Obama off the Ballot in Georgia due to Elligibility

sooo why doesn't obama simply produce his birth certificate ??? if doesn't he looses GEORGIA BY DEFAULT IN 2012 !!
Gee.......A United States Court of Law has determined President Obama is eligible to be president without the president or his council present

I guess the birthers will give up now
Gee.......A United States Court of Law has determined President Obama is eligible to be president without the president or his council present

I guess the birthers will give up now

Not as long as Orly Taitz is around.
I actually feel sorry for the birthers. They are so stupid they pay this Taitz bleached blond twit $400 an hour-$3200 a day + expenses, to handle their "cases".
She raises about $35,000 a week from birther groups nationwide to fund her "cases".
And she has lost everyone of them.
Taitz reminds me of Marjoe Gortner, the fraud evangelist that preached and made all that $$$ from dumb ass rah rah followers that are on the same wave length as the birthers.
The birthers are getting suckered by Taitz big time. At this hearing here Republican Governor Nathan Deal had his legal staff and some members from the Attorney Generals Office sitting in for the Secretary of State who is in charge of the ballot in elections here. They all stated how ignorant the legal team of Taitz, et al was and the saddest part was the birthers there did not have a clue as to how weak their case was and how Taitz was making them look foolish stealing all their $$$ from them. Her team ran through 30K in expenses here paid to her corporation just on this case.
Gee.......A United States Court of Law has determined President Obama is eligible to be president without the president or his council present

I guess the birthers will give up now

Not as long as Orly Taitz is around.
I actually feel sorry for the birthers. They are so stupid they pay this Taitz bleached blond twit $400 an hour-$3200 a day + expenses, to handle their "cases".
She raises about $35,000 a week from birther groups nationwide to fund her "cases".
And she has lost everyone of them.
Taitz reminds me of Marjoe Gortner, the fraud evangelist that preached and made all that $$$ from dumb ass rah rah followers that are on the same wave length as the birthers.
The birthers are getting suckered by Taitz big time. At this hearing here Republican Governor Nathan Deal had his legal staff and some members from the Attorney Generals Office sitting in for the Secretary of State who is in charge of the ballot in elections here. They all stated how ignorant the legal team of Taitz, et al was and the saddest part was the birthers there did not have a clue as to how weak their case was and how Taitz was making them look foolish stealing all their $$$ from them. Her team ran through 30K in expenses here paid to her corporation just on this case.

The judge outright laughed at the so called expert witnesses
Gee.......A United States Court of Law has determined President Obama is eligible to be president without the president or his council present

I guess the birthers will give up now

Not as long as Orly Taitz is around.
I actually feel sorry for the birthers. They are so stupid they pay this Taitz bleached blond twit $400 an hour-$3200 a day + expenses, to handle their "cases".
She raises about $35,000 a week from birther groups nationwide to fund her "cases".
And she has lost everyone of them.
Taitz reminds me of Marjoe Gortner, the fraud evangelist that preached and made all that $$$ from dumb ass rah rah followers that are on the same wave length as the birthers.
The birthers are getting suckered by Taitz big time. At this hearing here Republican Governor Nathan Deal had his legal staff and some members from the Attorney Generals Office sitting in for the Secretary of State who is in charge of the ballot in elections here. They all stated how ignorant the legal team of Taitz, et al was and the saddest part was the birthers there did not have a clue as to how weak their case was and how Taitz was making them look foolish stealing all their $$$ from them. Her team ran through 30K in expenses here paid to her corporation just on this case.

The judge outright laughed at the so called expert witnesses

clearly an activist judge legislating from the bench.

he even wanted taitz to address the court instead of the tv cameras. :evil:
sooo why doesn't obama simply produce his birth certificate ??? if doesn't he looses GEORGIA BY DEFAULT IN 2012 !!

Has anyone told you lately how much of a dumbshit wingnut you are?

Because you are.

