Obama Socialist Comments Have 'No Connection With Reality'


Handsome Devil
Feb 10, 2010
Paul Volcker: Obama Socialist Comments Have 'No Connection With Reality'

Asked whether he agrees with accusations that the president is waging class warfare by pushing for Wall Street reforms and higher taxes for the rich, Volcker said, "I don't understand the depth of that feeling. I really don't. This business that he's a great socialist and out to undermine the free enterprise system and so forth, I just think it has no connection with reality."

He balked at the notion that Obama could have taken office without going after the banks.

"How could you have a President of the United States taking office in the midst of a financial crisis and a deep recession and not be critical of the financial system? He would have been deaf, dumb and blind," he said.

Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Obama adviser, is the namesake for "the Volcker Rule," a major provision in the Wall Street reforms that could take effect as early as this July.

Though Obama has been critical of Wall Street, a survey from the end of last year found that he had approved fewer regulations than President Bush had at the same point in his presidency

Repugs don't live in a world of reality, thats so clear to see with all of their "Obama is a socialist" rants.
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Thats a personal attack and not reality.

That's not a personal attack

And only a pussy namby pamby pantywaist crybaby would think it was.

So you're sying our president is mentally incapacitated? Your bullshat was a personal attack, not reality, stop your whining about Obama.

No you're saying that.

I said he has no connection with reality.

For example he thinks that taking more of my money will help me.
That's not a personal attack

And only a pussy namby pamby pantywaist crybaby would think it was.

So you're sying our president is mentally incapacitated? Your bullshat was a personal attack, not reality, stop your whining about Obama.

No you're saying that.

I said he has no connection with reality.

For example he thinks that taking more of my money will help me.

Thats a lie, if anything by extending the Bush tax cuts and extending the payroll tax cut thats been helping you to have more money, you're full of shat and can't see reality, even if that reality is healping you.
So you're sying our president is mentally incapacitated? Your bullshat was a personal attack, not reality, stop your whining about Obama.

No you're saying that.

I said he has no connection with reality.

For example he thinks that taking more of my money will help me.

Thats a lie, if anything by extending the Bush tax cuts and extending the payroll tax cut thats been helping you to have more money, you're full of shat and can't see reality, even if that reality is healping you.

FYI if Bam Bam has his way, I'll have my taxes raised because my wife and I are those evil rich people who make 250K a year.

And according to our out of touch with reality president I should be happy to have the government take more of my money.

Yeah a guy who thinks like that is really in touch.
No you're saying that.

I said he has no connection with reality.

For example he thinks that taking more of my money will help me.

Thats a lie, if anything by extending the Bush tax cuts and extending the payroll tax cut thats been helping you to have more money, you're full of shat and can't see reality, even if that reality is healping you.

FYI if Bam Bam has his way, I'll have my taxes raised because my wife and I are those evil rich people who make 250K a year.

And according to our out of touch with reality president I should be happy to have the government take more of my money.

Yeah a guy who thinks like that is really in touch.

You are just telling lies, the reality is that you're getting taxed less, you have no connection with reality, you think the paranoid bullshat of the far right is reality, why else would you keep repeating a lie?
Obama has no connection with reality
murkinz have no connection to reality. They live in a movie their masters created for them and a large portion follow an ancient script they are incapable of reading on their own.

When I retire I'm going to settle down here in Germany, I can't risk living in an America thats going to be full of right wingers like the dipshats that are on this forum.
Thats a lie, if anything by extending the Bush tax cuts and extending the payroll tax cut thats been helping you to have more money, you're full of shat and can't see reality, even if that reality is healping you.

FYI if Bam Bam has his way, I'll have my taxes raised because my wife and I are those evil rich people who make 250K a year.

And according to our out of touch with reality president I should be happy to have the government take more of my money.

Yeah a guy who thinks like that is really in touch.

You are just telling lies, the reality is that you're getting taxed less, you have no connection with reality, you think the paranoid bullshat of the far right is reality, why else would you keep repeating a lie?

So Bam Bam doesn't want to raise taxes on people earning over 250K now?

That's been his mantra for the past 4 years.

And I don't subscribe to right or left politics. Only flat earthers do that.
Words like 'socialist' are substitutes for thought among the empty headed. All you do, similar to the schoolyard bully, is place a name on someone. Create a word, attach a negative to it, call the other the name, and the brain-dead are happy, content in their small knowledge. It's so simple and yet so powerful. You see it today in all aspects of politics and life. Consider the words attached to healthcare or Global warming as other examples.

