Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama always needs a fall guy for his social policies....it sure can't be that most Americans aren't on board with his agenda....It has just got to be Rush, and Beck that is the problem.
The president needs to stand up and take responsibility for his own actions, and not always have the blame game going on. It's more immaturity from this guy.

Their tools: Blame, minimize, deny, obfuscate.
who will rid me of this troublesome priest?
I see you got your Phony Soldier Stuttering LimpTard talking points! :lol:

and we see you get all your hate and talking points about Rush from mediamatters, do you get paid?:lol:
You mindless drones have been parroting that BS for years but have yet to show any of the LimpTard quotes I use on the mediamatters website.
How can I get something from mediamatters that they don't have in the first place??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Of course they are creating a 'troublesome political climate' for Obama. Anything that isn't easy for him is troublesome to him.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Of course they are creating a 'troublesome political climate' for Obama. Anything that isn't easy for him is troublesome to him.

And he has never had a private sector job outside of what he's been given by the Government, or those that he had surrounded himself with.

Thus his rhetoric. He's a petulant child.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Of course they are creating a 'troublesome political climate' for Obama. Anything that isn't easy for him is troublesome to him.

The Truth is always troublesome to somebody who is obfuscating.

Just sayin'.
Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate

Obama says Beck, Limbaugh fuel 'troublesome' political climate - Yahoo! News

what a whiner...he only specifically calls out those on the right, not a peep about left wing nutters...
Everyone on the right complains about the left and everyone on the left bitches about the right .... United my fucking ass

Obama is practicing what the left does best. Divide and conquer.
There you go again, trying to pass the Right off as the Left. See the first quote in my sig.

CON$ hate America so much they want to destroy this country from within by completely polarizing its people and pitting them against each other.

August 16, 2007
RUSH: See, just what I just said. An organization that is not conservative will, by definition, be liberal.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten
Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.
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Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.

He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.
Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.

He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.

My own shoes make me wear them.:(
Uh...Limbaugh is not an elected official.

He's an info-tainer.
He's the voice of the GOP hate media propaganda machine and their HONORARY member of Congress.
All the hate he spews is for the benefit of HIS PARTY. He admits he's a Party hack first and a CON$ervoFascist last.

May 14, 2008
RUSH: This thing down in Mississippi, the special election, regardless of party, conservatives could have voted for the Republican down there, doesn't matter. In two of the three of these cases, in two of the three of these House Republican congressional losses, they have been beaten by conservative Democrats, big-time conservative, social conservative Democrats. The Republican Party is ceding conservatism in the South to the Democrat Party. You know, yesterday was a very frustrating day, as you know.

CALLER: I was wondering if the Democrats in Mississippi were more conservative than the Republicans, why wouldn't you be pleased about that as a conservative?

RUSH: You think I ought to be happy that there's conservatism out there. I'm not happy my own party wants to get rid of it. I'm mad that my own party wants to cast conservatism aside. I know there's plenty of conservatism out there. That's the source of the frustration.

He is not The Voice of the GOP.

He is a Radio Personality - not an elected representative.

The fact that he supports the GOP doesn't make it owned by him.

Try again.

If that were the case? George Soros (Whom OWNS Media Matters) is an elected REP...to what is the question. ;)

Spot on.
Everyone on the right complains about the left and everyone on the left bitches about the right .... United my fucking ass

Obama is practicing what the left does best. Divide and conquer.
There you go again, trying to pass the Right off as the Left. See the first quote in my sig.

CON$ hate America so much they want to destroy this country from within by completely polarizing its people and pitting them against each other.

August 16, 2007
RUSH: See, just what I just said. An organization that is not conservative will, by definition, be liberal.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

Really? -YOU- project well. Conservatives I know and trust are for preservation of this Republic as the Founders gave it to us. LIBERTY. Not the Government's LIBERTY to foist rules/Regs on us that we don't want.

you're sore as Hell that WE are putting YOU in your place, and calling your bullshit out for what it is. :eusa_hand:

It's Fuckwits like you that are for what the Statists are doing and have done to the people by denying Liberty by Legislation outside the Constituion.

I cannot help that you don't KNOW the history of this Republic, and how the very people that *YOU* applaud are tearing it apart while blaming it on those defending Liberty in it's purest sense as presented in the Founding Documents.

So sorry. I don't buy into your brand of bullshit, so *YOU* may peddle it elsewhere...and take a bath...yer Bullshit projection is stinking up USMB.:eusa_hand:
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Obama is practicing what the left does best. Divide and conquer.
There you go again, trying to pass the Right off as the Left. See the first quote in my sig.

CON$ hate America so much they want to destroy this country from within by completely polarizing its people and pitting them against each other.

August 16, 2007
RUSH: See, just what I just said. An organization that is not conservative will, by definition, be liberal.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal

February 11, 2008
RUSH: See, I think liberalism needs to be beaten back; I think it needs to be defeated; I think politically it is the enemy; ... It has to be beaten, not joined, not be reached out to, not be gotten along with, not worked with. It needs to be beaten

Really? -YOU- project well. Conservatives I know and trust are for preservation of this Republic as the Founders gave it to us. LIBERTY. Not the Government's LIBERTY to foist rules/Regs on us that we don't want.

you're sore as Hell that WE are putting YOU in your place, and calling your bullshit out for what it is. :eusa_hand:

It's Fuckwits like you that are for what the Statists are doing and have done to the people by denying Liberty by Legislation outside the Constituion.

I cannot help that you don't KNOW the history of this Republic, and how the very people that *YOU* applaud are tearing it apart while blaming it on those defending Liberty in it's purest sense as presented in the Founding Documents.

So sorry. I don't buy into your brand of bullshit, so *YOU* may peddle it elsewhere...and take a bath...yer Bullshit projection is stinking up USMB.:eusa_hand:
The only thing CON$ervoFascists want to "preserve" is their pure hatred for America. It is the CON$ervaTards who have been threatening secession from the American Union again.

One thing is certain with CON$ervative Hateists, the more they hate America the more they pretend to love her.
The only thing CON$ervoFascists want to "preserve" is their pure hatred for America. It is the CON$ervaTards who have been threatening secession from the American Union again.

One thing is certain with CON$ervative Hateists, the more they hate America the more they pretend to love her.

people from both sides have argued for secession.

Do you even know what America is? Cause it sounds like you don't.

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