Obama says Fox news has destroyed American politics.

I dropped Fox after election night 2020 because they were blatantly slanted against Trump.

I am just pointing out that The Worthless Negro's hate of Fox isn't based upon what The Worthless Negro thinks it is.
thanks for explaining

but I didn't see any antiTrump slant.. in 2016

didn't get to watch 2020.. :(

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.
How dare there be a media outlet who doesn’t carry water for the Dimwinger party.
Obama is full of shit. When it comes to destroying American politics there are numerous entities that should share in the blame and Fox News is only one of them and not even one of the major offenders. There are so many media sources that have allowed their political biases and prejudices to override their obligation to report the news fairly and objectively, most of whom I daresay are left-leaning.
Obama is full of shit. When it comes to destroying American politics there are numerous entities that should share in the blame and Fox News is only one of them and not even one of the major offenders. There are so many media sources that have allowed their political biases and prejudices to override their obligation to report the news fairly and objectively, most of whom I daresay are left-leaning.
I am as good a bs detecter as anyone and I have never seen anyone on Fox say anything anti-Trump or anti Conservative. except Shep who is gone and has been for a long time. I guess there was that idiot who called AZ before the votes were all (or most) counted .. haven't seen him lately but I can't watch tv 24/7

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.
Obama destroyed American politics in 2012 by mainstreaming identity politics and consistently dividing America by groups, convincing supposed victim groups that they were being oppressed. Meanwhile, if anyone disagreed that people were being so horridly oppressed in a first world country, they were bad people... and, the media and big tech carried out sentencing of people who disagreed by consistently shaming and doxxing them publicly.

Obama mainstreamed "Oh you disagree with my policy? You're a racist!"

Then, his arm in the MSM would paste "GUY WHO DISAGREED WITH OBAMA HATES HIM AND IS A RACIST" on headlines and lead-hour news cycle non-stop to barrage the low-information voters with emotional drama they can relate to.
I am as good a bs detecter as anyone and I have never seen anyone on Fox say anything anti-Trump or anti Conservative. except Shep who is gone and has been for a long time. I guess there was that idiot who called AZ before the votes were all (or most) counted .. haven't seen him lately but I can't watch tv 24/7

I haven't watched Fox News for a long time now, but I suspect they are nowhere near as biased as they used to be. But I cannot say the same for the many left-leaning outlets, and to castigate FN for what everyone else is doing is hypocritical IMHO. I stand by my original statement: Obama is full of shit. It's a shame too, I once voted for him in 2008, hoping he would rise above petty partisan politics, but he didn't.
I dropped Fox after election night 2020 because they were blatantly slanted against Trump.

I am just pointing out that The Worthless Negro's hate of Fox isn't based upon what The Worthless Negro thinks it is.

Obviously the Worthless Negro has never heard of Newsmax or OANN. FOX News isn't near as "right-wing" as those two networks. Apparently none of the USMB leftists have heard of Newsmax or OANN either, otherwise they'd be bitching about how "white supremacist" those networks are.

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.

The deal between homO and fox was always

Fox keeps homO's closet door shut

HomO covers up 911

Obama says Fox news has destroyed American politics.​

From that idiot, the statement is pure projection.
How dare there be a media outlet who doesn’t carry water for the Dimwinger party.

Who's water does it carry?


Biden in a landslide
Keep Giuliani and jesse ventura off
Call AZ early for Biden
W is just the greatest ever

Hopefully you do not actually believe Murdoch is a conservative patriotic american

He was 100% for Bill Clinton in 92

Barack Obama reflected Thursday on what he could do when running for the U.S. Senate in Illinois in the early 2000s that he most likely couldn’t do now — because of Fox News and social media.
In an interview with “The Daily Show,” the former president recalled campaigning in rural, mainly conservative areas and still connecting with voters on a personal level, even though they were skeptical of his progressive ideas.
“There wasn’t the filter that has been created by Fox News or the media infrastructure, the right-wing conspiracy theory folks, and so they came at me with an open mind,” he told host Trevor Noah.

“I could listen to them and they could listen to me and at the end of the day, they might say, ‘Well he’s a little liberal for our taste, but we have something in common,’ ― like the love they have for their children,” Obama continued. “There was some sense of connection.”


Just think, at one time the black Obama was able to connect well enough with the systemically racist country, the US of A, to get elected..........twice

But alas, Fox news destroyed it all

Who knew?

I think Orange man should at least been blamed instead.

Besides, January 6th.

Let's see how shall I put this......fuck Obama.

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