Obama out of touch with americans.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And forgot America hired him and not Mexico.

We have 14 million unemployed Americans, unemployment rate of 11.2% among veterans, 1.5 million homeless children, and 30.5% unemployment among black men and women and 33.4% among black youth and he is wants to give work permits to criminals illegal aliens and path to citizenship to 20 million here illegally and pass a Dream Act that will have children of illegal aliens competing for education and jobs with American children which he is making it harder for them to go to college? On top of this he want to make it easier for more immigrants to come here and compete and take jobs. More poor children to compete for education, healthcare, welfare, food stamps and public housing.

We do not need more immigrants to do unskilled labor, but more doctors and nurses who will contribute to the economy. There are no jobs Americans will not do. When McDonalds, meat packing companies, etc were raided by ICE, Americans lined up for those jobs.

We need to speed up deportations and release those jobs taken by 8.5 million illegal aliens for 14 million unemployed Americans.

Obama is a perfect example of a broken government. He has a plan to help those here illegal aliens but no plan to put 14 million Americans back to work, make it easier for American children to go to college, unemployed homeless veterans and 1.5 million homeless children.

We do not need more construction workers, we need more construction work. Not more workers but more work.

If we united every illegal aliens with a family member in Mexico we would have all of Mexico here. Unemployed.

Who the hell is he working for, America or Mexico? Enough is enough. Obama you are fired.
Begs the question: what (or who) is AMERICA? I am American, I was born here, I have my actual birth certificate...and it doesn't seem to mean much. My parents and my grand parents graves, their ashes, my heritage, my roots are HERE. It means nothing. Not to a cosmopolitan like Obama. Not to MY OWN government. It's all some kind of token in a political game patrician elitists play. Citizenship means nothing. What the heck does Obama know about heritage? HE is my leader. Not by my choice. That is so heartrendingly sad.... My father and uncles fought in WWII, MY great grandparents immigrated here legally (goes without saying) from Europe in the 1880's. That means something. What about Obama? What the hell does he know about immigration from that standpoint? I can't relate to him nor he to I. Many of us can’t relate to Obama, so he and his supporters had better get that through their heads. We Americans want stiffer enforcement of immigration laws. And we aren't recent interlopers. Our flesh and blood were here for generations, we want that respected.
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Begs the question: what (or who) is AMERICA? I am American, I was born here, I have my actual birth certificate...and it doesn't seem to mean much. My parents and my grand parents graves, their ashes, my heritage, my roots are HERE. It means nothing. Not to a cosmopolitan like Obama. Not to MY OWN government. It's all some kind of token in a political game patrician elitists play. Citizenship means nothing. What the heck does Obama know about heritage? HE is my leader. Not by my choice. So heartrending sad.... My father and uncles fought in WWII, MY great grandparents immigrated here legally (goes without saying) from Europe in the 1880's. That means something. What about Obama? What the hell does he know about immigration from that standpoint? I can't relate to him nor he to I. Many of us can’t relate to Obama, so he and his supporters had better get that through their heads. We Americans want stiffer enforcement of immigration laws.

The leftwing support of the illegal alien invasion has two goals. First, to get tens of millions of new democrat voters by amnestying the illegals, plus tens of millions more with high mexican birth rates and chain migration, with the goal of ensuring permanent political power for the leftwing. But I'm convinced there is a deeper intent: to move whites into minority status in the country they founded and built - sort of like south africa. Look at the status of whites there now if you want to see the future they envision.
Begs the question: what (or who) is AMERICA? I am American, I was born here, I have my actual birth certificate...and it doesn't seem to mean much. My parents and my grand parents graves, their ashes, my heritage, my roots are HERE. It means nothing. Not to a cosmopolitan like Obama. Not to MY OWN government. It's all some kind of token in a political game patrician elitists play. Citizenship means nothing. What the heck does Obama know about heritage? HE is my leader. Not by my choice. So heartrending sad.... My father and uncles fought in WWII, MY great grandparents immigrated here legally (goes without saying) from Europe in the 1880's. That means something. What about Obama? What the hell does he know about immigration from that standpoint? I can't relate to him nor he to I. Many of us can’t relate to Obama, so he and his supporters had better get that through their heads. We Americans want stiffer enforcement of immigration laws.

The leftwing support of the illegal alien invasion has two goals. First, to get tens of millions of new democrat voters by amnestying the illegals, plus tens of millions more with high mexican birth rates and chain migration, with the goal of ensuring permanent political power for the leftwing. But I'm convinced there is a deeper intent: to move whites into minority status in the country they founded and built - sort of like south africa. Look at the status of whites there now if you want to see the future they envision.
Well said.

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