Obama The Great Fear Mongerer of the 21st century

Leadership through intimidation and threat is not leadership. What should be alarming is how weak, naive, and foolish the press has become.

He finally realized that blaming Bush no longer works, so he switched from blaming to fear-mongering.

Forget about the press. They are and always have been Obama's water carriers, with the exception of FNC and a few papers who still have an idea what the definition of the word "integrity" is.
I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance. I really do hope this pathetic mantra starts to reflect in the polls.

He went from blaming everyone else to scaring everyone else. Both attributes of a person who doesn't care what effects his actions have on others.

That is fucking hilarious.

Why Terrorists Are Coming To Your Backyard | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Analysts talk about what Obama will do next to take your guns

Hank Williams Jr.: Obama Is 'A Muslim President Who Hates Farming, Hates The Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him'


I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance.

I can. YOU!

Were any of the people in your links and/or Grandpa Murked You ever President?
Media Matters
Huffington Post
John Stewart
Think Progress
And some random blogs?

Lol seriously?

And just to point out one more thing.......

This thread wasn't sourced by or made because of FOX NEWS so whats your point?[/QUOTE

Grandpa Sheep, I feel sorry for you.

If that's the case be a good liberal and send me some money with a new smart phone so that I may be enlightened.
It's not just president Hussein. Democrats thrive on fear mongering. The flawed science of man-made climate change was a god send for liberals. With global warming democrats had enough fear mongering to last out the century. Domestically they have their usual flu scare, obesity scare, smoking scare and fear of the 2nd and 1st Amendment.
So sad, holding the Messiah hostage to his own idea and now he crying the sky is falling.
You can always tell when a liberal is in a tight corner or caught in a lie, they resort to profanity and name calling.
I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance. I really do hope this pathetic mantra starts to reflect in the polls.

He went from blaming everyone else to scaring everyone else. Both attributes of a person who doesn't care what effects his actions have on others.

That is fucking hilarious.

Why Terrorists Are Coming To Your Backyard | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

Analysts talk about what Obama will do next to take your guns

Hank Williams Jr.: Obama Is 'A Muslim President Who Hates Farming, Hates The Military, Hates The U.S. And We Hate Him'


I can't remember any one person that was so full of shit and lacking substance.

I can. YOU!

Were any of the people in your links and/or Grandpa Murked You ever President?

Media Matters
Huffington Post
John Stewart
Think Progress
And some random blogs?

Lol seriously?

And just to point out one more thing.......

This thread wasn't sourced by or made because of FOX NEWS so whats your point?

You do know that John Stewart is a "comic"? Right?
I've been interested in USMB less and less lately because this place is boring once you understand the community here and how little substance there is. This thread is an example of that.

someone got a gun to your head forcing you to stay?
I've been interested in USMB less and less lately because this place is boring once you understand the community here and how little substance there is. This thread is an example of that.

someone got a gun to your head forcing you to stay?

It is fascinating to read so many posts from mentally ill people. I've just given up on getting any relevant or thought-provoking news or opinions.
I've been interested in USMB less and less lately because this place is boring once you understand the community here and how little substance there is. This thread is an example of that.

someone got a gun to your head forcing you to stay?

It is fascinating to read so many posts from mentally ill people. I've just given up on getting any relevant or thought-provoking news or opinions.

awww, tsk tsk
Can someone please post a clip of Obama overstating the effects of the sequester in such a way as to scare people?

Your nutter mouthpieces have done it to you again.

He runs down a list of all the cutbacks,furloughs what have you.
From meat inspectors to air traffic controllers border agents and on and on...

Then when it looks like the sequester was gonna happen he turns on a dime
and says that we wont notice the cuts.

The first week.
The second week.
The third week.
The fourth week......

He went from the shy is falling to the truth that this will not be as bad as he was telling us.
I've been interested in USMB less and less lately because this place is boring once you understand the community here and how little substance there is. This thread is an example of that.

True. But I like to correct the right wingers because it forces them to defend their positions. Also, it forces me to go look things up so I know what is actually going on.

