Obama supporters, your long night watch is almost over, lay down your burden...

He graduated from Law School......which means he made it through college....

Got nothing again I see? Is "graduating from law school" one of the criterias for getting a medal? You're an idiot.
"Criteria" is plural, you fucking cretin....

those awards are ENTIRELY at POTUS discretion...

What did Frank Sinatra do to earn his?
He created and sang beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. What did Biden do, other than kiss Obama's commie ass?

Iceberg already stated it's based on the President's discretion only. That's proof Biden got his the way you stated because he damn sure didn't do anything worthwhile to get it.
He got a law degree and served his country for five years. Those are huuuuuuge accomplishments. While we're at it, let's give Biden a Purple Heart as well. Why not?
48 years of public service, you fucking cretin......
Trashing Joe Biden? Really?

Joe didn't do a damn thing to earn what he received. That's typical for the left wing mentality.
He graduated from Law School......which means he made it through college....


He "earned" the Medal of Honor for kissing ass. We both know which ass it was, boy.
Remember the VP who ended HIS gig with JARs of 13%?

Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...
As a Democrat, he did a disservice to his country by pushing that bullshit agenda.
The agenda whose architect is currently enjoying 55% JARs?

As I've said, when you present yourself as Santa Clause or Robin Hood, it's not hard to be popular. As I've said, being popular doesn't make one good. It's not hard for someone that fits the social experiment concept Liberals wanted to try popular. Obama had a built in characteristic that created that popularity. When you create a situation where those that don't want to provide for themselves don't have to because those that do are forced to provide for them, you'll be popular with the leeches and freeloaders handed something for nothing.

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....

Can you show me?

Cause if you can't, I'm obliged to conclude that you are completely full of shit...

After Six Years of Obamanomics: Five Things You Need to Know

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....
I noticed you gave yourself the coward's way out by using "considerably". That means you can claim that increases weren't considerable. Hate to break it to you but one penny more spent on programs where one group is forced to fund something for another is considerable in itself especially when you bleeding hearts claim you care so much but go about funding what you say you believe in through mandates on others.

Sure......let me first point out that ANYONE citing the Gateway Pundit on economics is a fucking idiot...

My challenge:

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....

Your response:

#4 will provide the proof.
And with what, pray tell, is #4 concerned?

A record number of people have been on Medicaid (72 million or 1 out of 4 Americans) and Medicare (more than 47 million Americans) during Obama’s presidency. When Obama entered office in 2009, 31.9 million individuals received food stamp benefits. As of January 2015, 46 million people received food stamps for a 44% increase in food stamp usage since Obama took over and record numbers. Food stamp users had topped 46 million for 38 straight months as of January 2015.

Let's not forget where we began...

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably

So in what category do we find the items listed in this "#4"?

Direct spending, also known as mandatory spending, refers to spending enacted by law, but not dependent on an annual or periodic appropriation bill. Most mandatory spending consists of entitlement programs such as Social Security benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Expenditures in the United States federal budget - Wikipedia

Mandatory spending is spending that Congress legislates outside of the annual appropriations process, usually less than once a year. It is dominated by the well-known earned-benefit programs Social Security and Medicare. It also includes widely used safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps), and a significant amount of federal spending on transportation, among other things.

Many mandatory programs' spending levels are determined by eligibility rules. For example, Congress decides to create a program like Social Security. It then sets criteria for determining who is eligible to receive benefits from the program, and benefit levels for people who are eligible. The amount of money spent on Social Security each year is then determined by how many people are eligible and apply for benefits.

Congress therefore does not decide each year to increase or decrease the budget for Social Security or other earned benefit programs. Instead, it periodically reviews the eligibility rules and may change them in order to exclude or include more people, or offer more or less generous benefits to those who are eligible, and therefore change the amount spent on the program.

Mandatory spending makes up nearly two-thirds of the total federal budget. Social Security alone comprises more than a third of mandatory spending and around 23 percent of the total federal budget. Medicare makes up an additional 23 percent of mandatory spending and 15 percent of the total federal budget.

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go


Ya follah, Inbred Fuckstick?

The only inbred is you, boy and that's because your'e the result of two ******* butt fucking and a piece of shit coming out that they called a child. Got it. Sad part is there is nothing you can do about what you are but live in shame.
Got nothing again I see? Is "graduating from law school" one of the criterias for getting a medal? You're an idiot.
"Criteria" is plural, you fucking cretin....

those awards are ENTIRELY at POTUS discretion...

What did Frank Sinatra do to earn his?
He created and sang beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. What did Biden do, other than kiss Obama's commie ass?

