Obama shooting a gun.....

A strong leader would say "sure, I shoot" and move on.

A strong leader would say: "Shooting is not my thing but I respect not only settled Constitutional law, but Americans right to lawfully arm themselves for sport and defense"

and move on.

and if he said that, the radical right would still be shrieking that he's stealing their guns.

settled constitutional law does not prohibit reasonable regulations
Again... nobody likes my idea of referring to it as Skeetgate? C'mon guys, don't be lame. :frown:
A strong leader would say: "Shooting is not my thing but I respect not only settled Constitutional law, but Americans right to lawfully arm themselves for sport and defense"

and move on.

and if he said that, the radical right would still be shrieking that he's stealing their guns.

settled constitutional law does not prohibit reasonable regulations

Ah yes, and if HE did this...... then THEY will do that.

Thus answer: Lie and propogandize.

From Bengahzi to Berettas.
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Obama is like Putin...


He is strong virile man!!
Obama only looks weak to people who hate him.

To the lefties and normals, he's doing just fine..

C' mon Doc...being forced into releasing an obviously posed propaganda photo to "prove" that he can shoot a gun.

Be honest now, that cannot be construed as anything BUT weakness.

A strong leader would say "sure, I shoot" and move on.

Just the fact that he feels the need to "prove it" is just shy of an admission that it's bull.

he's right... no one cares except for the already obama-deranged.

sorry. but it's the truth.

the rest is politics....again, nothing new.

We'll just have to agree to disagree, Jill.

But IMO, putting out a propaganda photo to say "look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel, cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."...couldn't possibly display more weakness.
C' mon Doc...being forced into releasing an obviously posed propaganda photo to "prove" that he can shoot a gun.

Be honest now, that cannot be construed as anything BUT weakness.

A strong leader would say "sure, I shoot" and move on.

Just the fact that he feels the need to "prove it" is just shy of an admission that it's bull.

he's right... no one cares except for the already obama-deranged.

sorry. but it's the truth.

the rest is politics....again, nothing new.

We'll just have to agree to disagree, Jill.

But IMO, putting out a propaganda photo to say "look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel, cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."...couldn't possibly display more weakness.

Unfortunately for that theory, the photo is from six months ago as pointed out in Post 21.

If the light clothing for this time of year wasn't already a clue, let alone the green foliage. Maryland IIRC is not in the tropics...
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Obama only looks weak to people who hate him.

To the lefties and normals, he's doing just fine..

C' mon Doc...being forced into releasing an obviously posed propaganda photo to "prove" that he can shoot a gun.

Be honest now, that cannot be construed as anything BUT weakness.

A strong leader would say "sure, I shoot" and move on.

Just the fact that he feels the need to "prove it" is just shy of an admission that it's bull.

I'd argue that over the past 10-15 years a president's image is tailored by his team. Just like Bush and his Mission Accomplished photo op. I doubt Obama gave it a second thought.

Most on the right equate gun control with being anti gun, or even worse gun banning. That is not the case.

I would agree that that is indeed the case.

And Bush took a beating over that propaganda pic, because the image did not reflect reality.

Just like this image does not reflect reality.

I agree with you and Jillian that he's screwed either way...but this set piece photo op was a huge miscalculation.

It makes him look like he has to prove himself to be something he is not to assuage the perception that he is what he is...a person who feels uncomfortable with guns.
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he's right... no one cares except for the already obama-deranged.

sorry. but it's the truth.

the rest is politics....again, nothing new.

We'll just have to agree to disagree, Jill.

But IMO, putting out a propaganda photo to say "look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel, cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."...couldn't possibly display more weakness.

Unfortunately for that theory, the photo is from six months ago as pointed out in Post 21.

If the light clothing for this time of year wasn't already a clue, let alone the green foliage. Maryland IIRC is not in the tropics...

That doesn't discount the theory at all...it is a propaganda photo...designed Specifically for the purpose I outlined.
We'll just have to agree to disagree, Jill.

But IMO, putting out a propaganda photo to say "look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel, cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."...couldn't possibly display more weakness.

Unfortunately for that theory, the photo is from six months ago as pointed out in Post 21.

If the light clothing for this time of year wasn't already a clue, let alone the green foliage. Maryland IIRC is not in the tropics...

That doesn't discount the theory at all...it is a propaganda photo...designed Specifically for the purpose I outlined.

... six months ago??

Is O'bama prescient? Did he cynically pose for this picture last summer, knowing the events of Oak Creek and Sandy Hook and Jacksonville and Kansas City and Webster were going to push the issue of gun violence to front and center six months later?

if he said he hated guns and would never touch one, you'd write a fauxrage thread about that.


for those who aren't obama-deranted, aside from him being left-handed, his stance is wrong. but that's probably because he's never been taught properly.

probably becasue he doesn't 'do it all the time', why on earth would he even attempt to convince people he does? How pathetic is it to try and fool the 'clingers' anyway? whats the point?

if you develop bad habits and they aren't corrected, you keep doing the same things wrong.

did he say he "does it all the time", or did he say they shoot at camp david?

i don't know the answer, btw.

but the larger point stands, the fauxrage is ridiculous.... as usual.

