Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

The only thing CON$ervoFascists want to "preserve" is their pure hatred for America. It is the CON$ervaTards who have been threatening secession from the American Union again.

One thing is certain with CON$ervative Hateists, the more they hate America the more they pretend to love her.

people from both sides have argued for secession.

Do you even know what America is? Cause it sounds like you don't.
There's that "Two wrongs make THE Right" argument, except you can't name a single Democratic Governor who called for secession!
He said this:

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

Walking with Smith on the grounds of the White House, the president said that he is "concerned about a political climate in which the other side is demonized" and that "everybody has a responsibility, Democrats or Republicans, to tone down some of this rhetoric." What's different about today, Obama suggested, is the way overheated rhetoric has moved into the mainstream.

After saying this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQFFZJpTmD0&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Obama spends almost 6 minutes demonizing his opponents[/ame]



That's a classy speech from the POTUS.... if he were in High School. He is pissed off the American people didn't just swallow it and wait for the next one. The fact that he is campaigning on the merits of the bill, indicates he is still trying to convince people. He does have a bit of the, spoiled child that was never told anything against his beliefs or was told he had to do something. Pretty juvenile way to act for the most powerful man in the country.
For all the talk about how Obama was voted in by a majority, so live with it, why then, when a majority doesn't want something, its too bad. The administration continually reframes the debate whenever challenged and the country suffers. With each stimulus, TARP, cash for clunkers or any other entitlement program, this country suffers.
The jobs numbers is a joke as 50k were temp Census workers, other temp workers and a few actual jobs. 3.8 million Govt workers have been added to the payroll while 1.7 million private company workers are still unemployed. Again the administration frames it as a success. On the surface (headlines for the dumb masses), the economy is recovering, but dig a little and the reality is just as bleak as it has been. Where do you think Govt gets the money to pay these govt jobs....oh yeah, our tax dollars.
Dems complained when Bush was in office and the unemployment was about 5. Don't hear much on that with Obama with the numbers in double digits. I thoughts Dems were all about "fairness".
The only thing CON$ervoFascists want to "preserve" is their pure hatred for America. It is the CON$ervaTards who have been threatening secession from the American Union again.

One thing is certain with CON$ervative Hateists, the more they hate America the more they pretend to love her.

people from both sides have argued for secession.

Do you even know what America is? Cause it sounds like you don't.
There's that "Two wrongs make THE Right" argument, except you can't name a single Democratic Governor who called for secession!

Hardly. Im just disputing your claim that it's only conservatives who have been threatening secession.

You really should keep track of your arguments before you make yourself look stupid.
Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.

He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.

He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:
people from both sides have argued for secession.

Do you even know what America is? Cause it sounds like you don't.
There's that "Two wrongs make THE Right" argument, except you can't name a single Democratic Governor who called for secession!

Hardly. Im just disputing your claim that it's only conservatives who have been threatening secession.

You really should keep track of your arguments before you make yourself look stupid.
Typical CON$ervative projection.

You disputed nothing because you didn't give a Democratic equivalent to Secessionist Governor Perry of Texas. You simply proved that CON$ never admit they are wrong no matter how obvious it is.
He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:
And there it is, no matter how obvious the lie, DittoTards still defend their MessiahRushie the only way they know how, an Alinsky personal attack.

If anything, I have a "hardon" for the piss-easy task of making you mindless zombies eat your MessiahRushie's words. :rofl:

Jan 3, 2008
RUSH: I know I have a lot of power. I don't think about it. I don't consciously try to exercise it. (to staff) I do not, I don't care what you're laughing about in there, I -- (interruption) What? I do what?
Dawn's in there being very wifey. I'm sitting here, I'm being honest, and I'm saying I know I've got a lot of power
I think it's pretty funny that POTUS is putting himself on the same level as a guy who does a radio show 3 hours a day, it says way more about POTUS than about the radio guy.

Obama is scared of Beck, Rush, Sean and O'Reilly because they are not afraid to speak the truth and to expose Obama for what he is. His only recourse is to try to marginalize them, but it won't work. Us independent thinking Americans are a hell of a lot smarter than Obama gives us credit for.
He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:

LOl. Gotta agree.

I don't listen to Rush and I watch Beck once in a blue moon. Both of these guys are entertainers. Period. Funny how some folks think what they say is important enough to be considered the gospel of the GOP. LOL. Jeeze.

It does seem to me though that the only people who are "problematic" for Barry boy are the ones that don't agree with him or he lefty agenda.