Iceberg already stated it's based on the President's discretion only. That's proof Biden got his the way you stated because he damn sure didn't do anything worthwhile to get it.
He got a law degree and served his country for five years. Those are huuuuuuge accomplishments. While we're at it, let's give Biden a Purple Heart as well. Why not?
48 years of public service, you fucking cretin......

Depends on what you define as service.
Joe didn't do a damn thing to earn what he received. That's typical for the left wing mentality.
He graduated from Law School......which means he made it through college....


He "earned" the Medal of Honor for kissing ass. We both know which ass it was, boy.
Remember the VP who ended HIS gig with JARs of 13%?

Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
He graduated from Law School......which means he made it through college....


He "earned" the Medal of Honor for kissing ass. We both know which ass it was, boy.
Remember the VP who ended HIS gig with JARs of 13%?

Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
Sure didn't have much to say when I invited you to tell everyone, in the largest font available, and bold type, what "NL" stands for....

Why don't you gird your flabby loins and do so now?

And trust me......you don't want me showing up at your mom's trailer to call you out......
"Criteria" is plural, you fucking cretin....

those awards are ENTIRELY at POTUS discretion...

What did Frank Sinatra do to earn his?
He created and sang beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. What did Biden do, other than kiss Obama's commie ass?

Iceberg already stated it's based on the President's discretion only. That's proof Biden got his the way you stated because he damn sure didn't do anything worthwhile to get it.
He got a law degree and served his country for five years. Those are huuuuuuge accomplishments. While we're at it, let's give Biden a Purple Heart as well. Why not?
48 years of public service, you fucking cretin......

Depends on what you define as service.
"Public service" has a broadly accepted definition, Cleetus...
The agenda whose architect is currently enjoying 55% JARs?

As I've said, when you present yourself as Santa Clause or Robin Hood, it's not hard to be popular. As I've said, being popular doesn't make one good. It's not hard for someone that fits the social experiment concept Liberals wanted to try popular. Obama had a built in characteristic that created that popularity. When you create a situation where those that don't want to provide for themselves don't have to because those that do are forced to provide for them, you'll be popular with the leeches and freeloaders handed something for nothing.

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....

Can you show me?

Cause if you can't, I'm obliged to conclude that you are completely full of shit...

After Six Years of Obamanomics: Five Things You Need to Know

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....
I noticed you gave yourself the coward's way out by using "considerably". That means you can claim that increases weren't considerable. Hate to break it to you but one penny more spent on programs where one group is forced to fund something for another is considerable in itself especially when you bleeding hearts claim you care so much but go about funding what you say you believe in through mandates on others.

Sure......let me first point out that ANYONE citing the Gateway Pundit on economics is a fucking idiot...

My challenge:

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably under Obama then....

Your response:

#4 will provide the proof.
And with what, pray tell, is #4 concerned?

A record number of people have been on Medicaid (72 million or 1 out of 4 Americans) and Medicare (more than 47 million Americans) during Obama’s presidency. When Obama entered office in 2009, 31.9 million individuals received food stamp benefits. As of January 2015, 46 million people received food stamps for a 44% increase in food stamp usage since Obama took over and record numbers. Food stamp users had topped 46 million for 38 straight months as of January 2015.

Let's not forget where we began...

So discretionary federal spending must have risen considerably

So in what category do we find the items listed in this "#4"?

Direct spending, also known as mandatory spending, refers to spending enacted by law, but not dependent on an annual or periodic appropriation bill. Most mandatory spending consists of entitlement programs such as Social Security benefits, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Expenditures in the United States federal budget - Wikipedia

Mandatory spending is spending that Congress legislates outside of the annual appropriations process, usually less than once a year. It is dominated by the well-known earned-benefit programs Social Security and Medicare. It also includes widely used safety net programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps), and a significant amount of federal spending on transportation, among other things.

Many mandatory programs' spending levels are determined by eligibility rules. For example, Congress decides to create a program like Social Security. It then sets criteria for determining who is eligible to receive benefits from the program, and benefit levels for people who are eligible. The amount of money spent on Social Security each year is then determined by how many people are eligible and apply for benefits.

Congress therefore does not decide each year to increase or decrease the budget for Social Security or other earned benefit programs. Instead, it periodically reviews the eligibility rules and may change them in order to exclude or include more people, or offer more or less generous benefits to those who are eligible, and therefore change the amount spent on the program.

Mandatory spending makes up nearly two-thirds of the total federal budget. Social Security alone comprises more than a third of mandatory spending and around 23 percent of the total federal budget. Medicare makes up an additional 23 percent of mandatory spending and 15 percent of the total federal budget.

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go


Ya follah, Inbred Fuckstick?

