Obama moves to save the honey bees, targets pesticides

obama does NOT want to save the honey bees. obama wants to be right. He would cheerfully stop all research into what is really killing the honey bees just to prove it is a pesticide.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

One breed doesn't make or break the ecosystem. I'd agree, and they were imported way back when.

But according to some info I'm reading indiginous bees are getting hit as well. I'm no expert and never intend to bee.

If we spend money, which we already are and have been, I just want them to hold the spenders accountable.

This thread so far has gone to the tit for tat me versus you standard. And I see their side already ranting for banning pesticides that could also have an effect on crop production.

Because Europe did it.......That's not good enough for me. I want to get the experts to make the decisions, and not a select group or those on the dole. It seems they are doing the research for mass die offs on the dates I've already listed. And in both cases they made a come back.

The report I posted showed the major threat to be mites.
obama does NOT want to save the honey bees. obama wants to be right. He would cheerfully stop all research into what is really killing the honey bees just to prove it is a pesticide.

They are anti industry, and always start the rants about if it wasn't for them the world would end. They are certainly getting in a rant on banning pesticides. I do not know his real motives, but if it becomes a hot political item then I'd suspect they are doing so out of political reasons over humanity.

This has been handled without the fan fare in the past, when die offs were present. Studies were started and ongoing to try to get to the core of the situation.

Hopefully, the experts will do the same here. The solution will come from the industries directly associated with this and not politicians.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

Yes European honeybees were imported to the USA because they increase crop yields 14 percent more than indigenous insects. The indigenous insect numbers are also down.

Imagine food price when there is 14 percent less food on the shelf & population is increasing.
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Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

Just waiting backstage for their chance to step up and show their stuff?

They already show their stuff.

Retards like you don't even know they exist. You thought that the EUROPEAN honey bee was native to North America.

It's not. It's an introduced species, the "white man's fly". And like most introduced species, it goes through times when it is struggling.
But it doesn't pollinate many of our native crops anyway. Like tomatoes and squash, for example. Beans. Etc.

What you have are a bunch of gentleman farmers who like to keep bees, who are upset that people who actually produce the lion's share of the world's food use pesticides that may..or may not...affect their little pitiful hobby hives.

As always. It's the elitists attempting to control industries they know absolutely nothing about.
obama does NOT want to save the honey bees. obama wants to be right. He would cheerfully stop all research into what is really killing the honey bees just to prove it is a pesticide.

You never miss an opportunity to say something stupid, do you? :cool:
Bee Industry in Crisis
In early 2007, the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council’s (NRC) “Status of
Pollinators Committee” issued the findings of a two-year study detailing the serious problems
facing the beekeeping industry, which was described as being in crisis mode. In brief,
beekeeping has suffered several major setbacks during the last two decades:

• Invasive parasitic mites have decimated honey bee populations throughout the country,
creating instability in the supply of bees rented for pollination and greatly increasing the
costs of managing bees and of renting hives for pollination. Mite-related losses reached
catastrophic proportions during the winters of 1995 to 1996 and 2000 to 2001, when
colony deaths in the northern United States ranged between 50 and 100 percent in many
beekeeping operations. Despite considerable efforts at both State and Federal levels,
effective and sustainable controls have not been found for these mites. Pesticide (i.e.,
miticide) resistance is a major problem that may be contributing significantly to losses

According to this, the major killer is mites. And that thee mites have become resistant to pesticides.

• American foulbrood, the major bacterial disease affecting honey bees, has developed
resistance to the antibiotic used to prevent it. Although an alternative compound is now
available, it is only a matter of time until resistance to this compound develops.

• The small hive beetle is stressing bees in the southern U.S, and additional pathogens
(viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including microsporidia) are causing extensive bee

Insecticides used in crop protection have been associated with bee mortality.

• Cheap, imported honey has maintained strong downward pressure on prices paid to U.S.
honey producers. Combined with increased production costs attributable to mites and
disease, this has contributed to a reduction in the number of beekeepers and colonies,
despite increases in rental income.

The beetle causing more damage. So before you get into a rant on Pesticides, perhaps we need to look at this study and where they are today before banning pesticides. It seems that this study shows the major deaths are due to situations where the pesticides no longer work.

seems like all of it is a problem.....Not just the beetles.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

Yes European honeybees were imported to the USA because they increase crop yields 36.3 percent more than indigenous insects. The indigenous insect numbers are also down.

Imagine food price when there is 36.3 percent less food on the shelf & population is increasing.

she can't but she would just blame obama anyways because he didnt do anything.
And the far left can not admit they are part of the problem and that Obama is a failure.

Once the far left grows up then we will be able to move forward in all areas of politics.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

Yes European honeybees were imported to the USA because they increase crop yields 36.3 percent more than indigenous insects. The indigenous insect numbers are also down.

Imagine food price when there is 36.3 percent less food on the shelf & population is increasing.

she can't but she would just blame obama anyways because he didnt do anything.

Just like the far left Obama drones would blame Bush! Oh wait you far left Obama drones still do that.
Really, it isn't that important.

European honeybees aren't indiginous. If they are wiped out on this continent, it's no big deal. We have indiginous bees that will pick up the slack.

