Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides

all those links are for domestic bees.....the wild ones are not doing as well and if they still have the virus or mites or both....it can go right back into the domestic Pop.....

Dont know about your local but I'm seeing more bees this summer then I have in years.

just going by what the Biologist's and Apiarist's on the show were saying .....and the 4 they had on all said the same thing.....
It's called "Colony Collapse Disorder" and it is happening all over the planet at an almost unstoppable rate:

Bees are disappearing from our world at an alarming rate

Reasons Why the Honey Bees Are Disappearing

The Pesticide Connection

This scientific study, undertaken by Dr. Richard Gill and colleagues at the University of London and featured recently in Nature magazine, indicates that two pesticides may be the cause of colony collapse disorder. In the words of Gill and team, "chronic exposure...to two pesticides...impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality."

While previous studies examined the impact of pesticides on the individual physiology of bees, Gill's study focused on overall hive behavior and survival as related to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid. While these pesticides may have subtle effects at the individual level, their combined impact on bee hive survival, whether through shared metabolic processes or reduced hive communication ability, was shown to be lethal.

The Experiment and Its Results

To simulate exposure to neonicotinoid and pyrethoid pesticides, Gill and team exposed entire colonies of 40 bumblebees each to these pesticides at levels approximating those in and around fields. The result was nothing short of alarming. The average number of bees lost as a result of the pesticide exposure, whether dead in the hive nesting box or dead due to failure to return to the hive, was about two thirds of the total against a third of the total for a control group. In the experiment, the pesticides caused a 100 percent increase in bee mortality.

There was once a time when Conservatives actually had a thirst for knowledge. Some still do, the good ones. The rest, less so...
Honey bees have an inferior design.....why would they only have a one-shot stinger? That sounds like something a "progressive" would design and try to adapt to the military....."don't ask, don't sting (or you'll die)". Give me a hornet any ol day.....they can sting as often as they please and LIKE IT. :badgrin:

As a matter of fact, a bee stung me on the toe while I was sleeping a couple months back. I never felt a thing....I was wearing a sweat sock at the time. So a couple days later my toe was sore so I looked at it with a magnifying glass and sure enough there was a bee stinger in it. I grabbed a pair of tweezers and pulled it out....it was very rigid and longer then I imagined since I hadn't been stung since I was a kid. Kinda disappointing to tell the truth.
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It's called "Colony Collapse Disorder" and it is happening all over the planet at an almost unstoppable rate:

Bees are disappearing from our world at an alarming rate

Reasons Why the Honey Bees Are Disappearing

The Pesticide Connection

This scientific study, undertaken by Dr. Richard Gill and colleagues at the University of London and featured recently in Nature magazine, indicates that two pesticides may be the cause of colony collapse disorder. In the words of Gill and team, "chronic exposure...to two pesticides...impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality."

While previous studies examined the impact of pesticides on the individual physiology of bees, Gill's study focused on overall hive behavior and survival as related to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid. While these pesticides may have subtle effects at the individual level, their combined impact on bee hive survival, whether through shared metabolic processes or reduced hive communication ability, was shown to be lethal.

The Experiment and Its Results

To simulate exposure to neonicotinoid and pyrethoid pesticides, Gill and team exposed entire colonies of 40 bumblebees each to these pesticides at levels approximating those in and around fields. The result was nothing short of alarming. The average number of bees lost as a result of the pesticide exposure, whether dead in the hive nesting box or dead due to failure to return to the hive, was about two thirds of the total against a third of the total for a control group. In the experiment, the pesticides caused a 100 percent increase in bee mortality.
There was once a time when Conservatives actually had a thirst for knowledge. Some still do, the good ones. The rest, less so...

There also was once a time when conservatives were conservationists. Now it seems as all they want to do is exploit natural resources as if it's on an endless conveyer belt.
Bees are recovering:

Honey Bees Recovering in California | Care2 Healthy Living

What is funny is that the group who is so hysterical about preserving the native state of things apparently don't realize that the European Honeybee isn't even NATIVE to N. America.

We have an imported creature that wouldn't be present on the continent except for man's transportation of them from elsewhere...that has fluctuating population.

And the environmental protection agency needs to get involved? Are they protecting the environment from this invasive insect? Or are they just furthering their own interference in the natural order of things...and exerting control over industries that they know nothing about?

