Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

The biggest problem Limbaugh and Beck cause is for the moderate Republican. Any Republican who wants to negotiate or seek a middle ground has the attack dogs on him in hours.

It will cause the defeat of many Repuplicans in moderate districts and will prevent the GOP from being a national party again

Moderate Republicans lose elections = McCain
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

And Barry doesn't?? Give me a break.

as has been shown before....he is really the whiner in chief

can you imagine if bush whined about the vitriol said about him? he would not have time to do anything else...

No worries, George was on a mission from God. :eusa_pray:
He said this:


Walking with Smith on the grounds of the White House, the president said that he is "concerned about a political climate in which the other side is demonized" and that "everybody has a responsibility, Democrats or Republicans, to tone down some of this rhetoric." What's different about today, Obama suggested, is the way overheated rhetoric has moved into the mainstream.

After saying this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQFFZJpTmD0&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Obama spends almost 6 minutes demonizing his opponents[/ame]


The biggest problem Limbaugh and Beck cause is for the moderate Republican. Any Republican who wants to negotiate or seek a middle ground has the attack dogs on him in hours.

It will cause the defeat of many Repuplicans in moderate districts and will prevent the GOP from being a national party again

Moderate Republicans lose elections = McCain

George Bush lost him that election
The biggest problem Limbaugh and Beck cause is for the moderate Republican. Any Republican who wants to negotiate or seek a middle ground has the attack dogs on him in hours.

It will cause the defeat of many Repuplicans in moderate districts and will prevent the GOP from being a national party again

Moderate Republicans lose elections = McCain

George Bush lost him that election

Although Bush didn't help, I have to say that I don't think McCain could have won the election if WMD's had been found, if Osama bin Ladin had been captured, if the stock market had hit 30,000, if unemployment was at 2%, if Iraq had become our closest ally AND if Hell had frozen over.

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Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

Actually, he calls out Beck and Limbaugh. The only way this is 'specifically calling out those on the right' is if Beck and Limbaugh represent the viewpoints of all of those on the right. Is that what you're saying?


he only specifically called out "certain" right wing talk show hosts while not doing so with lefties

Yep. Reid and his mignions failed already. Anyone remember "The Letter"?

October 2007...

Letter To Get Limbaugh Fired Signed By Obama
Don't kid yourself folks. We know what's next. These people have no regard for the Constitution at all.
The biggest problem Limbaugh and Beck cause is for the moderate Republican. Any Republican who wants to negotiate or seek a middle ground has the attack dogs on him in hours.

It will cause the defeat of many Repuplicans in moderate districts and will prevent the GOP from being a national party again

Moderate Republicans lose elections = McCain

George Bush lost him that election

not really.... mccain was ahead in the polls til the economy tanked. he looked like he was floundering and people looked at his VP candidate and said... ummmm.... I don't think so.
Moderate Republicans lose elections = McCain

George Bush lost him that election

not really.... mccain was ahead in the polls til the economy tanked. he looked like he was floundering and people looked at his VP candidate and said... ummmm.... I don't think so.

Actually? The McCain campaign held her back. Seems to me she keeps getting invitied to all kinds of events. So your argument holds -ZERO- Water.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

Well it's not like Obama is doing anything that is troublesome. Ignoring the Constitution is perfectly natural. Seizing power, natural. Telling people he'll bring a gun to a knife fiht, natural.

You know it's only the people exposing the administration that is the problem. It's not the people actually making the crappy policies. Just those revealing them.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

Well it's not like Obama is doing anything that is troublesome. Ignoring the Constitution is perfectly natural. Seizing power, natural. Telling people he'll bring a gun to a knife fiht, natural.

You know it's only the people exposing the administration that is the problem. It's not the people actually making the crappy policies. Just those revealing them.

And of course? [Drumroll]?

Survey says? Those defending thier Liberties from a bunch of Marxist/Statists.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

O-blah-blah fueled the troublesome political climate being so stupid a red brick would be a better President.

But would the brick listen? Of course the majority of the people are talking to the walls anyway...(Might as well be)....
Beck and Limbaugh at their worst are no where half as bad as Oberman when he is at his closest approach to sane.

You've got to be kidding. Though I think Oberman is :cuckoo::cuckoo: too, I've never seen him crying. I've never known him to be addicted to drugs. Just those two things along make the BeckBaugh combination far worsse, IMO.

Interesting don't you think that Beck kicked alcohol and Rush kicked his oxy, but the weak willed wonder in the Whitehouse can't seem to quit HIS drug addiction? He has no backbone. No wonder Beck and Limbaugh seem to terrify him.

Obama still lighting up, but anti-smoking groups laud effort to quit / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
You have to wonder if Barry wears diapers he's such a fucking crybaby.

Is he aware of what presidents like Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan,Clinton and the Bushes had to put up with from the press?

None of them gave interviews attacking their critics, all of them felt the office of president was above such pettiness.

Not barry, he lives for it.

Most unpresidential and immature POTUS ever, yet another first for him.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...

Beck and Limbaugh will be his first political prisoners.

the world would be a better place if THAT happened!

Thank you for revealing yourself as an enemy to the United States. Do you have any concept of liberty?

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