Obama on Stay-at-Home Moms: 'That's Not a Choice We Want Americans to Make'

It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.
Why doesn't the O/P provide the full video instead of a carefully edited snippet?
Because then the GOP scripted lie would be obvious! The choice to which Obama referred to was for women to fairly have the option of deciding whether to remain in the workforce or to stay at home with their children, without, in the latter case, having to lose their place on the employment ladder and thus be relegated to earning lower wages for the rest of their working lives.

From the full transcript:

THE PRESIDENT: True. (Laughter.) And too often, parents have no choice but to put their kids in cheaper daycare that maybe doesn't have the kinds of programming that makes a big difference in a child's development. And sometimes there may just not be any slots, or the best programs may be too far away. And sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that's not a choice we want Americans to make.

Mothers staying home for the care of their kids is not a choice he wants Americans to make. They're better off in the programming provided by state regulations
No, mothers choosing between second rate child care or earning a lower wage for the rest of their life is not a choice he wants Americans to make, but the Right does.

To the Right, stay at home moms, part of the 90+ million not in the labor force, are government leeches!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.
The somebody else is NOT the government.

The somebody else is the taxpaying American, robbed of the fruits of his labor by the workshy.
Spouses collect SS benefits based upon either their own earnings record or the record of their higher earning spouses. Even if they've never worked, work full time, are divorced, single, or re-married. The best strategy for a stay at home mother is to stay at home and not worry about it.

Obama really wanted to say- please work so we can collect more taxes from you to support our bloated government, but that would be too truthful.

We are rolling into 2015. It's unnecessary. Work and rely on your own earnings or don't collect.

Sorry, but the rules are not going to change.

The big question is - Why do you hate women so much?

Say it, Zander.

Say it out loud. There's no shame in the truth.

You want Americans to support a lifestyle choice.

You want Americans to support the lifestyle choice of single motherhood, the single easiest ticket to poverty.

So, what is the difference?
Why doesn't the O/P provide the full video instead of a carefully edited snippet?
Because then the GOP scripted lie would be obvious! The choice to which Obama referred to was for women to fairly have the option of deciding whether to remain in the workforce or to stay at home with their children, without, in the latter case, having to lose their place on the employment ladder and thus be relegated to earning lower wages for the rest of their working lives.

From the full transcript:

THE PRESIDENT: True. (Laughter.) And too often, parents have no choice but to put their kids in cheaper daycare that maybe doesn't have the kinds of programming that makes a big difference in a child's development. And sometimes there may just not be any slots, or the best programs may be too far away. And sometimes, someone, usually mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result. And that's not a choice we want Americans to make.

Mothers staying home for the care of their kids is not a choice he wants Americans to make. They're better off in the programming provided by state regulations
No, mothers choosing between second rate child care or earning a lower wage for the rest of their life is not a choice he wants Americans to make, but the Right does.

To the Right, stay at home moms, part of the 90+ million not in the labor force, are government leeches!

October 15, 2013
RUSH: We've got a lot of people -- look, 90 million Americans -- I love to put it this way 'cause I think it's the proper perspective. Ninety million Americans are not working, Donna, but they're eating. What does that mean? That's over 10 New York Cities that are not working. But they're eating, which means somebody's buying their sustenance, and that somebody is somebody else, is the government. They are eating.
The somebody else is NOT the government.

The somebody else is the taxpaying American, robbed of the fruits of his labor by the workshy.
So you agree with your MessiahRushie Limbola that stay at home moms are useless eaters who leech off of the American taxpaying worker through the government.
Thank you.
Spouses collect SS benefits based upon either their own earnings record or the record of their higher earning spouses. Even if they've never worked, work full time, are divorced, single, or re-married. The best strategy for a stay at home mother is to stay at home and not worry about it.

Obama really wanted to say- please work so we can collect more taxes from you to support our bloated government, but that would be too truthful.

We are rolling into 2015. It's unnecessary. Work and rely on your own earnings or don't collect.

Sorry, but the rules are not going to change.

The big question is - Why do you hate women so much?

Say it, Zander.

Say it out loud. There's no shame in the truth.

You want Americans to support a lifestyle choice.

I support our SS system. I support the family.

Why do you hate women?
I have a big problem with SS.

I made good money as a Merchant Marine, paid in over $7,000 more than 40 years ago.

