Obama says because of him we are the most respected country on Earth..WTF?


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
What a joke. i think Obama excuse weakness with respect:eusa_doh:With the narcissist and Chief it 's all about him

Obama said, “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the Untied States in world opinion ranked below China and just barley above Russia, and today once again, the Untied States is the most respected country on earth. Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran.”

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart
What an ego-maniacal piece of shit. The world is laughing at us.
Most right wingers don't have the capacity or objectivity to see it, but Obama is correct.

Read foreign media (a tall order since most of you R-Wers can hardly handle English) and you too would see that since Obama the world does not refer to us as war-mongering, neo-colonialists.
What a joke. i think Obama excuse weakness with respect:eusa_doh:With the narcissist and Chief it 's all about him

Obama said, “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the Untied States in world opinion ranked below China and just barley above Russia, and today once again, the Untied States is the most respected country on earth. Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran.”

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart

There's already a retarded thread on this, genius.
Most right wingers don't have the capacity or objectivity to see it, but Obama is correct.

Read foreign media (a tall order since most of you R-Wers can hardly handle English) and you too would see that since Obama the world does not refer to us as war-mongering, neo-colonialists.

Fuck You, dipshit!
Most right wingers don't have the capacity or objectivity to see it, but Obama is correct.

Read foreign media (a tall order since most of you R-Wers can hardly handle English) and you too would see that since Obama the world does not refer to us as war-mongering, neo-colonialists.

Fuck You, dipshit!

Yet ANOTHER erudite and scholarly right winger's response (that football helmet may have been a bit faulty.) LOL
Most right wingers don't have the capacity or objectivity to see it, but Obama is correct.

Read foreign media (a tall order since most of you R-Wers can hardly handle English) and you too would see that since Obama the world does not refer to us as war-mongering, neo-colonialists.

Fuck You, dipshit!

Yet ANOTHER erudite and scholarly right winger's response (that football helmet may have been a bit faulty.) LOL

Get your head out of Hussein's ass, bitch.
Most right wingers don't have the capacity or objectivity to see it, but Obama is correct.

Read foreign media (a tall order since most of you R-Wers can hardly handle English) and you too would see that since Obama the world does not refer to us as war-mongering, neo-colonialists.
No, they refer to us as patsies and suckers.
What a joke. i think Obama excuse weakness with respect:eusa_doh:With the narcissist and Chief it 's all about him

Obama said, “People don’t remember, but when I came into office, the Untied States in world opinion ranked below China and just barley above Russia, and today once again, the Untied States is the most respected country on earth. Part of that I think is because of the work we did to reengage the world and say we want to work with you as partners with mutual interests and mutual respect. It was on that basis we were able to end two wars while still focusing on the very real threat of terrorism and try to work with our partners in Iraq and Afghanistan. It’s the reason why we are moving in the direction to normalize relations with Cuba and the nuclear deal that we are trying to negotiate with Iran.”

Obama I ve Restored the US as the Most Respected Country in the World - Breitbart
I think he meant to say they like us.....

Kind of like some people like the drunk uncle who passes put at family reunions where everybody can roll him for beer money.

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