Then there's the endless humor and those names, "PuckeredPete, Chlamydia Swirl and so on.

And then, there are the hilarious "facts" they like to post. Some examples:

The Grand Canyon was made by Noah's Flood.

Science can't prove the earth wasn't made 6,000 years ago.

Tigers can mate with lions because they are the same "kind" (right wing word for any of the following: phylum, class, order, genus, species)

I know it's pitiful, but it can be both pitiful and hilarious.
links and video at site

Video: How to win the Sequestrocalypse
posted at 9:21 am on March 1, 2013 by Ed Morrissey

Check the window. Did the sun rise in the east this morning? The big blue marble still spinning on its axis? Via The Corner, Charles Krauthammer explains how Republicans now have the upper hand in the Nightmare on Sequester Street hysteria, thanks to Barack Obama’s wildly overshoot on doomsaying. That doesn’t mean they can hang onto that edge, however, and Krauthammer advises Republicans to make sure that Obama has to reject the authority to adjust spending to cover priorities to show just what kind of game Obama has played:

In his column today, Krauthammer spells out Obama’s strategy in greater detail:
Hence the president’s message. If the “sequestration” — automatic spending cuts— goes into effect, the skies will fall. Plane travel jeopardized, carrier groups beached, teachers furloughed. And a shortage of junk-touching TSA agents.

The Obama administration has every incentive to make the sky fall, lest we suffer that terrible calamity — cuts the nation survives. Are they threatening to pare back consultants, conferences, travel and other nonessential fluff? Hardly. It shall be air-traffic control. Meat inspection. Weather forecasting.

A 2011 Government Accountability Officereport gave a sampling of the vastness of what could be cut, consolidated and rationalized in Washington: 44 overlapping job training programs, 18 for nutrition assistance, 82 (!) on teacher quality, 56 dealing with financial literacy, more than 20 for homelessness, etc. Total annual cost: $100 billion-$200 billion, about two to five times the entire domestic sequester.

Are these on the chopping block? No sir. It’s firemen first. That’s the phrase coined in 1976 by legendary Washington Monthly editor Charlie Peters to describe the way government functionaries beat back budget cuts. Dare suggest a nick in the city budget, and the mayor immediately shuts down the firehouse. The DMV back office, stacked with nepotistic incompetents, remains intact. Shrink it and no one would notice. Sell the firetruck — the people scream and the city council falls silent about any future cuts.

Krauthammer’s not the only one noticing that the lack of Armageddon has made the hysteria strategy a problem now for Obama. National Journal’s Michael Catalini says Obama’s political gamble on sequestration is backfiring big time:
But even as Obama proclaims dire consequences from the cuts, he is already hedging his bets.

“The impact of this policy won’t be felt overnight, but it will be real,” the president said.

This was a key concession. With further skirmishes over the debt ceiling and government funding not far off, the White House finds itself in choppy political waters for the first time since Obama won reelection. Its best-case political course hinges on the economy screeching to a halt, assumes that Republicans will again cave on revenues, and relies on the public being on his side. It’s a political gamble that could go bust. …

“There’s real risk in saying that the sky is falling … especially if you consider that sequestration is structured to come in slowly,” said William Galston, a former adviser to President Clinton who is now with the Brookings Institution. “If after three weeks people look around and the sky is where it traditionally has been. … he has to be careful he doesn’t get too far out on that limb.”

all of it here
Video: How to win the Sequestrocalypse « Hot Air
Can someone please post a clip of Obama overstating the effects of the sequester in such a way as to scare people?

Your nutter mouthpieces have done it to you again.

He runs down a list of all the cutbacks,furloughs what have you.
From meat inspectors to air traffic controllers border agents and on and on...

Then when it looks like the sequester was gonna happen he turns on a dime
and says that we wont notice the cuts.

The first week.
The second week.
The third week.
The fourth week......

He went from the shy is falling to the truth that this will not be as bad as he was telling us.

Clips of him overstating the effects, please.

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