Obama The Great Fear Mongerer of the 21st century

Nope...I don't need to post them.
I saw them every night for a week.
I put them up and you deny he said it.

I don't have time for that.We all know he was pushing doom and gloom,then he soft peddles it.
Bull. He said, in very measured terms, that the sequester would be a bad thing for our economy. That is all. He never said the sky would fall. He said we'd lose jobs and that some services would be hindered. Mostly stuff that your nutters in Congress have agreed with.

You, being an impressionable dummy, heard what your mouthpieces said about what he said. And this became your reality.

Here's how it goes:

Obama: It will be very cold tomorrow. Better wear a coat.

Hannity: Obama warns of impending deep freeze! Does he own stock in The North Face?!!!
Maxine Waters....
"We are going to lose 170 million jobs"....

Democrats push end of the world scenario...
WTG Rozman! You just proved that President Obama tried to frighten the citizenry by citing a misstatement from someone other than President Obama! Cool.
One of Obama's speeches pushing a dire outcome if he doesn't get his way...

Obama Sequester Speech: Republicans Are Putting Economy At Risk To Help The Wealthy

Obama ticked off how "brutal" the cuts would be if lawmakers allow "this meat cleaver approach to take place." Among other things, they would hurt military readiness, slash investments in energy and medical research, result in thousands of teacher layoffs, and degrade the ability of emergency responders to respond to disasters, he said, motioning to the people behind him.
To fuking funny. Here rethugs have all the semi auto weapons, profess hatred of the POTUS and a willingness to go to civil war, and now we find out that in fact, they are scared to death of what the POTUS says. Not what he does. What he says. Who'd a thunk it.

I thought you rethugs were the bad asses of the nation? What happened to frighten you all so bad?
One of Obama's speeches pushing a dire outcome if he doesn't get his way...

Obama Sequester Speech: Republicans Are Putting Economy At Risk To Help The Wealthy

Obama ticked off how "brutal" the cuts would be if lawmakers allow "this meat cleaver approach to take place." Among other things, they would hurt military readiness, slash investments in energy and medical research, result in thousands of teacher layoffs, and degrade the ability of emergency responders to respond to disasters, he said, motioning to the people behind him.

Hey dude, let me ask you something.

How did you learn to see into the future? I mean, the cuts have just started. Why can't you just admit you have no fuking idea what will happen as these cuts work there way through the economy?

Or is that just to much truth for you?
We should all be afraid of where this guy is taking this country...

YOU have two guns in your hands and no job. wtf are you so scared of?

Hey maybe if you get a chance you can list all the great ideas that the rethugs have offered to get us out of this mess.

You know, their offers that don't have people like me taking a bath so that the ultra rich can continue with their exceptionally low tax rates and favorable tax treatment.
One of Obama's speeches pushing a dire outcome if he doesn't get his way...

Obama Sequester Speech: Republicans Are Putting Economy At Risk To Help The Wealthy

Obama ticked off how "brutal" the cuts would be if lawmakers allow "this meat cleaver approach to take place." Among other things, they would hurt military readiness, slash investments in energy and medical research, result in thousands of teacher layoffs, and degrade the ability of emergency responders to respond to disasters, he said, motioning to the people behind him.

Hey dude, let me ask you something.

How did you learn to see into the future? I mean, the cuts have just started. Why can't you just admit you have no fuking idea what will happen as these cuts work there way through the economy?

Or is that just to much truth for you?

I'm gonna help you out here....
Obama was predicting the end of the world as we know it.
I am on the side of the cuts wont be that destructive....

Somewhere up thread there was a mention or no links to the president's fear-mongering.

I built up the courage to dive into the cesspool and bring back this link. The Sequester - What is it | The White House

That is fear-mongering?


Of course it is. I am fortunate to live in a Republican enclave. None of this is being predicted to happen here by our local officials. Why? Because if our county does lose money from the Feds, cuts will be made elsewhere.
Somewhere up thread there was a mention or no links to the president's fear-mongering.

I built up the courage to dive into the cesspool and bring back this link. The Sequester - What is it | The White House

That is fear-mongering?


Of course it is. I am fortunate to live in a Republican enclave. None of this is being predicted to happen here by our local officials. Why? Because if our county does lose money from the Feds, cuts will be made elsewhere.

It is not fear-mongering. It is a measured statement about what across the board cuts can do. You are wrong in your assessment.
That is fear-mongering?


Of course it is. I am fortunate to live in a Republican enclave. None of this is being predicted to happen here by our local officials. Why? Because if our county does lose money from the Feds, cuts will be made elsewhere.

It is not fear-mongering. It is a measured statement about what across the board cuts can do. You are wrong in your assessment.[/QUOTE]

Can you imagine what these right wing idiots on here would have been saying about Obama IF he had come out and said; don't worry, be happy, these cuts ain't nothing but a thing.

They would have gone bat shit crazy the other way for Obama NOT saying what he thought the down side of the cuts would be.

Hey at least the rethugs are consistent. They will bitch about Anything Obama.
Somewhere up thread there was a mention or no links to the president's fear-mongering.

I built up the courage to dive into the cesspool and bring back this link. The Sequester - What is it | The White House

That is fear-mongering?


Of course it is. I am fortunate to live in a Republican enclave. None of this is being predicted to happen here by our local officials. Why? Because if our county does lose money from the Feds, cuts will be made elsewhere.

Fortunate to live in a trailer park? Well okay for you dude.

Oh wait, you are a 2 percenter aren't you?
Of course it is. I am fortunate to live in a Republican enclave. None of this is being predicted to happen here by our local officials. Why? Because if our county does lose money from the Feds, cuts will be made elsewhere.

It is not fear-mongering. It is a measured statement about what across the board cuts can do. You are wrong in your assessment.[/QUOTE]

Can you imagine what these right wing idiots on here would have been saying about Obama IF he had come out and said; don't worry, be happy, these cuts ain't nothing but a thing.

They would have gone bat shit crazy the other way for Obama NOT saying what he thought the down side of the cuts would be.

Hey at least the rethugs are consistent. They will bitch about Anything Obama.

They enjoy bitching and blaming. That's what made FAUX News their electronic church.

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