The only inbred is you, boy and that's because your'e the result of two ******* butt fucking and a piece of shit coming out that they called a child. Got it. Sad part is there is nothing you can do about what you are but live in shame.
You should be grateful that I am taking the time to skule you, boy....
He "earned" the Medal of Honor for kissing ass. We both know which ass it was, boy.
Remember the VP who ended HIS gig with JARs of 13%?

Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
Sure didn't have much to say when I invited you to tell everyone, in the largest font available, and bold type, what "NL" stands for....

Why don't you gird your flabby loins and do so now?

And trust me......you don't want me showing up at your mom's trailer to call you out......

I had plenty to say. You tell me what you think it means and admit you're what you think it means and I'll tell you what I mean by using it. Not man enough to admit you're one.

Trust you? I trust Obama more and that should tell you something. What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

I would say the same about your dad's government apartment building but you don't know who he is.
Remember the VP who ended HIS gig with JARs of 13%?

Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
Sure didn't have much to say when I invited you to tell everyone, in the largest font available, and bold type, what "NL" stands for....

Why don't you gird your flabby loins and do so now?

And trust me......you don't want me showing up at your mom's trailer to call you out......

I had plenty to say. You tell me what you think it means and admit you're what you think it means and I'll tell you what I mean by using it. Not man enough to admit you're one.

Trust you? I trust Obama more and that should tell you something. What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

I would say the same about your dad's government apartment building but you don't know who he is.
Not man enough to admit you're one.

One what?

Are you man enough to tell everyone......in the largest bold type available to you?

What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

Just be sure to hobble outside your mama's trailer, dragging your CPAP, when I come callin', Festus...
Again, like the typical idiot, you equate good and popular. People that do good things aren't always the most popular. Doing good involves expecting things from people that may not want to do them. Popular comes from not holding people to a standard to which they don't want to live up to yet still getting the rewards as if they actually did.

Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
Sure didn't have much to say when I invited you to tell everyone, in the largest font available, and bold type, what "NL" stands for....

Why don't you gird your flabby loins and do so now?

And trust me......you don't want me showing up at your mom's trailer to call you out......

I had plenty to say. You tell me what you think it means and admit you're what you think it means and I'll tell you what I mean by using it. Not man enough to admit you're one.

Trust you? I trust Obama more and that should tell you something. What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

I would say the same about your dad's government apartment building but you don't know who he is.
Not man enough to admit you're one.

One what?

Are you man enough to tell everyone......in the largest bold type available to you?

What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

Just be sure to hobble outside your mama's trailer, dragging your CPAP, when I come callin', Festus...

Why don't you tell me what you think it says. Not man enough to do so.

When should I expect you, Kunta Kinte? Or do you prefer Toby?
Please shut the fuck up now.....please.....

Obama stands at 55% because he DID THE JOB.......Scrub finished at 22, being booed out of DC - BECAUSE HE FAILED...

I'll stfu when you're man enough to do it, NL. We both know you aren't, NL.

Obama is popular because he's was willing to give the pieces of shit like you something for nothing. Popular isn't good just because it's popular.
Sure didn't have much to say when I invited you to tell everyone, in the largest font available, and bold type, what "NL" stands for....

Why don't you gird your flabby loins and do so now?

And trust me......you don't want me showing up at your mom's trailer to call you out......

I had plenty to say. You tell me what you think it means and admit you're what you think it means and I'll tell you what I mean by using it. Not man enough to admit you're one.

Trust you? I trust Obama more and that should tell you something. What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

I would say the same about your dad's government apartment building but you don't know who he is.
Not man enough to admit you're one.

One what?

Are you man enough to tell everyone......in the largest bold type available to you?

What I don't trust you to do is back up your demand about the stfu demands you made.

Just be sure to hobble outside your mama's trailer, dragging your CPAP, when I come callin', Festus...

Why don't you tell me what you think it says. Not man enough to do so.

When should I expect you, Kunta Kinte? Or do you prefer Toby?
Damn, you're a fucking pussy, Reb.....

You brought the term into the discussion....and you have used it repeatedly...

Why won't you man up and tell everyone, in the largest bold type available to you, what it means?

My guess is that you won't do so because you are a sniveling little mama's castrato......
Let's ignore what we have already demonstrated is false in favor of considering THIS:
and Americans agreed with that assessment last November 8.

Post the vote totals of these "Americans"..........the actual number of votes Americans cast for each candidate....

