Obama supporters, your long night watch is almost over, lay down your burden...

Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Name one accomplishment of Obama.
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.

George W Bush started with a balanced budget yet almost as many were added to food stamps under Bush than Obama who had to deal with the Bush recession.

The funding of the ACA likely did not include a low life like you unless you tan a lot.

The ACA benefited WORKING PEOPLE. You pay when the uninsured use the health system & can not pay. With subsidies, these people are contributing to the cost.

Ad I have to laugh at your extremely childish Bin Laden comment.

I guess you think Obama went door to door to sign up people for food stamps? You're a uninformed jackass racist POS. A deplorable in every way.


and I'll have no more of this "Deplorables" talk.

What the fuck are you going to do about it? You whine well.
Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Name one accomplishment of Obama.
His staff had the shiniest shoes ever seen in the white house. I think he is the only U.S president that ever bent down and shined the bare feet and sandals of a terrorist leader too. Oh yes, and he is also the only U.S president that was so concerned with proper lighting in the driveway during state events, he would go down and hold the lantern himself. ( I think that was habit though)
Wow, another racist comment
I didnt mention race, are you ok with how you associate certain things to certain races? dont you think its time we move past the racist thought patterns that you seem to hold so dear?
racists like you disgust me, until the last of you are gone there is not going to be any hope of this country healing its wounds.
racists like you disgust me

His staff had the shiniest shoes ever seen in the white house. I think he is the only U.S president that ever bent down and shined the bare feet and sandals of a terrorist leader too.
Fucking cracker....
Name one accomplishment of Obama.
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.

George W Bush started with a balanced budget yet almost as many were added to food stamps under Bush than Obama who had to deal with the Bush recession.

The funding of the ACA likely did not include a low life like you unless you tan a lot.

The ACA benefited WORKING PEOPLE. You pay when the uninsured use the health system & can not pay. With subsidies, these people are contributing to the cost.

Ad I have to laugh at your extremely childish Bin Laden comment.

I guess you think Obama went door to door to sign up people for food stamps? You're a uninformed jackass racist POS. A deplorable in every way.


and I'll have no more of this "Deplorables" talk.

What the fuck are you going to do about it? You whine well.

What does "NL" stand for?
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.
while claiming more jobs are created

They are not directly related phenomena, Banjo Lad.......and who do you believe is "claiming more jobs are created"?

We've established that you are both innumerate and credulous......let's lock up "entirely uninformed" while we are here...

Obama supporters. Are you claiming unemployment went down without jobs being created.

Kiss it NL.

Read the question again......nah......fuck it......

There are 3 different surveys which measure employment growth.....those are just the DIRECT measures......then we have trends in nominal and real wages, state and federal tax collections, job openings, initial claims, voluntary quits...This could go on for a while.....

The bottom line?

The jobs data isn't compiled with "claims", it is a carefully produced set of data series with redundant checks...

savvy, Cleetus?

Read the number. 47.6 million on food stamps while a claim of job creation is being made.

Your little boy can't lie well either.

It's not a "claim of job creation"......IT IS job creation......

Wanna compare the numbers to those of the guy who preceded him (the one for whom you cast 2 enthusiastic votes)?

Let the Wall Street Journal tell you...

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.
while claiming more jobs are created

They are not directly related phenomena, Banjo Lad.......and who do you believe is "claiming more jobs are created"?

We've established that you are both innumerate and credulous......let's lock up "entirely uninformed" while we are here...

Obama supporters. Are you claiming unemployment went down without jobs being created.

Kiss it NL.

Jobs were created. Are you mentally handicapped or something?

So were millions of more food stamp recipients. If more people are working, explain how millions more were getting food stamps? The two don't go together.

Did you manage to git yourself any skulin', boy?
Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Name one accomplishment of Obama.
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.

George W Bush started with a balanced budget yet almost as many were added to food stamps under Bush than Obama who had to deal with the Bush recession.

The funding of the ACA likely did not include a low life like you unless you tan a lot.

The ACA benefited WORKING PEOPLE. You pay when the uninsured use the health system & can not pay. With subsidies, these people are contributing to the cost.

Ad I have to laugh at your extremely childish Bin Laden comment.

