Obama says Trump's handling of coronavirus "an absolute chaotic disaster"

Nothing like the incompetent 44 shooting off his mouth.
Poor fellow.
Funny how Trump was slamming Obama for his handling of the H1N1 which caused a fraction of the deaths as COVID but he thinks he’s done a perfect job with this disaster.
H1N1 caused close to 600,000 deaths worldwide 80 percent of which were under 65 and that included over 1100 children. 55 million Americans were infected with it. All according to the GREAT CDC.

No calls for mass testing, no borders closed, no businesses closed, not one airport shut down.

Go ahead lying hypocritical scumbag, tell us all of the great things your skinny lying negro marxist messiah did that was so great?

You pathetic hypocrites.

Obama has no control over how many people die from H1N1 outside this country, obviously.

There was no need for closing borders, businesses and airports if you can handle it appropriately. Obviously given the low impact on our country, Obama did a good job.

Like I said once before.....It's all bullshit and is really nothing more than Russia collusion 3.0. There are 2.9 million deaths a year on average in the US....interestingly the added COVID numbers have made no real statistical impact. Hmmm.....that more or less tells you what this is all about.


Except you’re making unfounded assertions.

View attachment 334292

Does this look like no statistical impact to you?

How many people do you want to die so Biden will win.

Just throw out a number.

I don't want anyone to die.

Don't be a dick.

Yea you do.

Weight it.

How many Trump deaths for Biden to get elected?

You liberals are at about 100,000.

What’s your number. Just be honest.
It’s so amazing that a disease became political.

Left wing assholes refuse to blame China, but they blame Trump.

It came from China, you fucking psychos.

It’s the Wu Flu.

You know you are disingenuous political creatures to not blame China
Barack Obama said the obvious yesterday, regarding Donald Trump's widely criticized handling of the Coronavirus crisis:
Here are links to Trump's screwups:
Obama is correct. As ususal
The Obamunist is just doing Fingers Joe's campaign dirty work because he and Nancy know they cant put that dementia riddled fool in front of a camera.
Nothing like the incompetent 44 shooting off his mouth.
Poor fellow.
Funny how Trump was slamming Obama for his handling of the H1N1 which caused a fraction of the deaths as COVID but he thinks he’s done a perfect job with this disaster.
So your whole thought is that H1N1 was as infectious as COVID 19? If so then the whole country should have been closed down as it was for COVID 19. Which means that 44 was completely incompetent because he did not restrict air travel, he did not close down the country. Or are you saying that there was no need to shut down the states, no need to restrict air travel?
Considering that you have criticized him in the past for not ruling with an iron fist while the house was playing out their impeachment proceedings. I belive you are either saying that 44 was completely incompetent or that both viruses were no where near the same so you are just complaining to complain.

I’m saying you guys have a double standard.

20k deaths from H1N1 was a disaster.
80k and counting with a cratering economy from COVID-19 is “perfect”.
Obama is a corrupt piece of shit.

Whatever happened to former Presidents not criticizing sitting Presidents?

Jimmy Carter started this shit.

Did either Bush call out Obama for his fuckery?
Did a Trump supporter just call someone "corrupt"? Is this happening?

100,000 dead Americans? Will that make you happy?

How many dead Americans will you be happy with?

Just admit you are glad this happened so Biden might win.
Admit you care more about reelecting Trump than the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

There it is.

What do you think gets Biden elected? 100,000?
How many Americans are you will you sacrifice to re-elect him?
It’s so amazing that a disease became political.

Left wing assholes refuse to blame China, but they blame Trump.

It came from China, you fucking psychos.

It’s the Wu Flu.

You know you are disingenuous political creatures to not blame China

Why shouldn’t I blame Trump? He’s supposed to protect the nation.
let the president, comfortable in his White House, see our suffering.

let Obama, comfortable in his castle, see regular americans' suffering.

they both havent got a clue, my friends
It’s so amazing that a disease became political.

Left wing assholes refuse to blame China, but they blame Trump.

It came from China, you fucking psychos.

It’s the Wu Flu.

You know you are disingenuous political creatures to not blame China

Why shouldn’t I blame Trump? He’s supposed to protect the nation.
So bad things didn’t happen to Americans while obummer tard was in office?
Nothing like the incompetent 44 shooting off his mouth.
Poor fellow.
Funny how Trump was slamming Obama for his handling of the H1N1 which caused a fraction of the deaths as COVID but he thinks he’s done a perfect job with this disaster.
So your whole thought is that H1N1 was as infectious as COVID 19? If so then the whole country should have been closed down as it was for COVID 19. Which means that 44 was completely incompetent because he did not restrict air travel, he did not close down the country. Or are you saying that there was no need to shut down the states, no need to restrict air travel?
Considering that you have criticized him in the past for not ruling with an iron fist while the house was playing out their impeachment proceedings. I belive you are either saying that 44 was completely incompetent or that both viruses were no where near the same so you are just complaining to complain.

I’m saying you guys have a double standard.

20k deaths from H1N1 was a disaster.
80k and counting with a cratering economy from COVID-19 is “perfect”.

So why didn't Obama shut the country down for H1N1....I guess Obama was okay with 20k deaths.

20k deaths????

Which counting method are you using?
Barack Obama said the obvious yesterday, regarding Donald Trump's widely criticized handling of the Coronavirus crisis:
Here are links to Trump's screwups:
Obama should simply shut the fuck up.
Obungo is going to be squawking often in the coming weeks as more and more his corruption is revealed.
The US has 5 percent of the worlds population and 33 percent of the cases.

Trump keeping us safe
Outside 3states (who want high numbers) the US has perhaps the lowest in the world
That’s just funny

If you take out the people who died, it is not that bad
The reason it’s not is cuz your boy cuomo has been an idiot about it
Sticking infected people in nursing homes ; doesn’t get dumber than that
Trumps moronic posse is getting more and more hysterical as the sky caves in on their fat pig. Loving it.
Barack Obama said the obvious yesterday, regarding Donald Trump's widely criticized handling of the Coronavirus crisis:
Here are links to Trump's screwups:

Obysmal is a phony-e-baloney, lol! So are you! Carry on so we can laugh at your opinions-)
Barack Obama said the obvious yesterday, regarding Donald Trump's widely criticized handling of the Coronavirus crisis:
Here are links to Trump's screwups:
Obama should simply shut the fuck up.

There is a decorum that Presidents are not critical of previous Presidents. Obama was respective of that and have a friendship, actually Obama often sought advise from President from both parties.

Trump has time and time again has openly criticised Obama and has made it clear that he wants to destroy everything he done. The CDC pandemic program comes to mind right now.

Well Trump has made tons of critical comments about Obama,

Why is Obama not allowed to comment about Trump, he is good at giving it but can't seem to take it...

P.S. He should probably be asking Obama what to do privately considering his success in handling previous epidemics.

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