Hmmm. Think he has a lot of "problems" out there right now and it ain't Rush or Beck. LOL.
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who will rid me of this troublesome priest?
I see you got your Phony Soldier Stuttering LimpTard talking points! :lol:

and we see you get all your hate and talking points about Rush from mediamatters, do you get paid?:lol:
If you were honest, you would have to admit that there is no one at mediamatters who OWNS Stuttering LimpTard like me! :lol:

If mediamatters were truly "out to get him" as he and his minions constantly whine, you would think Soros would jump at the opportunity to hire me. :rofl:
He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:

Yeah it is amazing that Rush was able to work his way into raidio at all since his dad owned the station.
So, let me get this straight.

Limbaugh and Beck can go on the air every day and call Obama a "Socialist", a "Stalinist", a "Racist", a "Nazi", etc, etc...

But God forbid Obama say anything critical about them specifically! Oh, no, can't have that! Limbaugh and Beck are sacrosanct!!!

Of course they're both also nut-job, drug addicts.

And then you call Obama a "whiner"? Wow, the hypocrisy is utterly off the chart.

As for Olbermann, etc, yes, they also suck, but they're not the ones creating the "atmosphere" that he was referring to at the moment.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:

Yeah it is amazing that Rush was able to work his way into raidio at all since his dad owned the station.
He is by his OWN words a GOP toady! If he was a Movement CON$ervative, as he tries to pass himself off as, he would have been happy that the CON$ervative movement made inroads into the Democratic Party, as the caller said. But he said that the CON$ervative movement's gains in the Democratic Party made him unhappy and FRUSTRATED, hardly the FEELINGS of a true Movement CONSERVATIVE!!!

And this is what is so obvious about the brainwashed DittoTards, even when LimpTard admits he's a Republican hack rather than a Movement CON$ervative they STILL believe him when he lies about being a Movement CON$ervative rather than a GOP partisan.

Jan 29, 2008
RUSH: I am a 'movement conservative', not a Republican partisan.

lol, you really do have a hardon for Rush, don't you, a lowly Radio Talk show host.:cuckoo:

Yeah it is amazing that Rush was able to work his way into raidio at all since his dad owned the station.
Not that it makes any difference now. But, I never heard that....can you show a link to your source?
So, let me get this straight.

Limbaugh and Beck can go on the air every day and call Obama a "Socialist", a "Stalinist", a "Racist", a "Nazi", etc, etc...

But God forbid Obama say anything critical about them specifically! Oh, no, can't have that! Limbaugh and Beck are sacrosanct!!!

Of course they're both also nut-job, drug addicts.

And then you call Obama a "whiner"? Wow, the hypocrisy is utterly off the chart.

As for Olbermann, etc, yes, they also suck, but they're not the ones creating the "atmosphere" that he was referring to at the moment.

Well. One would think that the POTUS would have bigger fish to fry than Rush or Beck. Jeeze.

Unless he considers their opinions worthwhile. LOL
So, let me get this straight.

Limbaugh and Beck can go on the air every day and call Obama a "Socialist", a "Stalinist", a "Racist", a "Nazi", etc, etc...

But God forbid Obama say anything critical about them specifically! Oh, no, can't have that! Limbaugh and Beck are sacrosanct!!!

Of course they're both also nut-job, drug addicts.

And then you call Obama a "whiner"? Wow, the hypocrisy is utterly off the chart.

As for Olbermann, etc, yes, they also suck, but they're not the ones creating the "atmosphere" that he was referring to at the moment.

If you don't understand the difference between radio personalities and the POTUS then you are just plain fucking stupid!

The POTUS is supposed to represent everyone, not just his left wing base.
So, let me get this straight.

Limbaugh and Beck can go on the air every day and call Obama a "Socialist", a "Stalinist", a "Racist", a "Nazi", etc, etc...

But God forbid Obama say anything critical about them specifically! Oh, no, can't have that! Limbaugh and Beck are sacrosanct!!!

Of course they're both also nut-job, drug addicts.

And then you call Obama a "whiner"? Wow, the hypocrisy is utterly off the chart.

As for Olbermann, etc, yes, they also suck, but they're not the ones creating the "atmosphere" that he was referring to at the moment.

I think that barry would have much more on his plate than whining about a couple of radio and television jocks.
If you don't understand the difference between radio personalities and the POTUS then you are just plain fucking stupid!

The POTUS is supposed to represent everyone, not just his left wing base.

The Corporate-Owned media has more power in this country right now than 99% of politicians.

If you don't understand that, than YOU are fucking stupid.
I think that barry would have much more on his plate than whining about a couple of radio and television jocks.

Ahh, so it's all fun-and-games to these guys until someone calls them on their unbelievably offensive garbage, right?

Tough. If you're going to preach anarchist revolution hate-speech, and you're part of a vast media empire that holds massive amounts of sway among certain segments of the population, than at some point you become a threat to national security. That's just the way it is.

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