I don't get a damned thing for that, as I do not have enough SS quarters, since I went to a non-SS retirement system.
It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.

If you are in California then you have that option to choose between CalSTRS or CalPERS.

In Illinois you could collect from the TRS and full SS benefits earned through other jobs.

Then came the Windfall Elimination Provision of 1986.
Spouses collect SS benefits based upon either their own earnings record or the record of their higher earning spouses. Even if they've never worked, work full time, are divorced, single, or re-married. The best strategy for a stay at home mother is to stay at home and not worry about it.

Obama really wanted to say- please work so we can collect more taxes from you to support our bloated government, but that would be too truthful.

We are rolling into 2015. It's unnecessary. Work and rely on your own earnings or don't collect.

Sorry, but the rules are not going to change.

The big question is - Why do you hate women so much?

Say it, Zander.

Say it out loud. There's no shame in the truth.

You want Americans to support a lifestyle choice.

You want Americans to support the lifestyle choice of single motherhood, the single easiest ticket to poverty.

So, what is the difference?

Say it, Roadrunner. There's no shame in the truth. You want American's to support a lifestyle choice.
It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.

If you are in California then you have that option to choose between CalSTRS or CalPERS.

In Illinois you could collect from the TRS and full SS benefits earned through other jobs.

Then came the Windfall Elimination Provision of 1986.
It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.

If you are in California then you have that option to choose between CalSTRS or CalPERS.

In Illinois you could collect from the TRS and full SS benefits earned through other jobs.

Then came the Windfall Elimination Provision of 1986.

I don't live in either of those places.

I wish the WEP of 1986 had eliminated the windfall the government got by stealing my money.
I didn't distort a thing, I linked. I agree with the interpretation, which you chose to lie about as cover for being too dumb to get the difference.

I also quoted you when you pointed out Obama was WRONG.

No need to spin. Your desperation is clear and evident. He considers stay a home a "luxury" and doesn't want woman to have that choice.

The two statements are idiotic talking points with loose ends all over the damn place. Just fluff that you feel you need to defend.

So, defend it instead of denying it.

You relied on distortion. And after the words were put back into context you attempted to spin in another direction. There was no need to distort from the get go. You didn't have an argument then and you don't have one now.

I've already asked you, do you disagree with him? .....
“Once I was in the state legislature, I was teaching, I was practicing law, I'd be traveling,” he said. “And we didn't have the luxury for her not to work.

You don't answer because you're so full of garbage.

I didn't answer because you're a dimwitted individual.

They made enough cash between them to have options. He was done when it was assumed that all jobs were day time available.
Tsk tsk tsk..that's not what he said.

You didn't answer before, because you already lied claiming a distortion based on his words was the issue.

You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?
Spouses collect SS benefits based upon either their own earnings record or the record of their higher earning spouses. Even if they've never worked, work full time, are divorced, single, or re-married. The best strategy for a stay at home mother is to stay at home and not worry about it.

Obama really wanted to say- please work so we can collect more taxes from you to support our bloated government, but that would be too truthful.

We are rolling into 2015. It's unnecessary. Work and rely on your own earnings or don't collect.

Sorry, but the rules are not going to change.

The big question is - Why do you hate women so much?

Say it, Zander.

Say it out loud. There's no shame in the truth.

You want Americans to support a lifestyle choice.

You want Americans to support the lifestyle choice of single motherhood, the single easiest ticket to poverty.

So, what is the difference?

Say it, Roadrunner. There's no shame in the truth. You want American's to support a lifestyle choice.

Americans support all sorts of lifestyle choices.

Get over it.
It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.

If you are in California then you have that option to choose between CalSTRS or CalPERS.

In Illinois you could collect from the TRS and full SS benefits earned through other jobs.

Then came the Windfall Elimination Provision of 1986.
It's another Katie fail.

Come on'. Distortion is not necessary to slam this guy. There are so many available areas to nail.

I, personally, have no problem with stay at home mothers. But, if you don't earn enough work credits to collect social security all by yourself then you don't get to collect it.
That is cured by marriage.

The stay at home spouse gets the SS of the out of the house worker.

Of course, marriage and two parent homes are so anti-Democratic.

Just so we are clear: You want benefits for a life style choice.

I am not on Social Security.

I am not married.

All my SS contributions were forfeited when I went into teaching and a different retirement system.