Just the numbers, I'll take it from there....
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states did not want four more disastrous years of Obama. Not including millions of illegals in CA and NY who got to vote because they were issued drivers licenses or had a piece of mail with their name and address on it, which allowed them to vote. Not only was it an electoral landslide, the Dems lost on every level. Obama's legacy was solidly rebuked. There wasn't a single bit of good news for Obama, Hillary, or the Dems in this election. Deal with it.
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states

You're a fucking moron........I mean that.........
Your a fucking delusional leftie hack who cannot deal with reality, I mean that.
Name 2 Americans in the electoral college of 3 states....
Hello again leftie douchebag, are you having a problem with the American electoral college system in which Trump won by a landslide?

Landslide? Check out history & see he doesn't rank in the top 70%
Like you could ever be as much as a man as Joe Biden.

You better ruin, your Agent Orange is calling.
Again, what was Joe's great contribution or accomplishment to receive this medal, other than being a good hack for a failed president. He didn't get it because he was a "better man than me". LOL
Trashing Joe Biden? Really?

Joe didn't do a damn thing to earn what he received. That's typical for the left wing mentality.
He graduated from Law School......which means he made it through college....


He "earned" the Medal of Honor for kissing ass. We both know which ass it was, boy.
Racist fuck!
Got nothing again I see? Is "graduating from law school" one of the criterias for getting a medal? You're an idiot.
"Criteria" is plural, you fucking cretin....

those awards are ENTIRELY at POTUS discretion...

What did Frank Sinatra do to earn his?
He created and sang beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. What did Biden do, other than kiss Obama's commie ass?

Iceberg already stated it's based on the President's discretion only. That's proof Biden got his the way you stated because he damn sure didn't do anything worthwhile to get it.
He got a law degree and served his country for five years. Those are huuuuuuge accomplishments. While we're at it, let's give Biden a Purple Heart as well. Why not?
48 years of public service, you fucking cretin......
And? What are his accomplishments....
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states did not want four more disastrous years of Obama. Not including millions of illegals in CA and NY who got to vote because they were issued drivers licenses or had a piece of mail with their name and address on it, which allowed them to vote. Not only was it an electoral landslide, the Dems lost on every level. Obama's legacy was solidly rebuked. There wasn't a single bit of good news for Obama, Hillary, or the Dems in this election. Deal with it.
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states

You're a fucking moron........I mean that.........
Your a fucking delusional leftie hack who cannot deal with reality, I mean that.
Name 2 Americans in the electoral college of 3 states....
Hello again leftie douchebag, are you having a problem with the American electoral college system in which Trump won by a landslide?

Landslide? Check out history & see he doesn't rank in the top 70%
But if Hillary would have won with the same numbers, I bet the you and the media would have called it the biggest landslide in history, the death of the republican party, blah blah and more blah.
"Criteria" is plural, you fucking cretin....

those awards are ENTIRELY at POTUS discretion...

What did Frank Sinatra do to earn his?
He created and sang beautiful music for the entire world to enjoy. What did Biden do, other than kiss Obama's commie ass?

Iceberg already stated it's based on the President's discretion only. That's proof Biden got his the way you stated because he damn sure didn't do anything worthwhile to get it.
He got a law degree and served his country for five years. Those are huuuuuuge accomplishments. While we're at it, let's give Biden a Purple Heart as well. Why not?
48 years of public service, you fucking cretin......
And? What are his accomplishments....
48 years of public service......


Singing, hanging with gangsters, and banging underaged girls in the ass....and, of course, spinning Nancy around the Rose Garden...

I know which way I'm leaning...
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states did not want four more disastrous years of Obama. Not including millions of illegals in CA and NY who got to vote because they were issued drivers licenses or had a piece of mail with their name and address on it, which allowed them to vote. Not only was it an electoral landslide, the Dems lost on every level. Obama's legacy was solidly rebuked. There wasn't a single bit of good news for Obama, Hillary, or the Dems in this election. Deal with it.
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states

You're a fucking moron........I mean that.........
Your a fucking delusional leftie hack who cannot deal with reality, I mean that.
Name 2 Americans in the electoral college of 3 states....
Hello again leftie douchebag, are you having a problem with the American electoral college system in which Trump won by a landslide?

Landslide? Check out history & see he doesn't rank in the top 70%
Roudy is not much on detail.....or math.....or Reality......maybe if he lost those shades...
A majority of Americans in the electoral college of 50 states

You're a fucking moron........I mean that.........
Your a fucking delusional leftie hack who cannot deal with reality, I mean that.
Name 2 Americans in the electoral college of 3 states....
Hello again leftie douchebag, are you having a problem with the American electoral college system in which Trump won by a landslide?

Landslide? Check out history & see he doesn't rank in the top 70%
But if Hillary would have won with the same numbers, I bet the you and the media would have called it the biggest landslide in history, the death of the republican party, blah blah and more blah.
Is that the reason you lied about a "landslide"?

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