Not as long as Orly Taitz is around.
I actually feel sorry for the birthers. They are so stupid they pay this Taitz bleached blond twit $400 an hour-$3200 a day + expenses, to handle their "cases".
She raises about $35,000 a week from birther groups nationwide to fund her "cases".
And she has lost everyone of them.
Taitz reminds me of Marjoe Gortner, the fraud evangelist that preached and made all that $$$ from dumb ass rah rah followers that are on the same wave length as the birthers.
The birthers are getting suckered by Taitz big time. At this hearing here Republican Governor Nathan Deal had his legal staff and some members from the Attorney Generals Office sitting in for the Secretary of State who is in charge of the ballot in elections here. They all stated how ignorant the legal team of Taitz, et al was and the saddest part was the birthers there did not have a clue as to how weak their case was and how Taitz was making them look foolish stealing all their $$$ from them. Her team ran through 30K in expenses here paid to her corporation just on this case.

The judge outright laughed at the so called expert witnesses

clearly an activist judge legislating from the bench.

he even wanted taitz to address the court instead of the tv cameras. :evil:

The birther crowd wanted a strict timetable as to the witness testimony. They didn't want the Wednesday hearing to go past 6 pm.
WWF was at Phillips Arena and the gates opened at 7.
Gee.......A United States Court of Law has determined President Obama is eligible to be president without the president or his council present

I guess the birthers will give up now

Not as long as Orly Taitz is around.
I actually feel sorry for the birthers. They are so stupid they pay this Taitz bleached blond twit $400 an hour-$3200 a day + expenses, to handle their "cases".
She raises about $35,000 a week from birther groups nationwide to fund her "cases".
And she has lost everyone of them.
Taitz reminds me of Marjoe Gortner, the fraud evangelist that preached and made all that $$$ from dumb ass rah rah followers that are on the same wave length as the birthers.
The birthers are getting suckered by Taitz big time. At this hearing here Republican Governor Nathan Deal had his legal staff and some members from the Attorney Generals Office sitting in for the Secretary of State who is in charge of the ballot in elections here. They all stated how ignorant the legal team of Taitz, et al was and the saddest part was the birthers there did not have a clue as to how weak their case was and how Taitz was making them look foolish stealing all their $$$ from them. Her team ran through 30K in expenses here paid to her corporation just on this case.

I don't feel sorry for them. At this point, the only people left in the birther camp are blatant fucking racist fucks.

All this hearing showed is that the birther cause is so pitiful that it will lose to an empty table.
Some cold water on overheated birther-mania | Jay Bookman

According to the birther movement, Malihi told their lawyers during pre-hearing conference that he would enter a “default judgment” against Obama for refusing to appear and for refusing to even send lawyers to participate in the hearing, and that he would in fact recommend Obama’s removal.

I think that’s highly dubious. I know you will be shocked to hear this, but Orly Taitz and others have a record of claiming important legal victories that turn out to be inglorious defeats. Among other things, it keeps the contributions flowing in. Nothing presented in the absurdist comedy of that courtroom yesterday would justify barring a sitting president of the United States from the Georgia ballot. It was a farce. The birthers’ only chance is a recommendation from Malihi based not on their “evidence,” but on the refusal of the Obama camp to put up a defense against it.

At any rate, the final decision is Kemp’s. Regardless of what Malihi recommends, Kemp does not want to become the Republican secretary of state who ruled Barack Obama off the ballot in Georgia. Becoming a birther hero would not begin to compensate for the lasting infamy such a step would bring him, especially because such a ruling would be challenged in state or federal court and almost immediately overturned on any number of reasons. Kemp would then look like a fool and put an end to any further political ambitions he might have. I doubt that’s the course he will choose to take.
The Secretary of state will decide before march the 6. Will you be OK with his decision? I will.

Judge Malihi Rules Against Plaintiffs: Says Obama Born In Hawaii Therefore Natural Born Citizen | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

Boom, bitch.

The events of the day prove that every assertion you have made on this thread is wrong. I won't go so far as to call you a liar, but you definitely had your head up your ass.


Are you done with birtherfuckingdom, or are you going to remain stupid?

All this demonstrated is that the birthers are so fucking pathetic, they will lose to an empty table.

So much for your "default ruling".

I will await your response.
I am just curious if RebelBoi will have enough intellectual honesty to make a mea culpa on here.

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