If you are in California then you have that option to choose between CalSTRS or CalPERS.

In Illinois you could collect from the TRS and full SS benefits earned through other jobs.

Then came the Windfall Elimination Provision of 1986.

I don't live in either of those places.

I wish the WEP of 1986 had eliminated the windfall the government got by stealing my money.

You can do it. Say it..........
You relied on distortion. And after the words were put back into context you attempted to spin in another direction. There was no need to distort from the get go. You didn't have an argument then and you don't have one now.

I've already asked you, do you disagree with him? .....
“Once I was in the state legislature, I was teaching, I was practicing law, I'd be traveling,” he said. “And we didn't have the luxury for her not to work.

You don't answer because you're so full of garbage.

I didn't answer because you're a dimwitted individual.

They made enough cash between them to have options. He was done when it was assumed that all jobs were day time available.
Tsk tsk tsk..that's not what he said.

You didn't answer before, because you already lied claiming a distortion based on his words was the issue.

You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?

Because he is a neoliberal republican fuck. That's why.
We are rolling into 2015. It's unnecessary. Work and rely on your own earnings or don't collect.

Sorry, but the rules are not going to change.

The big question is - Why do you hate women so much?

Say it, Zander.

Say it out loud. There's no shame in the truth.

You want Americans to support a lifestyle choice.

You want Americans to support the lifestyle choice of single motherhood, the single easiest ticket to poverty.

So, what is the difference?

Say it, Roadrunner. There's no shame in the truth. You want American's to support a lifestyle choice.

Americans support all sorts of lifestyle choices.

Get over it.

Say it............

The truth shall set you free.
Throughout human history the family has always raised the children! Obama doesn't like it as it takes time and energy out of a parent to do it. It is called Responsability!!!! Something most of Obama's people don't understand.
Working mothers have caused society to fail. It's true, really. We need no proof because the reality is self-apparent.
I've already asked you, do you disagree with him? .....
“Once I was in the state legislature, I was teaching, I was practicing law, I'd be traveling,” he said. “And we didn't have the luxury for her not to work.

You don't answer because you're so full of garbage.

I didn't answer because you're a dimwitted individual.

They made enough cash between them to have options. He was done when it was assumed that all jobs were day time available.
Tsk tsk tsk..that's not what he said.

You didn't answer before, because you already lied claiming a distortion based on his words was the issue.

You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?

Because he is a neoliberal republican fuck. That's why.
Which begs the question why are you such a kiss ass?
I didn't answer because you're a dimwitted individual.

They made enough cash between them to have options. He was done when it was assumed that all jobs were day time available.
Tsk tsk tsk..that's not what he said.

You didn't answer before, because you already lied claiming a distortion based on his words was the issue.

You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?

Because he is a neoliberal republican fuck. That's why.
Which begs the question why are you such a kiss ass?

I'm not. You're just embarrassed that you got called out on your attempt to distort shit. It's not my fault that you have the IQ of a fucking gnat.
Tsk tsk tsk..that's not what he said.

You didn't answer before, because you already lied claiming a distortion based on his words was the issue.

You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?

Because he is a neoliberal republican fuck. That's why.
Which begs the question why are you such a kiss ass?

I'm not. You're just embarrassed that you got called out on your attempt to distort shit. It's not my fault that you have the IQ of a fucking gnat.
Just a heads up. I'm not Obama or Katie. Why you dance around the topic for pages is odd. Then again socialists tend to be dumb.
You lied from the get go. You distorted what he was saying because you didn't have a legitimate argument. Katie AND you seem to have a knack for that.

Uh-huh. I said he means it. Why do you hate Obama?

Because he is a neoliberal republican fuck. That's why.
Which begs the question why are you such a kiss ass?

I'm not. You're just embarrassed that you got called out on your attempt to distort shit. It's not my fault that you have the IQ of a fucking gnat.
Just a heads up. I'm not Obama or Katie. Why you dance around the topic for pages is odd. Then again socialists tend to be dumb.

You distorted it because that is all you have. You make the right wing look like shit.

See ya!
Obama wants to turn everyone else into the black community!
-Get rid of the father
-Go to work and attempt to raise the child on your own
-The child grows up mostly by the streets and his so called friends.

Somehow the leftist idiot thinks this is better than the traditional family with a husband and grandparents helping out.

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