Obama smugly says, they (the rich) can afford it (higher taxes).


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
They say they can afford many things but not supporting drunkin fool spending addict liberals who are $16 trillion in debt heading to $50 trillion. What is the point of yet another hit for the junkie liberals who will always spend far more than they dare to tax?
It is what every thief tells themselves when they rob someone. "They can afford it".

That somehow justifies their thievery.

He's talking about himself, too, isn't he?
"I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."

Our dear leader Barack Obama, April 28, 2010
The can smugly tell him to fuck off to and leave. Gerard Depardieu did it in France qnd moved 800 yards to Belgium.
They say they can afford many things but not supporting drunkin fool spending addict liberals who are $16 trillion in debt heading to $50 trillion. What is the point of yet another hit for the junkie liberals who will always spend far more than they dare to tax?

Does that include the many that are at just $250K cause they sure as hell ain't rich
but they they got lumped in with the big fish.
I hope we can survive this idiot in chief..

why doesn't he the MaBelle donate all their earning from his books to the Guberment, you know put his money where his nutty mouth is
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He's talking about himself, too, isn't he?


It's not obvious? He's not just asking someone else to pay. That WOULD be smug.

too stupid:

1) Barry is a perfect fool who has no idea how badly the money will be wasted

2) he's made millions off his ghost written books and will continue to, has huge pension for life, will get huge speaking fees, and new multi million book contract when he leaves office. No one ever did less than Barry for that kind of money. Its the best a communist has ever been paid by the capitalist system he hates so much. So paying an extra 3% means less than nothing to him.
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But whatever you do, don't you DARE call obama a Socialist

You're right, in the Senate he voted way to the left of even Bernie Sanders so can better be described as a communist, just like his dear departed father from whom he absorbed communist dreams.
The Rich Can afford it. the Problem is who Obama thinks is Rich. Couples making over 250,000 and individuals making over 200,000 are not Rich.
The Rich Can afford it. the Problem is who Obama thinks is Rich. Couples making over 250,000 and individuals making over 200,000 are not Rich.

so true, most with that income live on the coasts. In NYC you lose 55% to all taxes, then 60K in rent, 6K for car and there is nothing left to speak of for all the other stuff.
But whatever you do, don't you DARE call obama a Socialist

You're right, in the Senate he voted way to the left of even Bernie Sanders so can better be described as a communist, just like his dear departed father from whom he absorbed communist dreams.

Obama is a commie! In the real world the guy isn't even a socialist. Progressive yes, socialist/commie, no.

Definition of SOCIALISM

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 ,a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property

b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Socialism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of COMMUNISM

1 a: a theory advocating elimination of private property

b: a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
Communism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

OK, using the definition of what a real socialist or commie are all about, please explain how Obama is one or the other.
Look, I didn't vote for the guy (write-in vote for Jon Huntsman) but I'm really sick of people showing their complete ignorance because some lame talking head knew the gullible would be too lazy to actually try to educate themselves to understand what a commie or socialist is in the real world. You folks are peeing in your pants in fear of something that isn't real! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Back to the subject of this thread.
If the middle class and poor are asked to sacrifice with spending cuts, why should the wealthy be excluded from sacrificing something for the country that gave them the opportunity to become wealthy?
I'm all for sacrifice by everyone, after all this is the United States!
Back to the subject of this thread.
If the middle class and poor are asked to sacrifice with spending cuts, why should the wealthy be excluded from sacrificing something for the country that gave them the opportunity to become wealthy?
I'm all for sacrifice by everyone, after all this is the United States!

the top 1% pay 40% of all taxes . Thats is a huge huge sacrifice especially when it is wasted money down the drunkin liberal spending rat hole

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