Obama The Great Fear Mongerer of the 21st century

We had eight years under Bush of Republicans telling us the wars were going well, the economy was going well, the tax cuts were creating jobs and so on.

And now, suddenly they're right? Only now? Who could believe that?
Media Matters
Huffington Post
John Stewart
Think Progress
And some random blogs?

Lol seriously?

And just to point out one more thing.......

This thread wasn't sourced by or made because of FOX NEWS so whats your point?

But But But... Faux Newz!!!!

When stupid hyper partisan people attack other people by claiming they are partisan, it just makes me laff...

Sure, Fox news is bad, I don't watch it... But to back it up with a blog is pretty much 10x worse than watching fox news.
Like Bush Obama's second term will be the one that destroys him.

It wasn't the term that has tried to destroy Obama, it was the Republicans. I suspect they will have even less success now that American is on to them. Voter suppression? Redistribution of wealth to the top 1%? Feed the poor and they will breed? Let him die?

Republicans have a lot of 'splainin' to do.
To fuking funny. Here rethugs have all the semi auto weapons, profess hatred of the POTUS and a willingness to go to civil war, and now we find out that in fact, they are scared to death of what the POTUS says. Not what he does. What he says. Who'd a thunk it.

I thought you rethugs were the bad asses of the nation? What happened to frighten you all so bad?

So lying to American citizens is A OK with you? You have to watch what he does?
So you basically just said you better watch him because he's gonna lie. Seems to me you should be able to take your presidents word as the truth. But thats just me.

What a fucken doofus.
To fuking funny. Here rethugs have all the semi auto weapons, profess hatred of the POTUS and a willingness to go to civil war, and now we find out that in fact, they are scared to death of what the POTUS says. Not what he does. What he says. Who'd a thunk it.

I thought you rethugs were the bad asses of the nation? What happened to frighten you all so bad?

So lying to American citizens is A OK with you? You have to watch what he does?
So you basically just said you better watch him because he's gonna lie. Seems to me you should be able to take your presidents word as the truth. But thats just me.

What a fucken doofus.

No sir, I define a pathetic doofus who needs someone to wrap their fears on, a target to make excuses for their own pitiful lives. You people NEED Obama to be all you are told or imagine to be because it fills some sad "need." And I say that about the people who did the same thing with Bush.
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes.
Pass the partiot act and I will keep you safe.
they are gonna take our guns away?
Ohh mommy they are reading my chips!
fiscal cliff!
Obama is the anti christ!
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I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance. I really do hope this pathetic mantra starts to reflect in the polls.

He went from blaming everyone else to scaring everyone else. Both attributes of a person who doesn't care what effects his actions have on others.

That is fucking hilarious.

Why Terrorists Are Coming To Your Backyard | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Analysts talk about what Obama will do next to take your guns

Hank Williams Jr.: Obama Is 'A Muslim President Who Hates Farming, Hates The Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him'


I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance.

I can. YOU!

The one thing missing, none of those in your excuses for Obama hold political office. Fail once again.
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Even his own administration has to correct his lying. And this isn't just a mistake it is either he is a complete and utter idiot or a bald faced liar, your choice. And this didn't come from Fox news as if that ever mattered.

Capitol official: Obama wrong about janitors

Capitol official: Obama wrong about janitors - Kate Nocera - POLITICO.com

In a news conference earlier in the day, Obama warned that starting on Saturday “the folks who are cleaning the floors at the Capitol” and “the janitors, the security guards” would face a pay cut. But in a letter to supervisors and building staff, obtained by POLITICO, superintendent Carlos Elias said “the current sequestration plan does NOT include ‘Reductions in Force’ or Furloughs. The pay and benefits of employees WILL NOT be impacted as per out current plan.”

Read more: Capitol official: Obama wrong about janitors - Kate Nocera - POLITICO.com
Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes.
Pass the partiot act and I will keep you safe.
they are gonna take our guns away?
Ohh mommy they are reading my chips!
fiscal cliff!
Obama is the anti christ!

Bullshit! He's a MUSLIM anti christ! Born in Kenya......in a manger!

