Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land but so was..

not funding something or delaying by one year, which the house is in charge of, is anarchy? how come obama's unilateral one year delays are not anarchy?

Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

For real- That's why in Madison's Federalist 58, it is written that when impeachment would prove to disruptive, the House could use the power of the purse to reel in an unlawful POTUS such as Obama. The man has disgraced the office of the Presidency far more than even racist thought a black man could do

Race part not withstanding? I agree. ANY chief excutive that sits in OUR Whitehouse needs to learn that the power isn't supposed to be used to play favourites...and it is to enforce the LAW equally to ALL.

Obama has violated this more than once.
If you want to scrap the ACA, win the House, the Senate and the WH, then pass the law, then maintain the majority long enough to keep liberals from replacing it with something else.

That's what the conservative movement has to do.

I'm betting against the conservative movement.

And ACA or no ACA, single payer is STILL OUT GOAL. It never hasn't been our goal, even after the ACA passed. Very few liberals I know think we won't eventually achieve it.
If you want to scrap the ACA, win the House, the Senate and the WH, then pass the law, then maintain the majority long enough to keep liberals from replacing it with something else.

That's what the conservative movement has to do.

I'm betting against the conservative movement.

And ACA or no ACA, single payer is STILL OUT GOAL. It never hasn't been our goal, even after the ACA passed. Very few liberals I know think we won't eventually achieve it.

we understand that socialized medicine is the end goal of the libs and progressives. We get that.

The problem is you silly fucks think it will be free and wonderful------but it won't be either. Ask the canadians or the brits. socialized medicine sucks.

But go right ahead, go to the DMV, take a number and wait until you are called to have the ax removed from your head.

Oh, you are 68 and have cancer? too bad, you have to be under 50 to get treatment, here's a bottle of gin and some oxycontin.
If you want to scrap the ACA, win the House, the Senate and the WH, then pass the law, then maintain the majority long enough to keep liberals from replacing it with something else.

That's what the conservative movement has to do.

I'm betting against the conservative movement.

And ACA or no ACA, single payer is STILL OUT GOAL. It never hasn't been our goal, even after the ACA passed. Very few liberals I know think we won't eventually achieve it.

we understand that socialized medicine is the end goal of the libs and progressives. We get that.

The problem is you silly fucks think it will be free and wonderful------but it won't be either. Ask the canadians or the brits. socialized medicine sucks.

But go right ahead, go to the DMV, take a number and wait until you are called to have the ax removed from your head.

Oh, you are 68 and have cancer? too bad, you have to be under 50 to get treatment, here's a bottle of gin and some oxycontin.
And ASK Canada...who has finally seen the light and backing OUT of theirs?

YET we move into the same mistakes? Perhaps our Progressive Elitists think THEY can do it better?:eusa_whistle:
After slavery was scrapped, blacks were given the vote, then women were given the vote, the conservatives of those eras went through a backlash stage, like conservatives are today about the uninsured being insured through the ACA.
Obama says Obamacare is the law of the land . So where other things like Slavery, segregation, prohibing, women's suffrage, prohibition, DOMA And all those laws were changed. So ,do you libs want to go back and put all these laws back into place since it WAS the law of the land in history. I sure dont but since you are so hell bent saying this is the LAW Of the LAND so were all of these

You talking about things like slavery and segregation and anti-woman, etc., makes others just laugh.

You simply do not want millions on millions of Americans to be able to access health care, because the far right failed at it.

Who has not been able to access health care? I've never heard of anyone being turned away. Yes, when the poor use the emergency rooms, we taxpayers pay for it. Guess what, we still will. Most poor will not have to pay into the exchange....but someone will have to pay for it....guess who!

Those who were turned away with pre-existing conditions?

Those who were dropped because they became too costly to the profit line?

Caroljo, the days of "just once more" on these issues are over.

The country no longer buys the far right's defense of the health insurance industry.
After slavery was scrapped, blacks were given the vote, then women were given the vote, the conservatives of those eras went through a backlash stage, like conservatives are today about the uninsured being insured through the ACA.
Conservatives? Backlash? Really? WHO do you think was against Civil Rights? DEMOCRATS...(TRY OwlGore's DADDY leading the charge)

NOW they Champion it...and pursue the NEW slavery upon not only them, but the REST of us. In an affront to pony up to their WHITE GUILT...they CREATE the NEW SLAVERY...

NOT good at history, were you? (OR politics for that matter)...
You talking about things like slavery and segregation and anti-woman, etc., makes others just laugh.

You simply do not want millions on millions of Americans to be able to access health care, because the far right failed at it.

Who has not been able to access health care? I've never heard of anyone being turned away. Yes, when the poor use the emergency rooms, we taxpayers pay for it. Guess what, we still will. Most poor will not have to pay into the exchange....but someone will have to pay for it....guess who!

Those who were turned away with pre-existing conditions?

Those who were dropped because they became too costly to the profit line?

Caroljo, the days of "just once more" on these issues are over.

The country no longer buys the far right's defense of the health insurance industry.

apples and oranges. being denied insurance is not being denied medical care. those people would be treated under medicaid and/or one of the many private charities who fund medicine for people like that.

and you just don't get the fact that the medical insurance industry is the big winner under ACA. They get richer, you pay higher premiums, and we have a new beaurocracy to pay for. Its lunacy.
Who has not been able to access health care? I've never heard of anyone being turned away. Yes, when the poor use the emergency rooms, we taxpayers pay for it. Guess what, we still will. Most poor will not have to pay into the exchange....but someone will have to pay for it....guess who!