" Like most of the livestock associated with American farms, honey bees were imported by European settlers.
Prior to the arrival of the Old World settlers, honey bees were unknown to Native Americans. In fact, several early American writers, including Thomas Jefferson, reported that honey bees were called “white man's flies.” The name was recognition that the appearance of honey bees in America was associated with the arrival of the Europeans.
There was a close association between the westward migration of Europeans and the establishment of wild colonies of honey bees. Native Americans were said to have noticed that shortly after colonies of honey bees were discovered, white settlers would not be far behind. "

It's called "Colony Collapse Disorder" and it is happening all over the planet at an almost unstoppable rate:

Bees are disappearing from our world at an alarming rate

Reasons Why the Honey Bees Are Disappearing

The Pesticide Connection

This scientific study, undertaken by Dr. Richard Gill and colleagues at the University of London and featured recently in Nature magazine, indicates that two pesticides may be the cause of colony collapse disorder. In the words of Gill and team, "chronic exposure...to two pesticides...impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality."

While previous studies examined the impact of pesticides on the individual physiology of bees, Gill's study focused on overall hive behavior and survival as related to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid. While these pesticides may have subtle effects at the individual level, their combined impact on bee hive survival, whether through shared metabolic processes or reduced hive communication ability, was shown to be lethal.

The Experiment and Its Results

To simulate exposure to neonicotinoid and pyrethoid pesticides, Gill and team exposed entire colonies of 40 bumblebees each to these pesticides at levels approximating those in and around fields. The result was nothing short of alarming. The average number of bees lost as a result of the pesticide exposure, whether dead in the hive nesting box or dead due to failure to return to the hive, was about two thirds of the total against a third of the total for a control group. In the experiment, the pesticides caused a 100 percent increase in bee mortality.

There was once a time when Conservatives actually had a thirst for knowledge. Some still do, the good ones. The rest, less so...

and the show i saw....said that the wild Honey bees are a concern because if this is a virus or the Mite for instance.....we are treating the domestic ones but the wild ones are still going down....AND they said its not just bees that can suffer.....Butterflies are pollinators too and if the insecticides are hurting the Bees,Butterflies are even more fragile....the Monarch Butterfly population is down they claim....

Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades ? European Environment Agency (EEA)

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It's called "Colony Collapse Disorder" and it is happening all over the planet at an almost unstoppable rate:

Bees are disappearing from our world at an alarming rate

Reasons Why the Honey Bees Are Disappearing

The Pesticide Connection

This scientific study, undertaken by Dr. Richard Gill and colleagues at the University of London and featured recently in Nature magazine, indicates that two pesticides may be the cause of colony collapse disorder. In the words of Gill and team, "chronic exposure...to two pesticides...impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality."

While previous studies examined the impact of pesticides on the individual physiology of bees, Gill's study focused on overall hive behavior and survival as related to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid. While these pesticides may have subtle effects at the individual level, their combined impact on bee hive survival, whether through shared metabolic processes or reduced hive communication ability, was shown to be lethal.

The Experiment and Its Results

To simulate exposure to neonicotinoid and pyrethoid pesticides, Gill and team exposed entire colonies of 40 bumblebees each to these pesticides at levels approximating those in and around fields. The result was nothing short of alarming. The average number of bees lost as a result of the pesticide exposure, whether dead in the hive nesting box or dead due to failure to return to the hive, was about two thirds of the total against a third of the total for a control group. In the experiment, the pesticides caused a 100 percent increase in bee mortality.

There was once a time when Conservatives actually had a thirst for knowledge. Some still do, the good ones. The rest, less so...

and the show i saw....said that the wild Honey bees are a concern because if this is a virus or the Mite for instance.....we are treating the domestic ones but the wild ones are still going down....AND they said its not just bees that can suffer.....Butterflies are pollinators too and if the insecticides are hurting the Bees,Butterflies are even more fragile....the Monarch Butterfly population is down they claim....

Populations of grassland butterflies decline almost 50 % over two decades ? European Environment Agency (EEA)

Yepp. It is not just an integral part of the food chain, but a link in the chain of survival for all of us.
"The honey bee, remarkable as it is, doesn’t know how to pollinate a tomato or an eggplant flower, while some native bees are masters at this. The same thing happens with a number of native plants, such as pumpkins and watermelons, blueberries and cranberries, which are more efficiently pollinated by native bees than by honey bees."

Native Bees of North America - BugGuide.Net
Barry has always imagined himself the queen of the hive....he regularly dispatches drones. Here he is pretending to listen but actually eating a fly.

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How many of you on this forum think that Obama is a Muslim? If so, then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that Obama is a Marxist? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that the US had any chance of achieving a military victory in Afghanistan or Iraq? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you believe in the Bible? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

It's that simple.
How many of you on this forum think that Obama is a Muslim? If so, then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that Obama is a Marxist? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that the US had any chance of achieving a military victory in Afghanistan or Iraq? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you believe in the Bible? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

It's that simple.