I guess you think Obama went door to door to sign up people for food stamps? You're a uninformed jackass racist POS. A deplorable in every way.

The funding of Obamacare included one group of people getting yet another handout funded by someone other than them.

Getting the subsidies means someone else is making it possible for them to have it. Whether they get help with a subsidy or someone else paid more because they were insured means someone other than them is footing the bill. There is no difference because it comes from a different pocket. The result is the same and that is they still aren't paying for something they get that is THEIR responsibility.

I laughed when you said Obama killed bin Laden. Unless you can show me where he actually took the shot, Obama did nothing.

Obama created an environment where more people went to the welfare office door and knocked. He made it easier for them to do so by enabling it.
Obama created an environment where more people went to the welfare office door and knocked. He made it easier for them to do so by enabling it.

The Great Recession began in Nov 2007.......

Have someone help you read a calendar, Cleetus...
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?
Trumps problem is he is given a 4.7% unemployment rate. And Obama created 11 million jobs

He can only make it worse
I thought it was 20 million new jobs?....Shit

Why don't you post the actual numbers?

THAT would be a contribution...

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

(In ,000s)

Feb 2009 - 133,350

Dec 2016 - 145,303

Net gain - 11, 153 (with 2 months remaining............don't oblige me to explain)

Let's see how this compares to his predecessor

Feb 2001 - 132,777

Net gain from Feb 2001 - Feb 2009 573

A difference of a factor of 2..................AND an order of magnitude....

Now run along before I adjust for Public Sector employment.........You're not gonna like it...
Yup, you're an idiot. Nevertheless a certified yet totally ineffective hack. Nobody's buying your propaganda and garbage.

How slow is US economic growth? 'Close to zero'

Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan

I cite BLS, and you come back with ?

Here, tell yourself the news...

News Release: Gross Domestic Product

And Stevie Moore?

Are you fucking serious? You have no idea who he is, do you......

Why one editor won't run any more op-eds by the Heritage Foundation's top economist

Fucking rube....
You mean the spin job by the media which fails to tell the country that a record number are out of work and have stopped looking? I'm sure you're going to brag about the so called unemployment numbers which doesn't take into account the tens of millions who lost their jobs and stopped looking.
There are a record number of people not working and not looking for work. But that does not mean they all lost their jobs (or ever had jobs). 90 million of the 95 million Not in the Labor Force do not want a job. Many who say they want a job have not looked for work at all in 2016. Others couldn't start working at this time even if they were handed one.

There are 1.7 million people who want a job, could start work if offered, have looked for work in the last year, but aren't looking now. most of them stopped looking due to family responsibilities or to go to school or training, or personal issues like child care or transportation problems or because they were sick or injured or pregnant. Less than half a million "gave up" because they believed they wouldn't get a job.

So why should people not trying to work be classified as unemployed? We already know they won't get a job, so including them as unemployed doesn't help with seeing how hard it is to get a job.
Yeah yeah yeah, nice try no cigar. You see, it's your winded "explanation" that didn't match the facts on the ground as of last November 8, that's why we ended up with an electoral landslide in favor of Trump.

"Electoral landslide"?

You just make this shit up as you go along, don't you.......

John Pitney, a professor of American Politics at Claremont McKenna College, put together a chart showing the Electoral College share won by every president since George Washington and found that Trump’s margin of victory ranked 46th out of 58 U.S. presidential elections. (You can view the whole list below.)

“It’s just not true,” Pitney said of Trump’s “landslide” boast.

Pitney told us in a phone interview that while there’s no legal definition of landslide, such a victory should have to at least be in the top half of electoral wins. “And this doesn’t come close to that,” Pitney said.
Trump Landslide? Nope - FactCheck.org

You've been played, boy...
You mean the spin job by the media which fails to tell the country that a record number are out of work and have stopped looking? I'm sure you're going to brag about the so called unemployment numbers which doesn't take into account the tens of millions who lost their jobs and stopped looking.
There are a record number of people not working and not looking for work. But that does not mean they all lost their jobs (or ever had jobs). 90 million of the 95 million Not in the Labor Force do not want a job. Many who say they want a job have not looked for work at all in 2016. Others couldn't start working at this time even if they were handed one.

