Obama qualified to use the "n-word" as a black or disqualified as a white?

We'll be cured when that race hustling ugly human being leaves our Presidency.

Never let dead bodies go to waste for their own agendas

Yeah, because there has never been racism in this country until we elected President Obama.

IOW, Stephanie - You're an ignorant idiot.

But I was told Obama was going to "UNITE" the country. Of course when true black people like Dr. Carson, Allan West, Herman Cain to name a few
act "white" i.e. civilized they are called "uncle toms". And Obama has evidenced he feels that way about the above people that are human being first, then
black second. Obama instead has been the most divisive president in history.

CNN commented, "His tenure has been one of the most polarizing overall of any modern president. Each of his six years in office have ranked in the top 10 most polarized since 1953, with President George W. Bush taking the other four slots.

"And, as an election looms, the polarization escalates."
This from a president who, The Boston Globe noted, promised in 2007, "I don't want to pit red America against blue America. I want to be president of the United States of America" and said in 2008 that he intended to fix a political system which is "stuck in this deeply polarized pattern."
Gallup Obama One of Most Polarizing Presidents in History

"But I was told Obama was going to "UNITE" the country."

EXACTLY how would you say he could do that while millions fight against him and an entire political party swore to bring down the country in order to blame him?

Read this board every day. You'll find many ignorant, lying RWs who hate this country and will say just about anything to do us harm - including lie about what the president said.

Its just one more example of racists blaming Blacks for their own failures.

For example, you are so stupid, so willfully ignorant, that you actually blamed President Obama because you couldn't get on line one day. You said you believed he was in your modem. That's just stunning. Its even more stupid that Stephanie and that's really saying something.

Most of the people like me KNEW before Obama was elected he was a liar!
HE TOLD idiots he would LIE to get his way....
READ his own admission as to how he has LIED and fooled you...from his book "Dreams from my Father"...
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied. They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

When I read that I knew that Obama was a liar as he TOLD us he would lie to us!
Remember he told us:
-- "I prefer higher gas prices".
So what did Obama do to make higher prices???
1)told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer?
2) Encourage foreign drilling OFF Florida by Cuba
3) Encourage Canada to sell almost 1 million barrels per day to China?
4) In 3 years new leases under Obama 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!
NEARLY 3 times the new Federal Leases under Bush then Obama !
Number of New Oil Wells and New Leases Have Decreased Under Obama Data from BLM Show

-- "If a utility wants to build coal burning it bankrupt them!"
So Obama has forced utilities not to build coal burning plants and in doing so has destroyed the coal mining industry
OhioAmerican Energy, Inc. (“OhioAmerican”), a Subsidiary of Murray Energy Corporation (“Murray Energy”), today announced the closure of its coal mining operations near Brilliant, Jefferson County, Ohio.

Regulatory actions by President Barack Obama and his appointees and followers were cited as the entire reason. “Mr. Obama has already destroyed 83,000 megawatts of coal-fired electricity generation in America,” said Mr. Michael T. W. Carey, Vice President of Government Affairs for Murray Energy. “Electric prices in the recent PJM Interconnection monthly auction were bid up 800 percent (8 times) for 2015-2016 because of this,” he added.

“At its peak, OhioAmerican employed 239 local people in high-paying, well-benefited jobs,” said Mr. Stanley T. Piasecki, General Manager and Superintendent. “University studies show that our Mines can create up to eleven (11) secondary jobs in our communities, for store clerks, teachers, etc., to serve our direct employees. Thus, if one uses the eleven (11) to one (1) multiplier, the Obama Administration has destroyed 2,868 jobs in eastern Ohio with this forced Mine closure,” stated Mr. Piasecki.
Obama regulations kill Ohio coal mine hundreds of jobs wiped out - Conservative News

But of course FACTS and the truth is totally absent from LIPs like you!
Ha, Obamabot crash. They'll have to reboot and get back to you on this one. But seriously, is he black, is he white, is he Muslim, is he Christian, is he Marxist, is he American? Who really knows? So much about the guy is shrouded in mystery.

Ya just get the feeling he was placed into power by very dark powerful unseen forces. Like by a NWO Globalist Elite Shadow Government. Oh well, we'll never know the truth about the guy. It is what it is.
Ha, Obamabot crash. They'll have to reboot and get back to you on this one. But seriously, is he black, is he white, is he Muslim, is he Christian, is he Marxist, is he American? Who really knows? So much about the guy is shrouded in mystery.

Ya just get the feeling he was placed into power by very dark powerful unseen forces. Like by a NWO Globalist Elite Shadow Government. Oh well, we'll never know the truth about the guy. It is what it is.

This always cracks me up.

We know more about this president than almost any other in our history. You nutters just have to deal with that.
Ha, Obamabot crash. They'll have to reboot and get back to you on this one. But seriously, is he black, is he white, is he Muslim, is he Christian, is he Marxist, is he American? Who really knows? So much about the guy is shrouded in mystery.

Ya just get the feeling he was placed into power by very dark powerful unseen forces. Like by a NWO Globalist Elite Shadow Government. Oh well, we'll never know the truth about the guy. It is what it is.

This always cracks me up.

We know more about this president than almost any other in our history. You nutters just have to deal with that.

Another loony Obamabot delusion. The reality is, most know very little about the man's history. Who is he really? We'll never know.
Ha, Obamabot crash. They'll have to reboot and get back to you on this one. But seriously, is he black, is he white, is he Muslim, is he Christian, is he Marxist, is he American? Who really knows? So much about the guy is shrouded in mystery.

Ya just get the feeling he was placed into power by very dark powerful unseen forces. Like by a NWO Globalist Elite Shadow Government. Oh well, we'll never know the truth about the guy. It is what it is.

This always cracks me up.

We know more about this president than almost any other in our history. You nutters just have to deal with that.

Another loony Obamabot delusion. The reality is, most know very little about the man's history. Who is he really? We'll never know.

All we are suppose to believe is he was born a poor black child. what they never mention is HIS MOTHER is white. Notice how they leave that off AND he never brings up his white side. He can't the same traction race hustling out it
Ha, Obamabot crash. They'll have to reboot and get back to you on this one. But seriously, is he black, is he white, is he Muslim, is he Christian, is he Marxist, is he American? Who really knows? So much about the guy is shrouded in mystery.

Ya just get the feeling he was placed into power by very dark powerful unseen forces. Like by a NWO Globalist Elite Shadow Government. Oh well, we'll never know the truth about the guy. It is what it is.

This always cracks me up.

We know more about this president than almost any other in our history. You nutters just have to deal with that.

Another loony Obamabot delusion. The reality is, most know very little about the man's history. Who is he really? We'll never know.

All we are suppose to believe is he was born a poor black child. what they never mention is HIS MOTHER is white. Notice how they leave that off AND he never brings up his white side. He can't the same traction race hustling out it

He's a riddle. A mystery. No one knows who he really is. It is like he was placed into power by a powerful Shadow Government. His own worshippers don't know who he is. Most probably don't even realize he's half white. Or at least we think he's half white anyway. That's what we've been told. But who knows? And that's the whole point.

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