as are honey bees.

Nightly enemas are the hallmark of dysfunctional statist homos.

Not normal heterosexuals.

Hmm. I think we're entering FBI profiler territory now.

FBI Field Agent: So, doctor, just how disturbed IS your patient?

Doctor: Well, she repeatedly mentioned enemas. But then the conversation took a turn for the even more bizarre when she mentioned dysfunctional statist homos for no apparent reason.

FBI Field Agent: We'll get one of our profilers right on it and try to develop a psychological profile on the person. Is the patient sedated now, Doctor?

Doctor: No, she's surfing the web and posting pictures of police with body armor and automatic weapons.

FBI Field Agent: Hmm, what does any of this have to do with the honeybee, Doctor?

Doctor: Nothing. She's just obsessed. Anything regarding the gov't just sets her off. It could easily be triggered by talk of the school lunch program from what I can tell.

FBI Field Agent: Keep that hypo ready, doctor. We may have to send her to a FEMA camp.

Doctor: You're kidding!

FBI Field Agent: Yeah, I'm kidding. But if I said that in her presence, then you'd need that hypo for sure because they all seem to have this fantasy that there's a massive gov't conspiracy to strip them of their rights and send them to a FEMA camp somewhere as a result of their efforts to save America from totalitarianism and the tyranny that would result.

Doctor: <on intercom> Nurse, prepare a hypo for the patient.
It's a virus. A virus is causing the hive collapse.

Maybe obama just wants to spread disease. He's jealous of Africa and the way the DDT ban helped the spread of malaria.

Remember this is the same EPA with a SWAT team that is somehow under the impression they can now determine whether you can have standing water in your back yard. They have decided to declare war on coal-fired power plants where we get 40% of our electricity. They have determined that countless new projects can't be built because a rare cricket lives nearby. And we wonder why the Supremes ruled TODAY that the EPA can't operate they way they have been....without legal authority.

They limited their ability to create administrative law....

No, they said they have to operate under law and not agency rules they make themselves. Take land seizure for instance.....they have no legal authority to seize property, but Holder's DOJ does nothing so lawsuits have to wind their way through the lower courts at tremendous expense and time lost. I'd dismantle the EPA and simply task the DOJ to bust anybody polluting our air and water. That's what the EPA mandate once was but has gone haywire with extremists nobody elected or even knows.
You all care so much for wildlife, animals and bees

Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal

Topics: News Business Energy and Environment Endangered Species Act

WASHINGTON (AP) — A conservation group sued the Obama administration Thursday over a new federal rule that allows wind-energy companies to seek approval to kill or injure eagles for 30 years.

The American Bird Conservancy argues that the rule, which extended by 25 years the length of time companies may kill or injure eagles without fear of prosecution, is illegal because the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service failed to evaluate the consequences and ensure it would not damage eagle populations. The Obama administration classified the rule as an administrative change, excluding it from a full environmental review.

"In the government's rush to expand wind energy, shortcuts were taken in implementing this rule that should not have been allowed," said Michael Hutchins, the national coordinator of the conservancy's wind energy program.

all of it here
Lawsuit: Extending eagle death permits illegal | WashingtonExaminer.com

Honeybees = sustainable life on earth
Eagles = American symbol of freedom and protected species
Renewable energy sources > finite energy resources


Honeybees > Eagles
Eagles < Renewable energy

This is logic. Something the right-wing seems to abhor. When hard decisions need to be made, I prefer that logic and reason dictate. The world will continue without eagles, it will not without honeybees,

Simple. Deductive. Reasoning.

Wait...where does "koshergrl"s nightly enemas fit in that?

I can always identify your posts even before I scroll to your name, bode.

They are completely, weirdly off-topic and stupid. Always.
Honeybee disease is being politicized with obama finding the "cure". YAAY.

obama can find the cure, which is banning something because that always works, as long as sane people keep working at finding a cure for the virus or a way to deal with the virus. In the US government grant money might be able to stop research into finding a cure and direct into something politically expedient. Thankfully such insanity isn't world wide. Scientists in the UK (which may not use the pesticides blamed for the condition and have nothing to blame) are working on curing the virus before it spreads from honeybees to wild bumblebees.


according to the show by National Geographic its already spread to the wild and they were talking to Bee Keepers in the UK who were the ones saying this....the wild Bee Pop. is doing worse than the Domestic Pop. because most of the work on stopping this is with the Domestic Bees....

Because the death of bee colonies is a virus and someone needs to find a cure. Once Obama's solution of pesticides is politically declared, further solutions are foreclosed. At least in the United States where political solutions are the only acceptable solutions.

The impetus toward ignorance on the left is shocking and dismaying. Thankfully the rest of the world isn't infected with the American left and someone may yet find an answer.

it not only is a virus.....there is a Mite that they think is also doing damage and certain Pesticides that are sprayed on the flowers the Bees visit.....nothing has been absolutely pinpointed....

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