WASHINGTON -- Seeking to put to rest questions on whether Barack Obama was a straight shooter when he claimed he went skeet shooting "all the time," the White House on Saturday offered proof: a photo of the president blasting away at clay targets.

White House releases photo of Obama skeet-shooting following criticism - NBC Politics

no its not ridiculous unless you want to admit that the same done for every other President is. John Kerry did the same if I recall. look, pimping for voters is fine but lets not pretend this isn't a lame attempt at making him some guy who hunts/shoots like he plays golf..... all the time doesn't mean once or twice;)
Unfortunately for that theory, the photo is from six months ago as pointed out in Post 21.

If the light clothing for this time of year wasn't already a clue, let alone the green foliage. Maryland IIRC is not in the tropics...

That doesn't discount the theory at all...it is a propaganda photo...designed Specifically for the purpose I outlined.

... six months ago??

Is O'bama prescient? Did he cynically pose for this picture last summer, knowing the events of Oak Creek and Sandy Hook and Jacksonville and Kansas City and Webster were going to push the issue of gun violence to front and center six months later?


Good grief man, have you been living under a rock for the last four years?

How long has Obama been pushing for and assault weapons ban?

I see he voted for it in the Illinois Senate in 2003...that's a pretty long held belief.

Six months ago...during the election...do you know what message he was trying to get across with this staged propaganda photo?

Let me help you...

"look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel,cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."
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That doesn't discount the theory at all...it is a propaganda photo...designed Specifically for the purpose I outlined.

... six months ago??

Is O'bama prescient? Did he cynically pose for this picture last summer, knowing the events of Oak Creek and Sandy Hook and Jacksonville and Kansas City and Webster were going to push the issue of gun violence to front and center six months later?


Good grief man, have you been living under a rock for the last four years?

How long has Obama been pushing for and assault weapons ban?

I see he voted for it in the Illinois Senate in 2003...that's a pretty long held belief.

Six months ago...during the election...do you know what message he was trying to get across with this staged propaganda photo?

Let me help you...

"look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel,cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."

I don't remember that, no, and it wouldn't seem like a smart campaign move.

But in any case six months is still six months. You can't seriously believe he posed for this last summer in anticipation of the current climate on gun violence. Unless you believe he knew about them in advance, or that he actually committed these shootings. And if he was bent on legislating guns as you suggest, such a picture would counterproductive rather than a propaganda tool.


There's a whole lot of wishful projection onto this thing so I'm watering it with logic to see if it grows.
... six months ago??

Is O'bama prescient? Did he cynically pose for this picture last summer, knowing the events of Oak Creek and Sandy Hook and Jacksonville and Kansas City and Webster were going to push the issue of gun violence to front and center six months later?


Good grief man, have you been living under a rock for the last four years?

How long has Obama been pushing for and assault weapons ban?

I see he voted for it in the Illinois Senate in 2003...that's a pretty long held belief.

ESix months ago...during the election...do you know what message he was trying to get across with this staged propaganda photo?

Let me help you...

"look at me, I'm a shooter...see, here I am, right here, with a gun...and see, there's smoke coming out of the barrel, cuz I just shot it, and it's important that you see that...I'm not just holdin' it...a bullet...I mean skeet...I mean shot, yeah, shot...it actually came out of the barrel,cuz I'm a shooter, as you can clearly see."

I don't remember that, no, and it wouldn't seem like a smart campaign move.

But in any case six months is still six months. You can't seriously believe he posed for this last summer in anticipation of the current climate on gun violence. Unless you believe he knew about them in advance, or that he actually committed these shootings. And if he was bent on legislating guns as you suggest, such a picture would counterproductive rather than a propaganda tool.


There's a whole lot of wishful projection onto this thing so I'm watering it with logic to see if it grows.

I believe exactly what I said I believed...that the photo was a propaganda tool to say "look at me, I'm not so bad...see I shoot guns and everything...see the smoke, I actually shot it, I'm not just holding it...sure, I don't believe gun ownership is an individual right, and I think the supreme court ruled erroneously in the Heller case, but here I am...with my trusty shotgun...the only gun I think you can be trusted with, unless it is a semi automatic shotgun, cuz that's like an assault rifle, and I really want to outlaw those, but we aren't going to talk about that right now...better to save that talk until after the election, cuz right now I'm just a fellow sportsman out with my professional photography crew, PR consultant, director, and lighting expert, enjoying some carefully scripted and choreographed 35 seconds of shooting..."

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