Birther!! He wasn't born in Kenya he only lied about it for many years. Ha, he is the first birther.
[ame=http://youtu.be/yietmUdqJos]"Screaming Goat" Version Of Obama's Dire Sequester Warning - YouTube[/ame]
Like Bush Obama's second term will be the one that destroys him.

Do you really think that Republicans will take over both houses and start to ignore Obama? That they will start to destroy the economy, which parts that haven't already been destroyed?
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I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance. I really do hope this pathetic mantra starts to reflect in the polls.

He went from blaming everyone else to scaring everyone else. Both attributes of a person who doesn't care what effects his actions have on others.

The Smoking Gun will be a mushroom cloud

Let's go to war
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The real fear mongers here are the right wingers.

Sure warning about the Muslims bent on killing us is fear mongering, something Clinton should have taken seriously maybe 9/11 wouldn't have happened.

But instead let's worry about more pressing items like Polar Bears, whose numbers are increasing. Or the Arctic ice coverage which is maintaining. Or let's worry about the Earth warming and instead worry that it isn't cold enough and ignore the fact that it hasn't really warmed in 16 years. Or let's worry about some old lady in a Tea Party movement that is pissed about having her tax money wasted, instead let's support the fear mongering of the violent OWS who want more of your money so they can do less. Or let's worry about pollution while China does what it wants and takes American jobs. Or let's worry about a pipeline, like many pipelines that cross the country, instead of creating jobs building the damn thing, yeah let's use that fear mongering for political gain. Instead of worrying about the economy let's worry about if Tom and Tim and get married and spread AIDS. Instead of worrying about Obama killing Americans with his kill list let's worry about a Manger scene on public property that hurts absolutely no one and makes a whole lot of people feel good. Let's worry about if a football team prohibited from prayer before a game and just make sure that women have a right to kill the unborn for no more reason then they woke up with the punishment. Or let's worry about people not getting enough free stuff from the government, legal residents or not, instead of worrying about if there is work for them to do so they can earn their stuff. Or let's worry about the black man who leaves the democrat plantation instead of worrying about the character of that man.

But most of all, let's worry about what Bush did instead of the disaster that Obama and the democrats have created. Unless of course you are happy with what you are seeing everyday. Bought gasoline lately?
We had eight years under Bush of Republicans telling us the wars were going well, the economy was going well, the tax cuts were creating jobs and so on.

And now, suddenly they're right? Only now? Who could believe that?

We did win both wars. Obama's surge did nothing but create more deaths in Afghanistan in 4 years then Bush in 8 at least Obama admits his failure, but of course I doubt you will. Using liberal logic by Obama escalating the war in Afghanistan he recruited more Muslims to the war against us.

The economy had recovered from 9/11, Clinton's recession, the dot.com crash, and the wind down from the Y2K scare and unemployment was hovering around 5 percent. Then disaster struck that even GWB could not recover, the Democrats took over in 2006. Correlate that one event with the demise of the country. Do it with any economic graph 9/10 you will see that disaster struck when the democrats took over and ignored Bush completely.
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We had eight years under Bush of Republicans telling us the wars were going well, the economy was going well, the tax cuts were creating jobs and so on.

And now, suddenly they're right? Only now? Who could believe that?

We did win both wars. Obama's surge did nothing but create more deaths in Afghanistan in 4 years then Bush in 8 at least Obama admits his failure, but of course I doubt you will. Using liberal logic by Obama escalating the war in Afghanistan he recruited more Muslims to the war against us.

The economy had recovered from 9/11, Clinton's recession, the dot.com crash, and the wind down from the Y2K scare and unemployment was hovering around 5 percent. Then disaster struck that even GWB could not recover, the Democrats took over in 2006. Correlate that one event with the demise of the country. Do it with any economic graph 9/10 you will see that disaster struck when the democrats took over and ignored Bush completely.

How's Bush manage to do NOTHING wrong in 8 years? I love that how Bush "inherited" Clinton's mess but Obama can NOT blame anything on Bush. How's that work?

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