There are 1.7 million people who want a job, could start work if offered, have looked for work in the last year, but aren't looking now. most of them stopped looking due to family responsibilities or to go to school or training, or personal issues like child care or transportation problems or because they were sick or injured or pregnant. Less than half a million "gave up" because they believed they wouldn't get a job.

So why should people not trying to work be classified as unemployed? We already know they won't get a job, so including them as unemployed doesn't help with seeing how hard it is to get a job.
Yeah yeah yeah, nice try no cigar. You see, it's your winded "explanation" that didn't match the facts on the ground as of last November 8, that's why we ended up with an electoral landslide in favor of Trump.
Oh? What specifically are you claiming does not match the "facts on the ground" and what is your evidence (besides unsubstantiated opinion)?

You won't find any lists of Presidents from Presidential Historians that have Bush higher than 30
You won't find any with Obama higher than 15
Yeah, liberal hacks who call themselves historians. Trump is president because of Obama's disastrous record. Simple.

All historians and all scientists and all the media are against Republicans
Not all, but anybody in academia or the media who dares speak out, immediately gets ostracized by the fascist left. So why would anybody be stupid enough to jeopardize their job or prestige?
Actually, presidential scholars take their jobs quite seriously

Why else would they rate Reagan as high as they do?

Apparently you take your job as Obama ass licker quite seriously.

Ah yes....

What passes for intelligent debate among conservatives. And some claim Idiocracy was made up
Why did so many people feel beaten down and out of luck if Obama was doing a good job with the economy?
Trumps problem is he is given a 4.7% unemployment rate. And Obama created 11 million jobs

He can only make it worse
I thought it was 20 million new jobs?....Shit

Why don't you post the actual numbers?

THAT would be a contribution...

All Employees: Total Nonfarm Payrolls

(In ,000s)

Feb 2009 - 133,350

Dec 2016 - 145,303

Net gain - 11, 153 (with 2 months remaining............don't oblige me to explain)

Let's see how this compares to his predecessor

Feb 2001 - 132,777

Net gain from Feb 2001 - Feb 2009 573

A difference of a factor of 2..................AND an order of magnitude....

Now run along before I adjust for Public Sector employment.........You're not gonna like it...
Yup, you're an idiot. Nevertheless a certified yet totally ineffective hack. Nobody's buying your propaganda and garbage.

How slow is US economic growth? 'Close to zero'

Obama's Dismal Economic Record Looks Even Worse When Compared To Reagan
Reagan had primarily a Democrat Congress that gave a shit about America.

Obama primarily had a Republican Congress that cared more about their pathetic party than America.
Taking us from the worst recession & 80 years to a record string of positive job growth.

Let's see how long your orange buddy can continue it.

Millions more with health insurance.

A agreement with Iran to stop them from getting a nuclear weapon

Killing Osama Bin Laden

All with zero help from the Republicans who created that economic mess & then refused to help fix it.

Putting more people on food stamps than ever before while claiming more jobs are created. Doesn't work that way.

Millions more getting health insurance because someone else is forced to fund a subsidy so they can have it. Hate to break it to you, they still aren't providing their own coverage.

Obama killed bin Laden? I didn't know Obama was one of the SEALs on the raid.

You ass lickers claimed Obama was so good and did so much. Sounds to me as if you don't believe he needed help. By the way, you don't support nonsense that won't work.
while claiming more jobs are created

They are not directly related phenomena, Banjo Lad.......and who do you believe is "claiming more jobs are created"?

We've established that you are both innumerate and credulous......let's lock up "entirely uninformed" while we are here...

Obama supporters. Are you claiming unemployment went down without jobs being created.

Kiss it NL.

Read the question again......nah......fuck it......

There are 3 different surveys which measure employment growth.....those are just the DIRECT measures......then we have trends in nominal and real wages, state and federal tax collections, job openings, initial claims, voluntary quits...This could go on for a while.....

The bottom line?

The jobs data isn't compiled with "claims", it is a carefully produced set of data series with redundant checks...

savvy, Cleetus?

Read the number. 47.6 million on food stamps while a claim of job creation is being made.

Your little boy can't lie well either.
Keep slinging those slurs you ignorant piece of shit.