Yes European honeybees were imported to the USA because they increase crop yields 36.3 percent more than indigenous insects. The indigenous insect numbers are also down.

Imagine food price when there is 36.3 percent less food on the shelf & population is increasing.

There you go.

Our world is merging together in ways that people don't even realize.

There's more to life that political boundaries and differences in ideology and language.

As of this point in time, this is the only planet we can inhabit, it would make sense to get off our asses and be good stewards of this planet. But no, everytime a plethora of scientific studies USING FIELD TESTS tell us we have a problem, the Right had a kneejerk (well, I suppose it's a knee) and screams "Liberal" or "Nazi" or some such muck.

How did I miss that?

Please provide the reference that supports the ridiculous assertion that European honeybees were imported to the USA because they increase crop yields by 36.3 percent.

I will wait. I'm looking forward to the scientific journal from 1750 or so that published this fascinating factoid.
Bee Industry in Crisis
In early 2007, the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council’s (NRC) “Status of
Pollinators Committee” issued the findings of a two-year study detailing the serious problems
facing the beekeeping industry, which was described as being in crisis mode. In brief,
beekeeping has suffered several major setbacks during the last two decades:

• Invasive parasitic mites have decimated honey bee populations throughout the country,
creating instability in the supply of bees rented for pollination and greatly increasing the
costs of managing bees and of renting hives for pollination. Mite-related losses reached
catastrophic proportions during the winters of 1995 to 1996 and 2000 to 2001, when
colony deaths in the northern United States ranged between 50 and 100 percent in many
beekeeping operations. Despite considerable efforts at both State and Federal levels,
effective and sustainable controls have not been found for these mites. Pesticide (i.e.,
miticide) resistance is a major problem that may be contributing significantly to losses

According to this, the major killer is mites. And that thee mites have become resistant to pesticides.

• American foulbrood, the major bacterial disease affecting honey bees, has developed
resistance to the antibiotic used to prevent it. Although an alternative compound is now
available, it is only a matter of time until resistance to this compound develops.

• The small hive beetle is stressing bees in the southern U.S, and additional pathogens
(viruses, bacteria, and fungi, including microsporidia) are causing extensive bee

Insecticides used in crop protection have been associated with bee mortality.

• Cheap, imported honey has maintained strong downward pressure on prices paid to U.S.
honey producers. Combined with increased production costs attributable to mites and
disease, this has contributed to a reduction in the number of beekeepers and colonies,
despite increases in rental income.

The beetle causing more damage. So before you get into a rant on Pesticides, perhaps we need to look at this study and where they are today before banning pesticides. It seems that this study shows the major deaths are due to situations where the pesticides no longer work.

seems like all of it is a problem.....Not just the beetles.

And where did I say it wasn't all a problem.........It stated that mites were the major problem. And then cited Pesticide resistance being the major cause as the pesticides are no longer working to prevent the mites from killing the bees.

I glanced through this thread and saw the Major topic being pesticides and banning them. Yet this study does not cite it as the major problem.

Ball returned to your court.
Has numbnuts ever heard of beekeepers? When I happen to run across bees while performing my duties as a pest control technician, I simply call my friend who specializes in gathering bees and transporting them out of harms way. No harm, no foul.

Too many regulations are showing their ugly head in this sordid, dreadful, administration. IMPEACH BARRY, NOW!!

You aren't making any sense.

No? What parts don't you comprehend? I'll be glad to put it in more simple, easy to understand, terms.
"So when did the first colonies of honey bees arrive in the New World? These bees probably came from England and arrived in Virginia in 1622. By 1639 colonies of honey bees were found throughout the woods in Massachusetts. Some of the colonists who arrived at Plymouth likely brought bees, as well as sheep, cows and chickens on the trip across the Atlantic.
Once the bees were introduced, they, like other insects, were able to increase their range by moving into new territory. Honey bees increase colony numbers by swarming. Swarms are able to fly several miles to establish a new colony.
Such migrating swarms brought honey bees to Connecticut and Pennsylvania by the mid 1650s. Honey bees had swarmed their way into Michigan by 1776 and Missouri, Indiana, Iowa and Illinois by 1800. In the next 20 years or so, bees had made their way to Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas, as well as Wisconsin.
Further westward migration of the honey bee was slow. In 1843 it was reported that there were no honey bees beyond Kansas. However, Mormons arrived in Utah, and the first bees were taken there on the back of a wagon in 1848. So successful was this introduction, it was reported that a considerable amount of honey was being made in the southern counties of Utah. By 1852 the swarms had reached Nevada. "


So it was 1622.

So please provide the pre-1622 study that confirmed that honey bees would increase crop production by 36.33333 percent.
Does the OP or GOP know.....if bees go extinct, WE go extinct???

Damn it, forgot, these are right wingers. If you told them a scientist said the sky is blue, they'd say hes a Democrat fraud and the sky is actually red, or it could be green, because who knows, the science isn't settled.

If all the bees die, all the people die.

Is that simple enough right wingers?
European honeybees. An introduced species.

Here's a bag, breathe into it. We aren't all going to die because European honey bees in the US have mites.

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