Obama’s big spending spree.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

Romney’s ad accusing Obama of racking up the deficit to $20 trillion by the end of his four years is more of Romney’s fuzzy math and rhetoric is leading the stupid to believe the entire $20 trillion belongs to Obama when it will only be $10 trillion if he is a true prophet. And the amount of $6 trillion Obama has added to the deficit is not more then all the previous presidents debt. $5 trillion belong to Clinton and $6 trillion belong to Bush but that did not stop rising when Bush left office. The cost of the two wars continued, the cost of medical care and disability checks for the 30 million wounded troops continuing, the cost of tax cuts for the rich continuing. The $6 trillion Obama has added to the debt is paying on the unpaid debt Bush left that keeps rising. Hundreds of private contractors still in Afghanistan and Iraq, a monument in the place where the twin towers stood and the up keep. None of these would be in existence if Bush had not ignored multiple 911warnings and not lied and ignored the warning that there were no WMDs in Iraq and Saddam was not a threat. Even Obama’s stimulus was needed because of Bush’s screwing up the economy and the financial crisis and allowing thousand of jobs to go over seas creating thousands of jobs to be lost and a need for unemployment insurance, food stamps and some welfare grants and subsidized housing. Bail out of the banks and auto industry started with Bush. Affordable healthcare for 45 million uninsured or underinsured. On going tax cuts for the rich. How much of these belong to Obama?

Bush the CEO of “redistribution” of hard working tax payers money to pay for tax cuts for the rich and Romney have all intentions of taking up where Bush left off.

Romney means imminent war with Iran with borrowed money from China and from “redistribution” of hard working taxpayers money. Bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a act of war inviting Russia and China to join in as allies of Iran. Racking up the deficit among other policies of Romney.
They probably shouldn't legalize whatever you are on.

30 million wounded troops

That's up there with "Obama watched while they died". :lol:

LOL, talking about damning with faint praise! So Obama's defense is that he will only rack up HALF of our nation's debt during his tenure? Congratulations!

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