"The truth is, the current incarnation of the GOP, frozen in its pose of perpetually indignant outrage, doesn’t want additional perspective, more data and nuance, and — Heaven forbid — dissenting voices. The impulse to marginalize, condemn, ridicule, and finally choke off dissenting voices is not only what’s behind Senator Coburn’s war on the NSF, it’s behind the GOP-sponsored culture war that has sucked much of the oxygen out of the national discourse for more than a decade now. ¶ Republicans don’t like science and scientists because they are sources of data that are independent of GOP-approved propaganda mills like Fox News. Pesky scientists and academics are always popping up to dispute the Roger Ailes-approved buzz-quote of the day — on climate change, on health care, on the effects of poverty on the rapidly evaporating middle class, on the diversity of American families, and on the importance of funding basic research instead of commercially-driven ventures constrained by short-term considerations like ROI." Steve Silberman Why the GOP Hates the National Science Foundation | NeuroTribes
Obama has no connection with reality
murkinz have no connection to reality. They live in a movie their masters created for them and a large portion follow an ancient script they are incapable of reading on their own.

When I retire I'm going to settle down here in Germany, I can't risk living in an America thats going to be full of right wingers like the dipshats that are on this forum.

Yeah god forbid you get to keep more of your own money
murkinz have no connection to reality. They live in a movie their masters created for them and a large portion follow an ancient script they are incapable of reading on their own.

When I retire I'm going to settle down here in Germany, I can't risk living in an America thats going to be full of right wingers like the dipshats that are on this forum.

Yeah god forbid you get to keep more of your own money

You are keeping more of your money and complaining about, thats reality.
Back on topic, nothing much in the way of evidence that porves Obama is a socialist.
When I retire I'm going to settle down here in Germany, I can't risk living in an America thats going to be full of right wingers like the dipshats that are on this forum.

Yeah god forbid you get to keep more of your own money

You are keeping more of your money and complaining about, thats reality.

No I am trying to prevent the government from taking more.

Once again there is a difference you can't seem to grasp.
Yeah god forbid you get to keep more of your own money

You are keeping more of your money and complaining about, thats reality.

No I am trying to prevent the government from taking more.

Once again there is a difference you can't seem to grasp.

The reality is that under Obama you have kept more of your money, so what the fack are you complaining about? You can't prevent anything, it is what it is everyone will have to pay more if taxes are raised, they will never go down, when they have gone down the economy of the country falters, so thanks for a true American by being selfish enough to let the economy get facked up so you can complain about government letting you keep more of your money when it wasn't warranted.
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You are keeping more of your money and complaining about, thats reality.

No I am trying to prevent the government from taking more.

Once again there is a difference you can't seem to grasp.

Te reality is that under Obama you have kept more of your money, so what the fack are you complaining about? You can't prevent anything, it is what it is everyone will have to pay more if taxes are raised, they will never go down, when they have gone down the economy of the country falters, so thats for a a true American by being selfish enough to let the economy get facked up so you can complain about government letting you keep more of your money when it wasn't warranted.

Bam Bam doesn't want to raise taxes on everyone. Just the so called rich people who make over 250K a year

The government takes too much of our money in general and it wants even more from people like me who risk everything to start a business that provides jobs for people.

So I am doing what I can to prevent that. If you think the fucking government doesn't want more of our money that it gets then you too are out of touch with reality.
No I am trying to prevent the government from taking more.

Once again there is a difference you can't seem to grasp.

Te reality is that under Obama you have kept more of your money, so what the fack are you complaining about? You can't prevent anything, it is what it is everyone will have to pay more if taxes are raised, they will never go down, when they have gone down the economy of the country falters, so thats for a a true American by being selfish enough to let the economy get facked up so you can complain about government letting you keep more of your money when it wasn't warranted.

Bam Bam doesn't want to raise taxes on everyone. Just the so called rich people who make over 250K a year

The government takes too much of our money in general and it wants even more from people like me who risk everything to start a business that provides jobs for people.

So I am doing what I can to prevent that. If you think the fucking government doesn't want more of our money that it gets then you too are out of touch with reality.

The government isn't taking so much of your damn money, move to Germany where they pay 51% of their income on taxes, you really have it good and don't even know it for facks sake.

They just want the rich to pay their fair share, their wealth has been rising while those of the middleclass and below have dropped and or stagnated, that imbalance we've had for 30 years cannot go on, open your facking mind.

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