Those who were turned away with pre-existing conditions?

Those who were dropped because they became too costly to the profit line?

Caroljo, the days of "just once more" on these issues are over.

The country no longer buys the far right's defense of the health insurance industry.

apples and oranges. being denied insurance is not being denied medical care. those people would be treated under medicaid and/or one of the many private charities who fund medicine for people like that.

and you just don't get the fact that the medical insurance industry is the big winner under ACA. They get richer, you pay higher premiums, and we have a new beaurocracy to pay for. Its lunacy.
Scary part is the Gubmint running the show...and what do they run well? *NOTHING*
not funding something or delaying by one year, which the house is in charge of, is anarchy? how come obama's unilateral one year delays are not anarchy?

Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

For real- That's why in Madison's Federalist 58, it is written that when impeachment would prove to disruptive, the House could use the power of the purse to reel in an unlawful POTUS such as Obama. The man has disgraced the office of the Presidency far more than even racist thought a black man could do


The Federalist Papers are simply letters to the editor and have no legal authority.
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator.


where have you been hiding .... under George Bush the republicans came in to the house and senate at midnight passed bills wouldn't let the democrats to allow them to vote so tell me this bull shit again how the republicans would negotiate with the dems the problem you have is you have no clue whats right or whose really fair...
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator.


where have you been hiding .... under George Bush the republicans came in to the house and senate at midnight passed bills wouldn't let the democrats to allow them to vote so tell me this bull shit again how the republicans would negotiate with the dems the problem you have is you have no clue whats right or whose really fair...
Really BillyBUB?

DO TELL? What backroom deals that Obama, Reid, Pelosi haven't done?


YOU need new talking points by the way shithead.
Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

For real- That's why in Madison's Federalist 58, it is written that when impeachment would prove to disruptive, the House could use the power of the purse to reel in an unlawful POTUS such as Obama. The man has disgraced the office of the Presidency far more than even racist thought a black man could do


The Federalist Papers are simply letters to the editor and have no legal authority.

Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator.


where have you been hiding .... under George Bush the republicans came in to the house and senate at midnight passed bills wouldn't let the democrats to allow them to vote so tell me this bull shit again how the republicans would negotiate with the dems the problem you have is you have no clue whats right or whose really fair...

Please, not the 'fair' crap. Let me guess, you believe every little kid on the team is MVP and deserves a trophy

Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

Its the job of the POTUS to enforce Congressional laws, and he has some discretion as to how they are enforced.

he can deprioritize laws/parts of laws and how they are enforced, if he has a good reason.
Are you seriously comparing slavery to affordable health care?

Tell me honestly, if it were a GOP Pres and Senate and a Dem House, would you support the minority party shutting down the government to force legislation they didn't have the votes for?

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

not to mention the people signing up for it are realizing that it cost much less and their deductible is minuscule myself it cost me prior t obama care or the ACA 450 dollars a month according to what I've checked ito0 its a little over 100 dollars
Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

Its the job of the POTUS to enforce Congressional laws, and he has some discretion as to how they are enforced.

he can deprioritize laws/parts of laws and how they are enforced, if he has a good reason.

that's the key, 'if he has good reason'.. which he don't because he is unresonable

Exactly. How is Obama's altering the LAW without consent of the Legislature not anarchy? He blatently subverted the Constitution. This is impeachment stuff...and it isn't the only time he's done it.

For real- That's why in Madison's Federalist 58, it is written that when impeachment would prove to disruptive, the House could use the power of the purse to reel in an unlawful POTUS such as Obama. The man has disgraced the office of the Presidency far more than even racist thought a black man could do


The Federalist Papers are simply letters to the editor and have no legal authority.
However? What YOU forget? They were arguments to embellish the Constitution...arguments as to why the Constitution should be adopted versus the Articles of Confederation (which was almost PURE Democracy)...

They were convincing enough to have the Constitution adopted.

Your statement that they carry NO weight is pure fallacy, and the SCOTUS has used them to find intent of the Founders in cases of LAW.

Guess what asshat?

YOU LOSE. You have NO Earthly idea what you're talking about.

Yes , Because Obama is forcing US who do not want it do so something we do not want to do. Just like Slavery..

The ACA is law. Passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President and upheld by the Supreme Court. In order to repeal a law, you must have the VOTES for it. That is how our system of government works. What the GOP is doing is anarchy.

"Most of US" do not support repeal and an OVERWHELMING "most of us" do not want the government shut down over it.

not to mention the people signing up for it are realizing that it cost much less and their deductible is minuscule myself it cost me prior t obama care or the ACA 450 dollars a month according to what I've checked ito0 its a little over 100 dollars

And you are in the minority.

Most Americans had insurance and were happy with what they had

A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator.


where have you been hiding .... under George Bush the republicans came in to the house and senate at midnight passed bills wouldn't let the democrats to allow them to vote so tell me this bull shit again how the republicans would negotiate with the dems the problem you have is you have no clue whats right or whose really fair...
Really BillyBUB?

DO TELL? What backroom deals that Obama, Reid, Pelosi haven't done?


YOU need new talking points by the way shithead.
hey dick breath, the poster said "A GOP President and Senate would negotiate. Not rule like a dictator. " were not talking about what deals that Obama, Reid, Pelosi haven't done, we're talking about how the republicans would be soooooooooooooo fair MORON ... I just point out reality something repub-lie-tartds know nothing about ...

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