Working people can qualify for food stamps. How did you get ths fucking stupid. Your racism seems to indicate that you were inbred, are you from WV?
Don't get all huffy with me because the Moonie Times played you for a fool, boy......

Don't get made because your little black boy had record numbers on food stamps. Keep kissing his ass NL. By the way, your bitch lost.
Racist fuck.

Guess what, asshat, when you create the worse recession in 80 years, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown, two quagmire wars people loose their jobs.

But, like the ignorant piece of shit you are, you blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

It s stupid assholes like you that voted for Trump.


It's idiots like you that say Trump is stupid yet your bitch lost to him.

He carried the uneducated white vote.

Your bitch lost. When Obama won, he carried the uneducated black vote and we both know the level of education and intelligence of blacks is far lower than that of whites.
Your existence proves otherwise.
Obama is a top ten President who will be sandwiched between two of the worst Presidents in history
Name one accomplishment of Obama.

Stopped a Depression

Want more?
Ok...HOW...did Obama all by himself do this?....Name ONE single act or policy Obama enacted where additional debt was not created that spurred the economy..
And how do you escape that only THREE quarters during Obama's tenure were in excess of 2.5% annualized GDP growth?...And how does this correlate to the lowest labor participation rate since the mid 1970's?
BTW, the "jobs" in that chart in post 2? Those are not NEW jobs. Nor are they the full time career sustaining type of employment lost. Lost due ot liberal policies that created the housing meltdown.
You people and you creepy sycophantic worship for Obama are a miracle

Looks like you have touched on one of the key reasons the recovery was so tepid

"Name ONE single act or policy Obama enacted where additional debt was not created"

Only a moron insists on austerity while trying to recover from an economic collapse. Reagan TRIPLED the debt to buy his way out of a recession. Who in their right mind thinks that a Recession is a good time to pay off your debt?
Last edited:
ped a Depression

Want more
Fakeanswer. ^^^. His accomplishment is to make America Look like a pussy worldwide. Bonus: first president to not make GDP increase at a minimum of 3%.

Our nations wealth increased by $55 Trillion under Obama ....more than any President in history
The stock market increased by 12,500 points....more than any President in history
Unemployment rate dropped by 5.3% .....more than any President in history
nobody cares about Soetero..........10 more days and this fool rides off into the sunset forever! Tens of million of Americans will be giddy to the point of having parties to celebrate the occasion!! LOL.......who ever heard of it?:2up:

Meanwhile, the country has never been so geared up for an inauguration............ever. Because the people KNOW change is coming. Policies that represent the wishes of the people.:deal: In a mere 11 days, the process will already be in gear to fucking finally be building THE WALL!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
nobody cares about Soetero..........10 more days and this fool rides off into the sunset forever! Tens of million of Americans will be giddy to the point of having parties to celebrate the occasion!! LOL.......who ever heard of it?:2up:

Meanwhile, the country has never been so geared up for an inauguration............ever. Because the people KNOW change is coming. Policies that represent the wishes of the people.:deal: In a mere 11 days, the process will already be in gear to fucking finally be building THE WALL!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Policies that represent the wishes of the people

So post the totals of the "people's vote"....
nobody cares about Soetero..........10 more days and this fool rides off into the sunset forever! Tens of million of Americans will be giddy to the point of having parties to celebrate the occasion!! LOL.......who ever heard of it?:2up:

Meanwhile, the country has never been so geared up for an inauguration............ever. Because the people KNOW change is coming. Policies that represent the wishes of the people.:deal: In a mere 11 days, the process will already be in gear to fucking finally be building THE WALL!!:funnyface::funnyface::fu:
Policies that represent the wishes of the people

So post the totals of the "people's vote"....

nobody cares........that's shit for those with a prolific bumpy cucumber lodged deep in the pie hole.

Soetero is going to be barely off the tarmac heading to Hawaii and all of his shit is going to be getting nuked. That's what happens when you get your clock cleaned in multiple elections. Im seeing so much red out there Im getting dizzy!!:boobies::boobies::deal:
Those with a political IQ of a small soap dish who keep talking about the "people" I guess have failed to look at a US political map. Its red as far as the eye can see..........state houses.......governorships........congress...........executive branch. In my whole lifetime it hasnt been as red!!:deal:

WHO'S NOT WINNING?:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

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