You forgot to ask if they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
It's called "Colony Collapse Disorder" and it is happening all over the planet at an almost unstoppable rate:

Bees are disappearing from our world at an alarming rate

Reasons Why the Honey Bees Are Disappearing

The Pesticide Connection

This scientific study, undertaken by Dr. Richard Gill and colleagues at the University of London and featured recently in Nature magazine, indicates that two pesticides may be the cause of colony collapse disorder. In the words of Gill and team, "chronic exposure...to two pesticides...impairs natural foraging behavior and increases worker mortality."

While previous studies examined the impact of pesticides on the individual physiology of bees, Gill's study focused on overall hive behavior and survival as related to the pesticides neonicotinoid and pyrethroid. While these pesticides may have subtle effects at the individual level, their combined impact on bee hive survival, whether through shared metabolic processes or reduced hive communication ability, was shown to be lethal.

The Experiment and Its Results

To simulate exposure to neonicotinoid and pyrethoid pesticides, Gill and team exposed entire colonies of 40 bumblebees each to these pesticides at levels approximating those in and around fields. The result was nothing short of alarming. The average number of bees lost as a result of the pesticide exposure, whether dead in the hive nesting box or dead due to failure to return to the hive, was about two thirds of the total against a third of the total for a control group. In the experiment, the pesticides caused a 100 percent increase in bee mortality.

There was once a time when Conservatives actually had a thirst for knowledge. Some still do, the good ones. The rest, less so...


Spare me. This has been going on for a long time. This action plan is dated 2007. Studies have been ongoing since the 90's.

I've already stated that they are important to the survival of mankind. So I have no problem with Obama wanting to save them. But understanding politics, I want to know new money isn't going to grease someone's palms................

1. I'm no expert. So tell me who at the EPA are experts on bees?

2. Independent organizations and universities are private who are the experts and have been doing studies for decades. Any major funding should go to these groups with accountability. They have already been working with the USDA to study the problem.

3. Why now? They have been going at this for over a decade. So suddenly it's a key issue for the EPA? Have they identified the major killer to the bees..............One study does not justify bans.....................

Show me the data. From the experts. Before any ban. And account for the money to insure politicians don't do what they always do by lining pockets.
Bee Industry in Crisis
In early 2007, the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council’s (NRC) “Status of
Pollinators Committee” issued the findings of a two-year study detailing the serious problems
facing the beekeeping industry, which was described as being in crisis mode. In brief,
beekeeping has suffered several major setbacks during the last two decades:

• Invasive parasitic mites have decimated honey bee populations throughout the country,
creating instability in the supply of bees rented for pollination and greatly increasing the
costs of managing bees and of renting hives for pollination. Mite-related losses reached
catastrophic proportions during the winters of 1995 to 1996 and 2000 to 2001, when
colony deaths in the northern United States ranged between 50 and 100 percent in many
beekeeping operations. Despite considerable efforts at both State and Federal levels,
effective and sustainable controls have not been found for these mites. Pesticide (i.e.,
miticide) resistance is a major problem that may be contributing significantly to losses

According to this, the major killer is mites. And that thee mites have become resistant to pesticides.

• American foulbrood, the major bacterial disease affecting honey bees, has developed
resistance to the antibiotic used to prevent it. Although an alternative compound is now
available, it is only a matter of time until resistance to this compound develops.

• The small hive beetle is stressing bees in the southern U.S, and additional pathogens
(viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including microsporidia) are causing extensive bee

Insecticides used in crop protection have been associated with bee mortality.

• Cheap, imported honey has maintained strong downward pressure on prices paid to U.S.
honey producers. Combined with increased production costs attributable to mites and
disease, this has contributed to a reduction in the number of beekeepers and colonies,
despite increases in rental income.

The beetle causing more damage. So before you get into a rant on Pesticides, perhaps we need to look at this study and where they are today before banning pesticides. It seems that this study shows the major deaths are due to situations where the pesticides no longer work.
How many of you on this forum think that Obama is a Muslim? If so, then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that Obama is a Marxist? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you think that the US had any chance of achieving a military victory in Afghanistan or Iraq? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

Do you believe in the Bible? Then you are not qualified to talk about science.

It's that simple.

You forgot to ask if they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

More BS from the liberal Brigade. I stated long ago I think this is important. This turned into a pissing match as always as people like you go patting yourselves on the back for being so great and smart.

That is ego talking and one of your major malfunctions.

Again, I have no problem with pushing this issue to ensure the bees survival because it's very important. But I do not go lock and key on your side joyfully saying you want to go after the pesticides.

I've backed up some of that with ongoing studies that have found that resistance to pesticides is one of the major killers from mites and beetles.

According to the study they were decimated but returned in 2000 and 2001. They returned. And again decimated in 2006 but have returned.

So is it cyclic. Are did the hard winters kill off major populations of bees and pollenators.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

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